There’s nothing new under the sun! Almost every story told across various genres is a retelling of a story that came before it, with a fresh twist. We’re exploring these parallels and you’ll be surprised by many of them.

00:00:45.382 --> 00:00:47.142
Joshua: Welcome to Geekology 101.

00:00:47.162 --> 00:00:48.122
Joshua: My name is Joshua.

00:00:48.182 --> 00:00:49.102
Diego: And I'm Diego.

00:00:49.482 --> 00:01:00.262
Joshua: And as you heard from our cold open, we are going to be talking about stories that are basically completely different, but pretty much have the exact same plot.

00:01:00.442 --> 00:01:00.782
Diego: Yeah.

00:01:01.602 --> 00:01:05.202
Diego: And before we get into it, son, what mug are you drinking out of today?

00:01:05.642 --> 00:01:11.762
Joshua: I am drinking out of the Bucky's mug that we got on our way back from Atlanta.
