In this episode Diego and Joshua chat it up about the various family ties that exist within the world of fiction. Get ready to find out about some unexpected family connections.
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Diego: So, Sen, in preparing for this episode, I thought to myself, I think that in the story of me and Joshua's life and in our family dynamic, he's had it way too easy.
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Diego: I feel like we need to introduce a little bit of friction and danger into your life.
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Joshua: Have I now?
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Diego: Yes, so that your character has more opportunity to grow, you know, within the story of our lives.
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Diego: And so, like, I was thinking maybe I should turn to the dark side, maybe chop a hand off or something, throw Darth Vader on your butt.
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Joshua: For my character development?
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Diego: Yeah, for your character development.
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Diego: Or maybe I become a demon, like, you know, you have to bear my curse for the rest of your life.
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Joshua: And put you and the gem in my forehead?
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Diego: No, you cannot trap me in your forehead, Gem.
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Diego: Raven.
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Diego: Raven.
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Diego: Raven Jit.
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Joshua: Jit.
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Joshua: I knew you were gonna say Jit with something.
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Diego: It always comes back.
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Diego: That's your story arc.
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Diego: Welcome to Geekology 101, my name is Diego.
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Joshua: And my name is Joshua.
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Diego: And today, we are going to be talking about family ties.
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Diego: So like relationships of different family types throughout any fiction, it could be comics, movies, shows, anime, whatever.
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Diego: And this is, of course, a topic that is kind of interesting for us because we have family ties as well.
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Joshua: I mean, just like a little bit.
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Diego: A little bit, yeah.
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Diego: I found Joshua in the trash dumpster one time when the bat was back in my early 30s.
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Diego: And I decided to keep him.
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Diego: I was like, you know what?
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Diego: Let me keep the kid.
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Diego: He had a tail back then.
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Diego: I cut it off and I shaved off all his hair so he could look more human.
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Diego: And I've raised him as a human ever since.
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Diego: So family ties matter quite a bit to us is what I'm trying to say.
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Joshua: Okay.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: You have nothing else to say to that.
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Diego: You're just going to go ahead and take that laying down.
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Joshua: That's okay.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: Okay.
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Diego: That's your official origin story now.
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Diego: That's you right now.
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Diego: All right.
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Diego: So I actually I want to first put out a point here that I, as I started kind of researching for this episode, I started seeing some common denominator types of family connections in a lot of these stories.
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Diego: And like some categories that stood out to me were like family.
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Diego: The most obvious, of course, is family by blood ties.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: So like people who are, you know, parent, child, siblings, you know, by actual blood, right?
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Diego: Then there's others who are like adoptive families.
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Diego: So families were not necessarily born to the same parents or anything like that, but they actually just kind of like adopted themselves.
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Joshua: There's definitely one family that fits that description very well.
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Diego: Is there?
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Joshua: Yes.
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Diego: Then there's family by things like curse.
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Diego: It's the best way that I could put it.
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Diego: It's like something really bad that bonds them together, and they have no other choice but to like exist with each other in a family type of way.
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Joshua: What?
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: I'll give it.
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Diego: I have examples of that.
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Diego: Then I found others that are like family by duty, where it's like there's a bigger purpose or a bigger higher calling that kind of unites them.
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Diego: Like a soldier, like soldiers would, right?
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Diego: Where you develop kind of like a brotherhood, a bond with these people who you're going to war with or whatever.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: Something like that.
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Diego: Like the duty is the thing that kind of unites you.
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Diego: Then I found another one where it's family by journey, which is by that, I mean, like you don't start off particularly like feeling very bonded with people.
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Diego: Maybe you even don't like people.
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Joshua: Oh, I have an example of that.
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Diego: Do you?
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: And then the journey is the thing that kind of like makes you come together, right?
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Diego: Kind of similar to duty, but not necessarily, because sometimes the journey, it could be like two people who had no intention of like crossing paths with each other, but they ended up doing it.
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Diego: They go on a journey, and the journey unites them, and they become bonded through that.
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Diego: And then I had another category.
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Diego: It's probably the darkest one, and it's family by force, which is like when somebody is forced to act like they are part of a family.
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Diego: What?
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Diego: There's examples.
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Diego: There's examples.
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Diego: All right.
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Diego: So with that in mind, I wanted to kind of like see if maybe as we're talking through things, we could kind of like classify whatever examples we come across into one of those, because I really feel like those are pretty overarching categories.
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Diego: And I'm curious to see if there's more categories that I haven't considered.
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Joshua: Yeah, I think one family that really stood out to me is the Bat family.
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Joshua: Did you have that?
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Diego: Like, I didn't have the Bat family, but I had the the blood family within the Bat family.
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Joshua: So like in the Bat family, obviously you have like almost all of the kids are adopted except for Damian basically.
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Joshua: And that's obviously very well fits into the adopted family, like you were talking about.
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Joshua: And even just like the Bat family dynamic, it's like literally everybody in that family, besides like Alfred or whatever, literally everybody in that family is in the same line of work, same line of duty.
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Diego: Well, there you go.
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Diego: Isn't that also like a bond by duty?
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: I think the Bat family is a really good example of a family bonded by duty, because I feel like the more like adoptive family, like Bruce didn't start calling Nightwing's son until like kind of fairly recently.
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Diego: The first time that I can think of, he refers to him as son in a recent issue of Nightwing.
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Diego: I think it was like Nightwing number 100 or something, where he's kind of giving him the lead, the leadership of the new Justice League, but it's really not the Justice League as the Teen Titans.
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Diego: Like he's making the Titans into the Justice League.
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Diego: And he tells them how proud of him he is, and he tells you like, you know, I'm very proud of you son.
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Diego: So like I feel like with time, even though he was like technically his ward, ward isn't the same as adoptive son.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: But with time, it became that for like certain individuals.
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Diego: But like for Jason, for example, it never became a son thing.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: Jason Todd never really got to that point.
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Joshua: I think that's because maybe it was like the bond was ended too short, and maybe he was just like, maybe he was just not who Bruce thought he was.
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Diego: Yeah, maybe.
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Joshua: At some degree.
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Diego: But then duty still binds him, because even though when he became Red Hood, he wanted to do things very differently, and he was like resented against Batman and stuff like that.
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Diego: Even then, he still comes back around in teams with the Bat family.
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Joshua: What do you think of the Bat family now?
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Joshua: You think of Red Hood in that.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: Red Hood is part of it.
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Diego: Batwoman is part of it.
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Diego: Bluebird is part of it.
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Diego: The two Batgirls are part of it, the new ones.
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Diego: Lucius Fox's son, Batwing, he's part of it.
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Diego: And then, there's a whole other thing with Batman Incorporated where Ghostmaker ended up becoming the leader of that and Clownhunter is there, and there's a whole bunch of other people there.
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Joshua: Really?
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Diego: Knight and Squire from England.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Joshua: Knight and Squire?
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: It's a whole other division.
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Diego: Batman Incorporated has been a thing before in the comics, but recently it became like, after Joker War, it came under the leadership of Ghostmaker.
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Joshua: That's definitely, definitely family by duty.
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Diego: Yeah, yeah, definitely by duty.
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Diego: Yeah, those people do not like each other.
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Diego: But anyway, yeah, so that's, it's kind of like Suicide Squad 2, right?
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Diego: Where like, they're kind of like family by force, when you really think about it, isn't it?
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: Because like, it's literally like, I put a bomb in your head, and now you have to collaborate with these people.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: Exactly.
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Diego: So I think like, those are a good example of family by force, not necessarily by duty, because it's not like they volunteered for this, they didn't list.
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Joshua: And they don't all like doing what they're being forced to.
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Diego: Definitely family by force.
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Diego: But they do become family, and like, I think most of the iterations, they create a bond, right?
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Diego: So yeah, that's a really good example.
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Diego: What I had for Batman's side of things was the actual blood ties of the Bat family, which is of course, like Batman and Talia Al Ghul gave birth to Damien.
