We dusted off a previously un-aired episode, recorded about two years back, all about father and father figures. Also, Joshua sounds like a little git in this one, so enjoy!

00:00:54.826 --> 00:00:57.706
Joshua: Welcome to Geekology 101, my name is Joshua.

00:00:57.846 --> 00:00:58.906
Diego: And I'm Diego.

00:00:59.066 --> 00:01:03.366
Joshua: And we would like to wish a Happy Father's Day to all of the fathers out there.

00:01:03.406 --> 00:01:10.486
Diego: Yes, sir, we hope that you guys got a chance to celebrate with your loved ones and your offsprings, you know?

00:01:10.806 --> 00:01:11.206
Joshua: Yeah.

00:01:11.206 --> 00:01:18.346
Diego: It's a rainy Father's Day here where we're at, so you might hear the rain in the background, but it's a perfect mood to talk about what we're gonna talk about.
