In this episode Diego and Joshua chat it up about the various family ties that exist within the world of fiction. Get ready to find out about some unexpected family connections.

00:00:06.274 - 00:00:16.294
Diego: So, Sen, in preparing for this episode, I thought to myself, I think that in the story of me and Joshua's life and in our family dynamic, he's had it way too easy.

00:00:16.294 - 00:00:20.434
Diego: I feel like we need to introduce a little bit of friction and danger into your life.

00:00:20.574 - 00:00:21.534
Joshua: Have I now?

00:00:21.534 - 00:00:26.494
Diego: Yes, so that your character has more opportunity to grow, you know, within the story of our lives.

00:00:26.494 - 00:00:32.974
Diego: And so, like, I was thinking maybe I should turn to the dark side, maybe chop a hand off or something, throw Darth Vader on your butt.

00:00:32.974 - 00:00:34.434
Joshua: For my character development?

00:00:34.694 - 00:00:36.354
Diego: Yeah, for your character development.

00:00:36.354 - 00:00:40.574
Diego: Or maybe I become a demon, like, you know, you have to bear my curse for the rest of your life.

00:00:40.574 - 00:00:43.674
Joshua: And put you and the gem in my forehead?

00:00:43.674 - 00:00:46.154
Diego: No, you cannot trap me in your forehead, Gem.

00:00:46.174 - 00:00:46.634
Diego: Raven.

00:00:46.634 - 00:00:47.414
Diego: Raven.

00:00:48.054 - 00:00:48.794
Diego: Raven Jit.

00:00:48.794 - 00:00:49.114
Joshua: Jit.

00:00:49.114 - 00:00:51.634
Joshua: I knew you were gonna say Jit with something.

00:00:51.634 - 00:00:52.394
Diego: It always comes back.

00:00:52.394 - 00:00:53.174
Diego: That's your story arc.