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Diego: Damien is raised by Talia Al Ghul and Ra's Al Ghul over in the League of Shadows or Assassins, and he's being trained up to take the mantle after his grandfather, after Ra's Al Ghul, and then that's when he ends up getting sent back to Batman.
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Diego: And now they're like, I'm following right now the Batman and Robin comics.
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Diego: And it's like, literally, Bruce Wayne is in single dad mode, and he's living in an apartment in Gotham with Damien, because the Joker took all his riches during the Joker War.
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Diego: So now he has significantly less resources, and now Damien and Bruce are doing the single dad son thing, and he's trying to convince him to go to high school, and Damien's like, I already know university level knowledge from League of Shadows, I don't need high school, whatever.
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Diego: And like they do play off a lot on the family dynamic.
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Diego: So I find that really, really cool.
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Diego: Like, I like the relationship aspects of like Batman with Dick Grayson and Tim and Jason, but nothing like with Damien.
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Diego: I love Damien, man.
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Diego: I love their whole back and forth.
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Diego: It's so cool.
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Diego: So yeah, there's definitely like actual blood ties there, and then there's ties by duty, you know?
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Joshua: A family I wanted to mention.
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Joshua: This kind of goes into anime.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Joshua: Well, there's two anime families I wanted to mention, but I'll start off with this one.
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Joshua: It's the main characters in Dragon Ball.
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Joshua: Well, there's multiple families in Dragon Ball, but like there's the androids.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Joshua: Android 18.
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Diego: Oh, yeah.
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Joshua: And 17.
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Diego: Yeah, who are like basically, I guess are programmed to act like siblings.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Joshua: And then obviously, you have Goku and Gohan and Goten and Pan.
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Joshua: Yeah, Pan.
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Diego: The granddaughter.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: And don't forget about Bardock, Goku's dad.
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Joshua: Oh, yeah.
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Joshua: Bardock and what's his name?
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Diego: Oh, yeah.
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Diego: And Raditz.
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Joshua: Yeah, Raditz.
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Diego: That's right.
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Diego: I forgot to list them too.
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Diego: Yeah, I had the Goku fam definitely listed, and I had Bardock, Gohan, Goten, and Pan, but I forgot about Raditz.
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Joshua: And then you have Vegeta, Bulma, and Trunks.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Joshua: I feel like...
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Diego: And King Vegeta.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Joshua: I feel like most of the characters, there's not really like a lot of characters in Dragon Ball who is just like on their own.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Joshua: I feel like most characters in Dragon Ball are part of some bigger family.
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Diego: Yeah, for sure.
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Diego: Even the ones that weren't become, right, the family.
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Diego: Like the Z warriors are all bound by duty.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: And then they become friends.
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Diego: You know, they become like legitimately like family.
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Diego: And then there's some connections that end up happening, right?
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Diego: Like freaking Krillin ends up marrying Android 18.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: I don't know how that works, but they ended up having a baby.
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Joshua: I guess.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: So like, yeah, there is a lot of family ties in Dragon Ball.
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Diego: Quite a bit, actually, for sure.
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Diego: And sticking to like the anime side of things, since you brought that up, in other anime, Super My Hero Academia, of course, you got, if anybody's like mostly caught up with the latest seasons, like you'll see how big of a role the Todoroki family has played.
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Diego: That's been an awesome thing.
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Diego: Like not just because of the obvious endeavor and...
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Joshua: Shoto?
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Diego: And Shoto, but because of...
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Joshua: The thing that we can't mention, yeah.
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Joshua: Well, it is fine.
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Joshua: Everybody knows.
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Diego: Sorry.
00:12:09.596 - 00:12:14.936
Joshua: But yeah, that plays a big role in the newest season.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: And there's so much complexity also to that family dynamic, right?
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Diego: Because it's like a lot of it has come out of abuse and control on behalf of Endeavor, you know?
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: And I guess if you're not caught up with My Hero Academia and you intend on catching up, maybe skip forward like two minutes or so.
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Diego: But yeah, it's revealed that Endeavor really has used his family almost like a laboratory, you know?
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Joshua: He's just trying to create the perfect child.
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Diego: Who can surpass All Might.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Joshua: And he purposefully got a woman with ice powers so that the child could have perfect fire and ice powers to like combat with whatever.
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Diego: Yeah, that part is really interesting.
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Diego: Like the way that he wanted to create the perfect combination of fire and ice, but it wouldn't come out that way.
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Diego: Either like they came out with just ice powers.
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Joshua: Or just fire.
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Diego: Sort of just fire.
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Diego: But like, then comes, you know, Toya.
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Joshua: And he has better fire power than Endeavor.
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Joshua: But he has the resistance to fire of his mom, whose power is ice.
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Diego: Which is not no resistance at all to fire.
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Joshua: So he can't use his power.
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Diego: Right.
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Diego: He gets burned.
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Diego: It's really crazy.
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Diego: And then the way that he, like, he finally, when he gets Shoto, and he sees the potential to have both, like, like he has both things and the proper resistance to both.
00:13:47.376 - 00:13:48.076
Joshua: Yeah.
00:13:48.076 - 00:13:51.956
Diego: But then he, like, isolates them from the rest of his brothers completely.
00:13:51.956 - 00:13:55.416
Diego: Like, he doesn't let them play with him as a little kid.
00:13:55.416 - 00:14:00.196
Diego: He's basically, like, raising him almost in a silo.
00:14:00.796 - 00:14:01.156
Joshua: Yeah.
00:14:01.156 - 00:14:02.616
Diego: You know, and that never turns out good.
00:14:02.616 - 00:14:09.336
Diego: And it explains a lot about Shoto, like, why he is the way he is so antisocial and so quiet and stuff to himself.
00:14:09.336 - 00:14:12.716
Diego: But yeah, that whole dynamic is really interesting, for sure.
00:14:12.716 - 00:14:22.216
Diego: And then also on the anime side, I put down Ikki and Sean from Knights of the Zodiac.
00:14:22.376 - 00:14:28.036
Diego: These are the Knights of Phoenix and the Knight of Andromeda, and they are brother and, well, brothers.
00:14:29.156 - 00:14:35.136
Diego: And Ikki is the older brother, and that plays a lot into stories throughout that anime.
00:14:35.876 - 00:14:37.316
Diego: They constantly come back to that.
00:14:37.316 - 00:14:40.816
Diego: Ikki is like, at first, he's bothered by Sean.
00:14:40.816 - 00:14:44.156
Diego: He tries to act like he doesn't care, but eventually he reveals that he does.
00:14:44.156 - 00:14:50.216
Diego: And when he turns fully good, he's always protective of his brother, to a fault.
00:14:50.216 - 00:14:55.856
Diego: It's like Sean is pretty defenseless for some reason, so many times in that series.
00:14:56.136 - 00:14:59.316
Diego: And Ikki just constantly has to come to the rescue.
00:14:59.316 - 00:15:03.636
Diego: But yeah, that's another blood tie there from Night of the Zodiac.
00:15:03.636 - 00:15:06.036
Diego: Do you have anything else in the realm of anime?
00:15:06.036 - 00:15:06.896
Joshua: I do.
00:15:06.896 - 00:15:10.196
Joshua: This is honestly one that I'm really interested in.
00:15:10.196 - 00:15:11.436
Joshua: It's in Naruto.
00:15:11.436 - 00:15:13.516
Joshua: There's two families I want to talk about.
00:15:13.516 - 00:15:16.916
Joshua: There's two main ones, at least.
00:15:17.976 - 00:15:19.636
Joshua: The Uzumaki family, which is...
00:15:20.016 - 00:15:21.136
Joshua: Well, three, actually.
00:15:21.276 - 00:15:27.456
Joshua: The Uzumaki family, which is Naruto's family, which has him, his dad, who...
00:15:27.456 - 00:15:32.936
Joshua: He didn't know was his dad until like mid-Naruto Shippuden.
