The deepest, most existential themes in human life always make it into the stories we create. In this episode, Joshua and Diego dive into how religion and belief inspire and influence some of the most popular stuff out there. And don’t worry… this is not a religious debate. Just good ol’ geek talk.

00:00:50.082 --> 00:00:52.122
Diego: Welcome to Geekology 101.

00:00:52.122 --> 00:00:53.302
Diego: My name is Diego.

00:00:53.322 --> 00:00:54.802
Joshua: And my name is Joshua.

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Diego: And today, we're going to talk about religion and belief and the role of religion and belief within fiction and pop culture and storytelling across the board.

00:01:05.942 --> 00:01:09.042
Diego: And this is a, this is a, it can be a dicey topic.

00:01:09.062 --> 00:01:11.542
Diego: So we want to just make it real clear right off the bat.

00:01:11.822 --> 00:01:15.742
Diego: We're not trying to attack any particular religions, anybody's belief systems.
