wind vortex

Episode 182: Wind (Four Elements Series)

The Four Elements series continues with the element of Wind! In this episode, we're taking flight! The winds of content creation have guided us to... anyway... we’re diving into the topic of Wind. While it might be the lightest of…
image of cracked earth, with lava in the cracks

Episode 181: Earth (Four Elements Series)

The Four Elements series continues with the element of Earth! This episode we're going to dive into the element that's always around us and let's us feel grounded (pun intended). Earth and earth-adjacent characters and abilities are everywhere in the…
the element of water splashing

Episode 180: Water (Four Elements Series)

The four elements of nature are woven into all sorts of storytelling. Welcome to our 4-part series: Four Elements! This episode we're going to dive into the element of Water (get it… dive into… #dadjoke). From heroes, to villains, to…
thanos infinity gauntlet

Episode 179: Villains Who Had a Point

Ok, hear us out… we know they're villains, but some of them kinda had a point to their villany. We're gonna make our case for villains who had a point in doing what they did. Let's see if you agree…
superhero father holding his son

Episode 178: Fathers & Father Figures

We dusted off a previously un-aired episode, recorded about two years back, all about father and father figures. Also, Joshua sounds like a little git in this one, so enjoy! 00:00:54.826 --> 00:00:57.706Joshua: Welcome to Geekology 101, my name is…
two rival warriors facing off against each other

Episode 177: Rivals to Allies

One of the coolest moments in a story is when a cool hero and a badass villain have to end up teaming up! It's happened more than you'd imagine and we're gonna get into that topic in this one. 00:00:38.683…
powerful anime character in front of american flag

Episode 176: The Rise of Anime in the West

Anime has hit the mainstream and we're itching to discuss the art form in depth and get to the bottom of why it's been such a hit in the western world. 00:01:00.921 --> 00:01:03.181Diego: Welcome to Geekology 101.00:01:03.181 --> 00:01:04.361Diego:…
boom box playing geeky music

Episode 175: Music & Geekdom

Music and geekdom go together like a sick verse over a tight beat. Like a stunning vocal over a moving melody. Like a… you get the point! We're talking about the crossover of music and everything from comics, to movies,…
warrior monk meditating

Episode 174: Religion & Belief In Fiction

The deepest, most existential themes in human life always make it into the stories we create. In this episode, Joshua and Diego dive into how religion and belief inspire and influence some of the most popular stuff out there. And…
two warriors from parallel realities

Episode 173: Unexpected Story Parallels

There's nothing new under the sun! Almost every story told across various genres is a retelling of a story that came before it, with a fresh twist. We're exploring these parallels and you'll be surprised by many of them. 00:00:45.382…