00:15:32.936 - 00:15:35.036
Joshua: Okay.
00:15:35.036 - 00:15:36.316
Diego: Is he a warrior, also?
00:15:36.316 - 00:15:37.316
Joshua: His dad.
00:15:37.316 - 00:15:42.456
Joshua: Yeah, his dad was the fourth Hokage, and he didn't know that.
00:15:42.456 - 00:15:48.596
Joshua: And he was like, my dad was a Hokage because he never met his parents at all or anything.
00:15:49.676 - 00:16:01.396
Joshua: And then there's the Uchiha's, which has Sasuke, his brother Itachi, Madara, who was like a big villain in Shippuden.
00:16:01.396 - 00:16:05.016
Joshua: Madara took on like just him by himself.
00:16:05.016 - 00:16:08.956
Joshua: He took on like an entire army of people.
00:16:09.296 - 00:16:17.176
Joshua: They had to like have literally everybody in all the like villages, everybody to fight just him.
00:16:17.176 - 00:16:19.376
Joshua: He was like one of the most powerful people.
00:16:19.376 - 00:16:32.516
Joshua: And the Uchiha family has the Sharingan, which is like the eye power, which you can like predict slash copy your enemy's moves basically.
00:16:32.516 - 00:16:38.956
Joshua: And the third family is the Utsutsuki, I think.
00:16:40.496 - 00:16:42.716
Joshua: I think that's what I think I'm pronouncing it right.
00:16:42.716 - 00:16:45.456
Joshua: And they're basically like gods.
00:16:45.456 - 00:16:50.296
Joshua: They're the gods of the Naruto universe.
00:16:50.296 - 00:16:54.616
Joshua: They're basically the most powerful beings in that universe.
00:16:56.816 - 00:17:06.956
Joshua: And they're basically the, they're the only villains basically in Boruto, the newest show in the whole like last half of Naruto Shippuden.
00:17:07.336 - 00:17:15.076
Joshua: But the thing is like the whole like the factions in Naruto is all family based.
00:17:15.076 - 00:17:15.856
Diego: Okay.
00:17:15.856 - 00:17:18.476
Joshua: So, yeah, I think it's pretty.
00:17:18.476 - 00:17:21.496
Diego: So, but what's the what's the dynamic like between like Naruto?
00:17:21.496 - 00:17:23.576
Diego: Well, you said that Naruto didn't know who his dad was.
00:17:24.316 - 00:17:30.456
Joshua: But there's like also a sense of family by journey.
00:17:32.316 - 00:17:43.216
Joshua: Because there's this group called the Konaha 12, which is like the 12 students that kind of like saved the village.
00:17:43.536 - 00:17:44.116
Diego: Okay.
00:17:44.116 - 00:17:53.076
Joshua: And they, after doing like all this stuff together, since the original first show, Just Naruto, all the way up until Boruto.
00:17:53.076 - 00:17:53.696
Diego: Yeah.
00:17:53.696 - 00:17:59.616
Joshua: They're like bonded completely by all the things that they went through together, all the fights, all the battles, and everything.
00:18:01.116 - 00:18:04.176
Diego: Uh, how does, um, how does Boruto feel about Naruto?
00:18:04.536 - 00:18:10.256
Diego: Like, like, are they, like, do they have a good relationship?
00:18:10.256 - 00:18:20.896
Joshua: I mean, I mean, they kind of, at least in the anime so far, they've pretty, they've had a pretty standard father son relationship.
00:18:20.896 - 00:18:21.336
Diego: Okay.
00:18:21.336 - 00:18:23.776
Diego: But, um, because that's another thing, right?
00:18:23.776 - 00:18:29.476
Diego: Like, even though there, there might be a blood tie, the question becomes like, what, what's that relationship like?
00:18:29.476 - 00:18:31.656
Diego: Because that determines a lot of the dynamic of the story.
00:18:32.576 - 00:18:41.436
Diego: Like, you know, again, Todoroki and Endeavor, they are, like Todoroki hates them, basically.
00:18:41.436 - 00:18:42.836
Diego: He's resented against them.
00:18:42.836 - 00:18:49.316
Diego: And as the anime progresses, like, you know, that slowly starts changing a little bit, but still, like, that is the core of that.
00:18:49.316 - 00:18:55.176
Diego: And that dictates a lot of the drama for Todoroki, and a lot of the drama also that we've seen for, for Endeavor.
00:18:55.176 - 00:19:20.536
Joshua: And I think, Honde, I think there is a little bit of maybe resentment, because in Boruto, when all the main characters from the original shows are, like, already adults, Boruto, while he's possessed by one of the Otsutsukis, he stabs Sasuke in the eye, and he takes out one of his, like, eye powers.
00:19:20.536 - 00:19:22.356
Joshua: He takes out his renegade.
00:19:22.356 - 00:19:34.436
Joshua: And, like, I'm pretty sure that's, like, some resentment from the adults onto Boruto, because, yeah, he took out a pretty powerful thing that Sasuke had.
00:19:34.436 - 00:19:41.596
Joshua: But I feel like, yeah, all the factions and all the power is all based in, like, one family.
00:19:41.596 - 00:19:47.556
Joshua: Like, the Uchiha are the only families that have the Sharingan, basically.
00:19:47.556 - 00:19:51.036
Joshua: So that's one powerful thing that they have in that world.
00:19:51.576 - 00:20:02.376
Joshua: And then the Uzumakis have the power of the Ninetales, which is basically, like, the main thing in Naruto.
00:20:02.376 - 00:20:03.016
Diego: Yeah.
00:20:03.016 - 00:20:07.876
Joshua: And, yeah, like, all the power is based in factions of family.
00:20:07.876 - 00:20:09.316
Diego: Yeah, that's also an interesting thing.
00:20:09.316 - 00:20:30.996
Diego: Like, when the family itself possesses a sort of common power that is really important within the whole story that's being told, because that, I feel like that's a little bit dangerous, too, for, like, other characters to be able to shine when there's, like, one family that's, like, the main family.
00:20:30.996 - 00:20:31.696
Joshua: Yeah.
00:20:31.696 - 00:20:46.136
Diego: It's, like, difficult for other characters to break through, because so much of the story is being driven by, like, that makes me think of Star Wars, right, with those skywalkers, and how difficult it's been to let go of the skywalkers when it comes to storytelling.
00:20:46.136 - 00:20:46.416
Joshua: Yeah.
00:20:47.916 - 00:20:52.516
Diego: Like, I think that's part of the success of the Mandalorian, for example.
00:20:52.516 - 00:20:57.136
Diego: We would eventually involve Luke Skywalker, but he isn't a core part of that story.
00:20:57.136 - 00:20:57.416
Joshua: Yeah.
00:20:57.416 - 00:21:04.996
Diego: It's another force-sensitive person, and it's another character within the Star Wars lore, and they're the ones carrying the story.
00:21:04.996 - 00:21:10.336
Diego: It's more about Mandalore, if anything, than it is about anything related to the skywalkers.
00:21:10.336 - 00:21:14.576
Diego: Like, that is, like, something else that happened in that world, and it's...
00:21:14.576 - 00:21:18.396
Diego: the storylines cross paths, but not in any huge way.
00:21:18.396 - 00:21:18.616
Joshua: Yeah.
00:21:18.616 - 00:21:23.236
Joshua: Like, the skywalkers are not at all any...
00:21:23.236 - 00:21:29.496
Joshua: The skywalkers don't really have anything to do with the main characters in that story.
00:21:30.356 - 00:21:33.176
Diego: And that's another success point of...
00:21:35.376 - 00:21:37.776
Diego: What is the other Star Wars show that I really liked recently?
00:21:39.216 - 00:21:45.756
Diego: Um, with Diego Luna, the spinoff from...
00:21:47.076 - 00:21:48.076
Diego: Andor.
00:21:48.076 - 00:21:48.676
Diego: Yeah.
00:21:48.676 - 00:21:51.336
Diego: So Andor, that's another one that was very successful.
