One of the coolest moments in a story is when a cool hero and a badass villain have to end up teaming up! It’s happened more than you’d imagine and we’re gonna get into that topic in this one.

00:00:38.683 --> 00:00:40.783
Diego: Welcome to Geekology 101.

00:00:40.783 --> 00:00:42.023
Diego: My name is Diego.

00:00:42.163 --> 00:00:43.823
Joshua: And my name is Joshua.

00:00:44.323 --> 00:00:48.183
Diego: And Joshua's cheek is on fire from the smack I gave him a few minutes ago.

00:00:48.203 --> 00:00:48.523
Joshua: It is.

00:00:49.403 --> 00:00:49.843
Diego: It hurts.

00:00:50.603 --> 00:00:55.223
Diego: But it was necessary for the sake of really like embodying this episode.
