Anime has hit the mainstream and we’re itching to discuss the art form in depth and get to the bottom of why it’s been such a hit in the western world.

00:01:00.921 --> 00:01:03.181
Diego: Welcome to Geekology 101.

00:01:03.181 --> 00:01:04.361
Diego: My name is Diego.

00:01:04.381 --> 00:01:05.921
Joshua: And my name is Joshua.

00:01:06.261 --> 00:01:10.841
Diego: And today we're going to be talking about the rise of anime in the West.

00:01:11.701 --> 00:01:19.381
Diego: Anime is something that we both have an appreciation for, I would say depending on the show, a love for.

00:01:20.261 --> 00:01:24.681
Diego: And it's something that you have been watching since we were pretty tiny, a little tiny Jit.

00:01:24.881 --> 00:01:25.741
Joshua: I was a little Jit.

00:01:25.901 --> 00:01:26.221
Diego: Yeah.