00:21:51.336 - 00:22:03.536
Diego: I really like the concept of Andor, because it breaks away from the Skywalker story, and it makes a story more about a large scale rebellion.
00:22:03.536 - 00:22:14.656
Diego: Because, like, at the core of all the Star Wars stories, there's been a bigger picture, but we always get lost in the Skywalker of it all, right?
00:22:14.656 - 00:22:16.236
Diego: In Anakin and then Luke and Leia.
00:22:16.236 - 00:22:16.856
Joshua: Yeah.
00:22:16.856 - 00:22:24.836
Diego: It always comes back to that, but in reality, there's, like, a huge, massive, galactic-scale shift of power happening, you know?
00:22:24.836 - 00:22:30.516
Diego: And there's rebels and an established empire, and, like, that entire story to me is really, really interesting.
00:22:30.516 - 00:22:39.076
Diego: And that's why, in the sequel trilogy, I was so sad when, in the third movie, they just made it all about the Skywalker.
00:22:39.076 - 00:22:41.556
Diego: Yeah, and where Rey is like, you know, I'm Rey Skywalker.
00:22:41.556 - 00:22:48.976
Diego: Like, I don't know who needed to hear that moment, and for her to call herself a Skywalker when she really even wasn't...
00:22:48.976 - 00:22:50.576
Joshua: That movie was just a whole.
00:22:50.876 - 00:22:52.616
Joshua: It's like bringing...
00:22:52.616 - 00:22:54.516
Joshua: There was this one line in that movie.
00:22:54.516 - 00:22:55.916
Diego: Which is another family tie, by the way.
00:22:55.916 - 00:23:01.056
Diego: Whether we like it or not, officially, Rey is the granddaughter of freaking Palpatine.
00:23:03.056 - 00:23:04.496
Joshua: Good Lord.
00:23:04.496 - 00:23:12.636
Joshua: There's this line in that movie that I'm pretty sure Oscar Isaac tried his very best to make sound like...
00:23:12.636 - 00:23:17.636
Joshua: To make it sound like it's a line that should ever be said.
00:23:17.636 - 00:23:22.016
Joshua: Somehow, Palpatine is back.
00:23:22.016 - 00:23:23.096
Diego: Wow.
00:23:23.096 - 00:23:26.076
Diego: That's brilliant writing right there, man.
00:23:26.196 - 00:23:27.236
Joshua: Yeah.
00:23:27.236 - 00:23:27.596
Diego: Yeah.
00:23:27.596 - 00:23:29.736
Diego: That writer probably broke his pencil after that one.
00:23:29.736 - 00:23:32.656
Diego: He's like, I would write nothing more than Palpatine.
00:23:32.656 - 00:23:34.056
Diego: This is my grand.
00:23:34.056 - 00:23:34.896
Joshua: Yeah.
00:23:34.896 - 00:23:36.836
Diego: Yeah, man.
00:23:36.836 - 00:23:39.976
Diego: Yeah, that's a really unfortunate way that they decided to go with that.
00:23:39.976 - 00:23:44.736
Diego: Like, instead, like, I don't need to hear the Skywalker name anymore, man.
00:23:44.836 - 00:23:56.516
Diego: The Skywalker name, to me, the Saga is complete with Darth Vader's redemption at the end of Return of the Jedi, and it is fully complete with the death of Luke and the death of Leia.
00:23:56.516 - 00:23:57.536
Diego: Like, that is it.
00:23:57.536 - 00:23:58.416
Diego: Like, what?
00:23:58.416 - 00:24:00.916
Joshua: There's nothing else to know.
00:24:00.916 - 00:24:02.296
Diego: Yeah, move forward.
00:24:02.296 - 00:24:04.736
Diego: There's a whole other galaxy to explore.
00:24:04.736 - 00:24:09.816
Diego: Like, I appreciate all the stories that that revolved around the Skywalker's, but we don't need that anymore.
00:24:09.816 - 00:24:20.556
Diego: It's time well past time to just tell more stories and never again mention the Skywalker name, except in the form of legend or, you know, like history within that world.
00:24:20.556 - 00:24:21.716
Diego: That's okay.
00:24:21.716 - 00:24:23.916
Diego: But I don't need more of that.
00:24:23.916 - 00:24:25.276
Diego: I really don't.
00:24:26.636 - 00:24:30.196
Diego: Anyway, yeah, so that's an interesting one in Star Wars.
00:24:30.196 - 00:24:43.916
Diego: In Star Wars, also, you've got the Django, the Fets, which is, when you really think about it biologically, that's probably the largest family in Star Wars.
00:24:44.016 - 00:24:44.516
Joshua: Yeah.
00:24:44.516 - 00:24:50.476
Diego: Considering that the man is the original for all the clones.
00:24:52.736 - 00:24:56.816
Joshua: Biologically, it's the same people.
00:24:56.816 - 00:24:57.376
Diego: Yeah.
00:24:57.376 - 00:24:59.176
Diego: But it is the same dude.
00:24:59.176 - 00:25:07.076
Joshua: But there's like, biologically, Boba Fett is his dad.
00:25:08.136 - 00:25:08.816
Diego: Not really.
00:25:08.816 - 00:25:10.596
Diego: Boba Fett is him.
00:25:11.756 - 00:25:12.116
Joshua: Yeah.
00:25:12.576 - 00:25:13.336
Joshua: That's what I mean.
00:25:13.796 - 00:25:14.456
Diego: Yeah.
00:25:14.456 - 00:25:15.296
Diego: Oh, I get what you're saying.
00:25:15.296 - 00:25:15.556
Diego: Yeah.
00:25:15.556 - 00:25:16.596
Diego: He is his father.
00:25:16.596 - 00:25:21.036
Joshua: Like biologically, he's literally the exact same person as his father.
00:25:21.036 - 00:25:21.696
Diego: Quite literally.
00:25:21.696 - 00:25:22.696
Diego: Yeah.
00:25:22.696 - 00:25:24.036
Joshua: But yeah, it's crazy.
00:25:24.036 - 00:25:25.156
Diego: It's pretty crazy.
00:25:25.156 - 00:25:32.116
Diego: You could say that Django Fett is by far the closest to immortality that the Star Wars has ever seen.
00:25:32.116 - 00:25:32.676
Joshua: Yeah.
00:25:32.676 - 00:25:35.816
Diego: The man has literally span generations, man.
00:25:35.836 - 00:25:41.756
Diego: And yeah, so that's a really interesting type of family.
00:25:41.876 - 00:25:43.176
Diego: Like how do you even classify that?
00:25:43.176 - 00:25:46.216
Diego: Is that family by genetics?
00:25:46.216 - 00:25:46.916
Joshua: I don't know.
00:25:46.916 - 00:25:48.416
Diego: You know, it's a weird one.
00:25:48.416 - 00:25:50.096
Diego: Well, how do you classify clones?
00:25:50.096 - 00:25:52.176
Joshua: Is that even family by genetics?
00:25:52.176 - 00:25:59.156
Joshua: Because if somebody has the literal same exact genetics as you, are they really your family?
00:25:59.156 - 00:25:59.396
Diego: Right.
00:25:59.396 - 00:25:59.576
Diego: Right.
00:25:59.576 - 00:26:00.836
Joshua: Or are they just you?
00:26:00.836 - 00:26:15.316
Diego: Well, but the interesting thing about the whole clone side of Star Wars, or at least the clone army, was that they did tweak somehow, because each of the clones did end up having their own personality.
00:26:15.316 - 00:26:20.256
Diego: The ones that we got to close in on, they had their personality traits.
00:26:20.256 - 00:26:21.596
Diego: Like Rex and all those dudes.
00:26:21.596 - 00:26:29.596
Diego: And Cody and all the guys that we got to spend some episodes on during the Clone Wars cartoon series, you saw the differences in personality.
00:26:29.596 - 00:26:32.116
Joshua: And with the bad batch?
00:26:32.116 - 00:26:32.316
Diego: Yeah.
00:26:32.316 - 00:26:34.336
Diego: And then the bad batch, you saw that they called...
00:26:34.336 - 00:26:35.976
Diego: What is it that they called them?
00:26:35.976 - 00:26:38.596
Diego: The undesirable genetic traits or something like that?
00:26:38.696 - 00:26:39.796
Joshua: I think, yeah.
00:26:39.796 - 00:26:48.036
Diego: It was something along those lines, which means that they did mess around with the clones genetically to alter them slightly, I think.
00:26:48.036 - 00:26:57.376
Diego: And so I wonder how much of it has to do with the tweaking that they did genetically or how much of it has to do with the upbringing, but the upbringing, they all were raised literally the same.
00:26:57.376 - 00:26:58.116
Joshua: Yeah.
00:26:58.116 - 00:27:06.456
Diego: Like you saw in the scenes in the movies how they were being raised and where they ate and where they were messing around in the computers or whatever it was, all of it was uniform, you know?
00:27:06.896 - 00:27:08.376
Diego: Because they're being raised as an army.
00:27:08.376 - 00:27:09.136
Joshua: Yeah.
00:27:09.136 - 00:27:10.976
Diego: But somehow they got personality traits.
00:27:10.976 - 00:27:17.596
Diego: So that makes me believe that they did tweak them genetically, individually at some point in the gestation process or whatever.
00:27:17.596 - 00:27:19.396
Joshua: Another-
00:27:19.396 - 00:27:20.456
Diego: Mando and Grogu, by the way.
00:27:20.456 - 00:27:21.516
Joshua: Yeah, that's what I was going to say.
00:27:21.516 - 00:27:28.236
Diego: Yeah, and that one in the latest season, it really got to the point where it's almost like a legal adoption.
00:27:28.236 - 00:27:31.856
Joshua: That's family by journey, definitely.
00:27:31.856 - 00:27:34.456
Diego: It started off by journey, but then it ended up by adoption.
00:27:35.936 - 00:27:39.716
Diego: Because at the end, there's that ceremony where Grogu becomes an official Mandalorian.
00:27:39.716 - 00:27:40.376
Joshua: Oh, yeah.
00:27:40.376 - 00:27:43.476
Diego: And where the armor tells...
00:27:43.476 - 00:27:44.396
Diego: Is it the armor?
00:27:44.396 - 00:27:45.056
Diego: Yeah.
00:27:45.316 - 00:27:48.736
Diego: She tells him, she like, he is now your son or something.
00:27:48.736 - 00:27:50.236
Diego: Or you're now his father.
00:27:50.236 - 00:27:50.776
Joshua: Yeah.
00:27:50.776 - 00:27:54.056
Diego: Like very officially tells him that.
00:27:54.056 - 00:28:02.776
Diego: Now, there's also in Star Wars, there's also the whole um, Han Solo and...
00:28:02.796 - 00:28:03.936
Joshua: Oh.
00:28:03.936 - 00:28:04.716
Diego: What's his name?
00:28:04.716 - 00:28:05.416
Joshua: And...
00:28:05.416 - 00:28:06.896
Diego: Emo Boy.
00:28:06.896 - 00:28:07.196
Diego: Emo...
00:28:07.196 - 00:28:07.916
Joshua: Kylo Ren.
00:28:07.916 - 00:28:08.956
Diego: Darth Emo.
00:28:08.956 - 00:28:09.436
Joshua: Kylo Ren.
00:28:09.436 - 00:28:19.876
Diego: Kylo Ren, who unceremoniously kills Han Solo, one of the most important characters in all of fiction.
00:28:19.876 - 00:28:21.256
Diego: But okay, guy, sure.
00:28:21.256 - 00:28:23.736
Diego: Just let's take him out right there on the bridge.
00:28:23.736 - 00:28:24.136
Diego: Why not?
00:28:25.356 - 00:28:26.176
Joshua: Yeah.
00:28:26.176 - 00:28:26.936
Diego: Friggin Emo.
00:28:26.936 - 00:28:27.816
Diego: Darth Emo.
00:28:27.816 - 00:28:29.816
Joshua: Okay.
00:28:29.816 - 00:28:31.956
Diego: All right, what else you got on your end?
00:28:31.956 - 00:28:33.556
Joshua: I also have...
00:28:33.556 - 00:28:35.436
Joshua: Now, this one's kind of...
00:28:35.436 - 00:28:36.896
Joshua: It's like literally in the name.
00:28:36.896 - 00:28:38.236
Joshua: The Addams Family.
00:28:38.236 - 00:28:38.556
Diego: Oh, yeah.
00:28:38.556 - 00:28:39.456
Diego: I had those, too.
00:28:39.456 - 00:28:45.416
Joshua: The Addams Family is one of the most iconic families in fiction ever.
00:28:45.576 - 00:28:56.076
Joshua: They're the embodiment of spookiness, and everybody in that family embodies one archetype of scariness.
00:28:56.076 - 00:28:56.456
Joshua: Yeah.
00:28:56.456 - 00:28:57.876
Joshua: There's the Frankenstein.
00:28:57.876 - 00:28:59.976
Joshua: There's the hand.
00:28:59.976 - 00:29:01.416
Joshua: There's...
00:29:01.416 - 00:29:02.956
Joshua: It's just like...
00:29:02.956 - 00:29:04.876
Diego: Just like vampiric type of thing.
00:29:04.876 - 00:29:06.336
Joshua: Yeah, with the dad.
00:29:06.336 - 00:29:06.696
Diego: Yeah.
00:29:07.316 - 00:29:16.756
Diego: In the Munsters, which has to have inspired the Addams Family, in the Munsters, you definitely there have all the prototypes.
00:29:16.916 - 00:29:20.736
Diego: The dad is pretty much Frankenstein's monster.
00:29:20.736 - 00:29:22.076
Joshua: The Munsters?
00:29:22.076 - 00:29:22.356
Diego: Yeah.
00:29:22.356 - 00:29:24.016
Diego: You've never seen the Munsters?
00:29:24.016 - 00:29:24.896
Joshua: Maybe I had.
00:29:24.896 - 00:29:25.796
Diego: Yeah, check it out.
00:29:25.796 - 00:29:29.236
Diego: The mom is pretty much Frankenstein's bride.
00:29:29.236 - 00:29:31.256
Diego: Um, the...
00:29:32.276 - 00:29:33.076
Diego: There is...
00:29:33.296 - 00:29:34.936
Diego: The grandfather is a vampire.
00:29:34.936 - 00:29:37.056
Diego: He's like Dracula, pretty much.
00:29:37.056 - 00:29:39.996
Diego: So, like, everyone really fits into one of the archetypes.
00:29:39.996 - 00:29:40.976
Diego: That one's more...
00:29:40.976 - 00:29:45.256
Diego: Well, I guess the Addams Family is comedy, too, but that one's a little bit more goofy, I feel.
00:29:45.956 - 00:29:48.836
Diego: The Addams Family, I think, skews a little bit more dark.
00:29:48.836 - 00:29:49.516
Joshua: Yeah.
00:29:49.576 - 00:29:50.716
Diego: Um, but yeah, that one's...
00:29:50.716 - 00:29:52.156
Diego: That's a really good example, too.
00:29:52.156 - 00:29:52.396
Diego: There...
00:29:52.396 - 00:29:55.396
Diego: You could tell that they're kind of, like, united also by...
00:29:56.416 - 00:29:59.296
Diego: I guess their appreciation for dark things.
00:29:59.316 - 00:30:00.676
Joshua: I guess.
00:30:00.676 - 00:30:02.356
Diego: You know, in a way.
00:30:02.356 - 00:30:07.096
Diego: But I suppose if you raise your kids that way, isn't that kind of, like, the norm for them?
00:30:07.116 - 00:30:07.536
Joshua: Yeah.
00:30:07.536 - 00:30:07.956
Diego: I don't know.
00:30:07.956 - 00:30:10.796
Diego: But still, darkness unites them.
00:30:10.796 - 00:30:13.336
Diego: Just like, jit-ness unites me and you.
00:30:13.936 - 00:30:14.516
Joshua: Okay.
00:30:14.516 - 00:30:16.096
Joshua: Well, I mean, you're a jit.
00:30:16.096 - 00:30:17.056
Joshua: I don't know about me.
00:30:17.056 - 00:30:22.796
Diego: Well, speaking of vampires, the Cullens from Twilight.
00:30:22.796 - 00:30:23.796
Joshua: Oh, yeah.
00:30:23.796 - 00:30:24.776
Diego: Can't ignore them.
00:30:24.776 - 00:30:27.276
Diego: They are definitely not that...
00:30:27.276 - 00:30:28.236
Diego: This was an interesting one.
00:30:28.236 - 00:30:31.376
Diego: They're not biologically a family.
00:30:31.376 - 00:30:33.336
Diego: So they're not bound by blood.
00:30:33.336 - 00:30:36.016
Diego: Unless you count the blood that they consume because they're vampires.
00:30:36.016 - 00:30:38.636
Joshua: Wait, are none of them actually family?
00:30:39.616 - 00:30:41.536
Diego: I made a family by marriage.
00:30:41.536 - 00:30:42.336
Joshua: Excuse me?
00:30:42.336 - 00:30:43.616
Joshua: Are none of them actually?
00:30:43.616 - 00:30:45.176
Diego: No, none of them are family.
00:30:45.176 - 00:30:47.776
Diego: I mean, with the exception of the husband and wife, I guess.
00:30:47.776 - 00:30:49.956
Diego: You know, they're a family by marriage.
00:30:49.956 - 00:30:52.116
Joshua: Oh, I thought...
00:30:52.116 - 00:30:53.916
Joshua: So Edward isn't actually...
00:30:53.916 - 00:30:54.916
Diego: Their son?
00:30:54.916 - 00:30:56.596
Diego: No.
00:30:56.596 - 00:30:57.016
Diego: No, no, no.
00:30:57.016 - 00:30:57.676
Diego: These are all...
00:30:57.816 - 00:31:03.636
Diego: They're quote unquote kids are all people, vampires that they have rescued along the way throughout the years.
00:31:04.176 - 00:31:05.436
Diego: Because they've lived for a long time.
00:31:06.276 - 00:31:12.856
Diego: And they've rescued them to try to get them to live a life like a vegetarian vampire sort of thing.
00:31:12.856 - 00:31:15.296
Diego: Instead of being, you know, monsters, right?
00:31:15.296 - 00:31:18.076
Diego: Like carnivores out there hunting people.
00:31:18.076 - 00:31:20.296
Diego: So they're united by that.
00:31:20.656 - 00:31:29.636
Diego: They're kind of like an adoptive family, but they're also like a family that's united by a mission, which is to prove that vampires don't have to be monsters.
00:31:29.636 - 00:31:30.156
Joshua: Yeah.
00:31:30.156 - 00:31:33.696
Diego: Is what the vibe that I get from that.
00:31:33.696 - 00:31:34.556
Diego: So yeah, those are interesting.
00:31:34.596 - 00:31:36.576
Diego: What do you think about the wolves in that story?
00:31:36.576 - 00:31:39.636
Diego: Like, do you think that they have like a pack mentality?
00:31:39.636 - 00:31:41.176
Diego: They have a real family mentality.
00:31:41.176 - 00:31:46.936
Diego: When you see the guys getting together, they're all there wearing their jeans and no shirts on for whatever reason.
00:31:46.956 - 00:31:47.736
Joshua: Yeah.
00:31:47.736 - 00:31:49.056
Diego: And they're hanging out together.
00:31:49.056 - 00:31:50.716
Diego: Like they're like brothers, man.
00:31:50.876 - 00:31:54.656
Diego: There's a big, big brotherhood, which I think stems from the whole pack mentality, right?
00:31:54.656 - 00:31:55.356
Joshua: Yeah.
00:31:55.356 - 00:31:56.176
Diego: Which is really cool.
00:31:56.176 - 00:31:58.836
Diego: They're always going to be my favorites from that, the whole storyline.
00:31:58.836 - 00:32:04.676
Joshua: Something I was thinking about is, it's all, it's a funny one.
00:32:04.676 - 00:32:06.056
Joshua: The Simpsons.
00:32:06.056 - 00:32:07.436
Diego: Yeah, I had the Simpsons too.
00:32:07.436 - 00:32:08.076
Joshua: Really?
00:32:08.076 - 00:32:14.236
Diego: Yeah, I had the Simpsons, but I also listed like the Griffins from Family Guy, Rick and Morty.
00:32:14.236 - 00:32:14.536
Joshua: Yeah.
00:32:14.536 - 00:32:17.176
Diego: The family from Bob's Burgers.
00:32:17.176 - 00:32:24.616
Diego: Like all those are families that have a very common, a very similar kind of vibe, like the different shows.
00:32:24.616 - 00:32:25.156
Joshua: Yeah.
00:32:25.156 - 00:32:25.796
Diego: Yeah.
00:32:25.796 - 00:32:26.776
Diego: You can't ignore those, man.
00:32:26.776 - 00:32:28.116
Diego: Those are classics.
00:32:28.116 - 00:32:45.716
Diego: Especially Rick and Morty, like being not just like a family within a cartoon series, but also like specifically Rick and Morty's relationship as grandfather and grandson, and like how twisted that whole relationship is.
00:32:45.716 - 00:32:45.916
Diego: Yeah.
00:32:45.916 - 00:32:47.716
Diego: You can't ignore those.
00:32:47.716 - 00:32:55.176
Joshua: Didn't you tell me that in one of the episodes you had watched, Rick told Morty, Morty, transform into a car, right?
00:32:55.276 - 00:32:56.156
Joshua: Oh yeah.
00:32:56.456 - 00:32:57.436
Joshua: And then he was like, what?
00:32:57.436 - 00:33:01.596
Joshua: And he was like, I did some experiments on you when you were a pain.
00:33:03.456 - 00:33:05.096
Diego: And he transformed into a car.
00:33:05.096 - 00:33:05.936
Joshua: Oh, and he did?
00:33:05.936 - 00:33:06.116
Joshua: Yeah.
00:33:06.116 - 00:33:06.916
Joshua: He did it?
00:33:06.916 - 00:33:07.356
Diego: Yeah.
00:33:07.356 - 00:33:08.036
Joshua: Oh, wow.
00:33:08.256 - 00:33:10.296
Diego: It's all sorts of messed up, man.
00:33:10.296 - 00:33:19.216
Diego: But speaking of Rick and Morty, let's talk about the movie that kind of inspired parts of Rick and Morty.
00:33:19.656 - 00:33:20.596
Joshua: Back to the Future?
00:33:20.596 - 00:33:21.296
Joshua: Yeah.
00:33:21.296 - 00:33:26.456
Diego: Because the Back to the Future definitely has a lot of family ties.
00:33:26.456 - 00:33:28.596
Diego: And they play with it throughout time, right?
00:33:28.596 - 00:33:34.136
Diego: Like, Morty goes back in time in the first movie and meets his parents as teenagers.
00:33:34.136 - 00:33:35.496
Diego: And there's that whole thing.
00:33:35.496 - 00:33:42.396
Diego: And he knows that in the future his siblings are getting erased and stuff like that because of what's happening in the past or whatever.
00:33:42.396 - 00:33:43.616
Diego: So he has to fix that.
00:33:43.616 - 00:33:47.036
Diego: He's trying to basically keep his family together, like keep them in one piece.
00:33:47.636 - 00:33:51.376
Diego: And he kind of ends up improving them through the actions of the movie.
00:33:52.876 - 00:34:07.836
Diego: Then you've got in the second movie, he goes back there and then he goes also to the future and he sees his family, like his descendants, which he plays like all of them pretty much in makeup and wigs and stuff.
00:34:08.656 - 00:34:09.516
Diego: Even the women.
00:34:09.516 - 00:34:10.316
Joshua: Even his daughter.
00:34:10.316 - 00:34:14.676
Diego: It's surprising how passable he looks though when he plays his daughter.
00:34:14.676 - 00:34:15.376
Diego: It's like nuts.
00:34:16.596 - 00:34:20.636
Diego: But anyway, he gets to see his family down the road.
00:34:20.636 - 00:34:29.176
Diego: Then in back to the future three, he gets to see his ancestors in 1885.
00:34:29.176 - 00:34:30.516
Diego: Yeah.
00:34:30.516 - 00:34:32.116
Diego: Back in the wild west days.
00:34:32.116 - 00:34:36.296
Diego: And he gets to meet his ancestors who were Irish.
00:34:36.296 - 00:34:36.776
Diego: Yeah.
00:34:36.776 - 00:34:37.636
Joshua: Yeah.
00:34:37.636 - 00:34:38.196
Diego: Yeah.
00:34:38.196 - 00:34:41.136
Diego: And, you know, spoke with an Irish accent and stuff like that.
00:34:41.136 - 00:34:43.476
Diego: But of course, again, it's him playing the character.
00:34:43.796 - 00:34:45.336
Diego: Yeah.
00:34:45.836 - 00:34:50.156
Diego: So family is like a big part of the entire back to the future saga.
00:34:50.156 - 00:34:55.436
Diego: Also on the villain side, because you get to see like the Tannin dynasty, basically.
00:34:55.436 - 00:34:56.116
Joshua: The what?
00:34:56.116 - 00:34:57.156
Diego: The Tannins.
00:34:57.176 - 00:34:58.276
Joshua: Oh, yeah.
00:34:58.276 - 00:35:01.836
Diego: You know, Biff is the antagonist of the first movie.
00:35:01.916 - 00:35:02.476
Joshua: It's Griff.
00:35:02.476 - 00:35:04.256
Diego: The bully in high school.
00:35:04.256 - 00:35:04.596
Diego: Yeah.
00:35:04.596 - 00:35:06.956
Diego: And then there's Griff in the future, right?
00:35:07.416 - 00:35:08.776
Diego: In the year 20, what was it?
00:35:08.776 - 00:35:09.796
Diego: 2012 or something?
00:35:09.796 - 00:35:10.716
Joshua: 2015.
00:35:10.716 - 00:35:11.396
Diego: 2015?
00:35:11.396 - 00:35:13.916
Joshua: Because it always ends with the five.
00:35:13.916 - 00:35:14.336
Diego: Oh, I didn't know.
00:35:14.336 - 00:35:15.436
Diego: You never caught that.
00:35:15.436 - 00:35:17.676
Joshua: Yeah, because it's 1985.
00:35:17.676 - 00:35:19.016
Diego: Yeah, 1955.
00:35:19.016 - 00:35:22.396
Joshua: And then 2015 and then 1885.
00:35:22.396 - 00:35:23.156
Diego: Oh, interesting.
00:35:23.156 - 00:35:25.176
Diego: I never paid attention to that.
00:35:25.176 - 00:35:26.276
Diego: But yeah.
00:35:26.276 - 00:35:32.296
Diego: And then you get to see in Back to the Future 3, you get to see Mad Dog Biff Tannin or Mad Dog something Tannin, right?
00:35:32.296 - 00:35:34.896
Diego: And he's like the evil cowboy type character.
00:35:35.476 - 00:35:40.616
Diego: So like, family is woven into that entire story, and it's pretty easy to forget that, I think.
00:35:40.616 - 00:35:43.196
Diego: But yeah, there's like a lot of family ties being played with.
00:35:43.196 - 00:35:45.216
Diego: And it makes for a pretty interesting story.
00:35:45.216 - 00:35:45.896
Joshua: Yeah.
00:35:45.896 - 00:35:48.156
Diego: That kind of family story I like.
00:35:48.156 - 00:35:48.536
Diego: I don't know.
00:35:49.016 - 00:36:03.776
Diego: I actually wanted to ask you, like, how do you feel when you walk into a story, whether it's, you know, an anime, a movie, a show or whatever, and you know, you find out that like a lot of the story is going to revolve around family connections.
00:36:03.776 - 00:36:05.076
Diego: How do you react to that?
00:36:05.076 - 00:36:06.216
Diego: I'm curious.
00:36:07.276 - 00:36:08.336
Joshua: What do you?
00:36:08.336 - 00:36:10.016
Joshua: I don't really get what you mean.
00:36:10.016 - 00:36:21.416
Diego: Like, do you feel like the family stuff is a story trope or a story telling element that you like to see in stories that you consume?
00:36:21.416 - 00:36:22.816
Joshua: Yeah, I think so.
00:36:22.816 - 00:36:23.456
Diego: Is it?
00:36:23.456 - 00:36:24.036
Joshua: Yeah.
00:36:24.036 - 00:36:27.216
Diego: Why?
00:36:27.216 - 00:36:43.236
Joshua: I think maybe because I like seeing fictional families interacting in a way that they have to defeat a conflict or something, or settle a conflict or whatever.
00:36:43.416 - 00:36:47.976
Joshua: I like seeing families dealing with that kind of stuff.
00:36:47.976 - 00:36:49.816
Joshua: So, yeah.
00:36:49.816 - 00:36:50.396
Diego: Yeah, I don't know.
00:36:50.396 - 00:37:02.376
Diego: I'm kind of torn about it, man, because sometimes I end up finding myself in a spot like with Star Wars, where I'm kind of fed up with the Skywalker thing.
00:37:02.376 - 00:37:02.816
Joshua: Yeah.
00:37:02.816 - 00:37:08.836
Diego: And I want to have the storytellers to just let it go and move forward and bring new characters into the mix.
00:37:08.836 - 00:37:13.216
Diego: I have nothing to do with them like Andor, like Mandalorian.
00:37:15.556 - 00:37:29.336
Diego: In some cases, I feel like I mentioned earlier that because everything is so granularly focused in on a family, you don't have an opportunity for anybody else to shine.
00:37:29.336 - 00:37:42.256
Diego: And so for me, I definitely feel like I prefer family stories that are not necessarily biological families.
00:37:42.256 - 00:37:42.896
Diego: Don't get me wrong.
00:37:42.896 - 00:37:50.416
Diego: I enjoy, just to bring out some other examples that I have here, I enjoy, for example, The Incredibles.
00:37:50.416 - 00:37:52.516
Diego: The Incredibles is an awesome family story.
00:37:52.936 - 00:37:53.396
Joshua: Yeah.
00:37:53.396 - 00:37:55.116
Diego: Like, it's really, really good.
00:37:55.116 - 00:38:02.216
Diego: However, after the second movie, I'm kind of good.
00:38:02.216 - 00:38:04.136
Diego: Like, I feel like it was good.
00:38:04.136 - 00:38:08.096
Diego: I don't know how much more I need focused in on the family itself.
00:38:08.096 - 00:38:09.316
Joshua: Yeah.
00:38:09.316 - 00:38:16.416
Diego: Maybe the kids grown up, you know, and doing their own thing and telling the story around that time period.
00:38:16.416 - 00:38:24.916
Diego: But like, as the family of four or five, I don't know, let any other movie focused in around that, you know?
00:38:24.916 - 00:38:27.456
Diego: But still, the first two movies were fantastic, right?
00:38:27.456 - 00:38:28.916
Diego: They were really cool.
00:38:31.596 - 00:38:34.096
Diego: What else is a family?
00:38:34.096 - 00:38:36.176
Diego: Hold on, let me see.
00:38:36.176 - 00:38:41.956
Joshua: Oh, something that I had that isn't a family by blood, like literally at all.
00:38:41.956 - 00:38:57.516
Joshua: Well, one thing is in Red Dead Redemption 2, the Vanderlyn gang, they are basically a family of 20 or so.
00:38:57.516 - 00:38:58.376
Diego: Okay.
00:38:58.376 - 00:39:13.056
Joshua: And they're all people who have got, it started with the original two people, Dutch and Josea, and on their journey of being outlaws, they picked up new members and grew their whole thing.
00:39:13.056 - 00:39:21.036
Joshua: And eventually, they're this notorious gang throughout America, basically, and the most wanted.
00:39:21.036 - 00:39:26.636
Joshua: But deep inside the actual gang, their family, they care for each other.
00:39:26.636 - 00:39:34.876
Joshua: There's people who have specific jobs inside of that, and what they set up camp outside of that.
00:39:34.876 - 00:39:36.176
Joshua: Wow, that was crazy.
00:39:36.576 - 00:39:37.736
Diego: Did you just have a...
00:39:37.736 - 00:39:39.456
Joshua: I think I just had a brain aneurysm.
00:39:39.456 - 00:39:40.196
Diego: Brain, yeah.
00:39:40.196 - 00:39:40.496
Joshua: Yeah.
00:39:40.496 - 00:39:42.456
Diego: You kind of glitched out there for a minute, man.
00:39:42.456 - 00:39:43.096
Joshua: Yeah.
00:39:43.096 - 00:39:44.156
Diego: Well, welcome back.
00:39:44.156 - 00:39:44.736
Joshua: Hi.
00:39:44.736 - 00:39:45.836
Diego: Hey, man, how you doing?
00:39:45.976 - 00:39:46.496
Joshua: I'm doing good.
00:39:46.496 - 00:39:47.436
Diego: Yeah, you feeling better?
00:39:47.436 - 00:39:47.856
Joshua: Yeah.
00:39:47.856 - 00:39:48.896
Diego: We're good, man.
00:39:48.896 - 00:39:50.536
Diego: Go ahead, continue your thoughts now.
00:39:50.536 - 00:39:51.396
Joshua: Okay.
00:39:51.396 - 00:39:57.876
Joshua: So anyways, they'll set up camp near a city or a town or something.
00:39:57.876 - 00:40:11.356
Joshua: And then like, even if you're like, if you when you're playing as a main character, Arthur, and you'll just like go into town for something random, you might catch somebody from your gang, like doing something there.
00:40:11.356 - 00:40:17.876
Joshua: And like, they'll have a quick like interaction, like they're really friends and family for most of the game.
00:40:17.876 - 00:40:18.676
Diego: Okay.
00:40:18.676 - 00:40:28.396
Joshua: And one of the other main characters, John, he actually has a wife and son in the gang, like biologically.
00:40:28.396 - 00:40:33.176
Joshua: And that plays a pretty big part in the last half of the game.
00:40:34.356 - 00:40:47.676
Diego: So kind of going back to what you were saying earlier, like, so what do you like about having biological families that like you like, you like seeing the family like face challenges and resolve issues together?
00:40:48.196 - 00:40:49.396
Joshua: Yeah.
00:40:49.396 - 00:41:00.796
Joshua: And like, even even the people who aren't related, like, there's this part, skip forward maybe a minute, if you haven't played the game.
00:41:00.796 - 00:41:01.236
Diego: Yeah.
00:41:01.236 - 00:41:18.596
Joshua: There's a part where Jack, the son, gets kidnapped, and everybody in the gang, the people who aren't related to them at all, everybody like goes up to the mansion of the people that kidnapped him, and like, they're all trying to get him back.
00:41:18.596 - 00:41:21.516
Joshua: They're all angry because they've like grown close.
00:41:21.516 - 00:41:21.776
Diego: Yeah.
00:41:21.776 - 00:41:25.516
Joshua: And they've grown friends with John and his family and everything.
00:41:26.116 - 00:41:29.276
Joshua: And yeah, I think that's pretty cool.
00:41:29.476 - 00:41:31.256
Diego: What about it is cool?
00:41:31.256 - 00:41:46.396
Joshua: The fact that like people who aren't blood related, literally at all, mm-hmm, just came together because they've been with this guy so long that they, mm, they're basically family with him and they know his son well.
00:41:46.396 - 00:41:48.236
Joshua: And like, yeah.
00:41:48.236 - 00:41:50.976
Diego: How would you classify that kind of family dynamic?
00:41:50.976 - 00:41:53.016
Joshua: I would classify it.
00:41:53.016 - 00:41:54.516
Joshua: I think that would be family.
00:41:54.516 - 00:41:57.596
Joshua: Yeah, I think I think family by journey.
00:41:57.616 - 00:42:04.216
Joshua: But also I like another example of family by journey in that game is Arthur and John.
00:42:04.216 - 00:42:08.876
Joshua: Because at the beginning of the game, they like basically hate each other.
00:42:08.876 - 00:42:13.876
Joshua: But towards the end of the main game, they're basically brothers.
00:42:13.876 - 00:42:17.656
Joshua: Because like throughout the journey, they have gone through the same things together.
00:42:17.656 - 00:42:24.276
Joshua: They're starting to realize stuff about the gang and the leader of the gang that they didn't really know before.
00:42:24.276 - 00:42:34.196
Joshua: And that's all that is bringing them closer to the final confrontation of the game, where they're willing to protect each other and they're really brothers.
00:42:34.196 - 00:42:35.316
Diego: Okay, okay.
00:42:35.316 - 00:42:46.876
Diego: Yeah, that kind of reminds me a little bit of Lord of the Rings, particularly the Fellowship of the Ring, which is like the name that they gave that the group from the first movie who went off on the journey.
00:42:46.876 - 00:42:49.056
Diego: Those guys were like completely different, right?
00:42:49.056 - 00:42:54.256
Diego: You have like an elf and not an ogre.
00:42:54.256 - 00:42:54.816
Diego: What are these guys?
00:42:56.676 - 00:42:57.056
Diego: Oh my god.
00:42:57.056 - 00:42:57.696
Joshua: Hoppin?
00:42:57.696 - 00:42:58.916
Diego: No.
00:42:58.916 - 00:43:04.656
Diego: The other guy with the ax, it's like an actual, I don't know.
00:43:04.656 - 00:43:05.436
Joshua: Orc?
00:43:05.436 - 00:43:07.336
Diego: No.
00:43:07.336 - 00:43:08.956
Diego: Man, there's a lot of creatures.
00:43:09.996 - 00:43:20.876
Diego: Anyway, Gimli and Legolas, and they are like, their two species hate each other, right?
00:43:20.876 - 00:43:22.996
Diego: A dwarf, there you go, a dwarf and an elf.
00:43:22.996 - 00:43:28.356
Diego: And like they hate each other and stuff like that, and they're competitive throughout the whole thing, but they build a bond and a brotherhood throughout, right?
00:43:28.356 - 00:43:30.976
Diego: And it's like the journey that unites them.
00:43:30.976 - 00:43:32.716
Diego: Same thing with like the rest of them, right?
00:43:32.716 - 00:43:40.976
Diego: With the two humans who are there, and the two hobbits that are there, like they all gain a certain love and admiration and respect and bond with each other.
00:43:40.976 - 00:43:41.976
Diego: I like that.
00:43:42.156 - 00:43:51.336
Diego: That's probably my favorite type of family story, where the family is developed throughout the story and is created throughout the story.
00:43:51.336 - 00:43:55.316
Diego: But I prefer almost, I think that's my number one choice.
00:43:55.316 - 00:43:57.636
Diego: It's like strangers becoming family.
00:43:57.636 - 00:44:00.756
Diego: That is what like hits me well.
00:44:00.756 - 00:44:01.556
Joshua: Yeah.
00:44:01.556 - 00:44:10.856
Diego: Because I feel like in life, a lot of times, you don't necessarily vibe with the people who are your biological family.
00:44:10.856 - 00:44:13.496
Diego: You know, a lot of people have that.
00:44:13.496 - 00:44:15.996
Diego: They're where they're, they just don't connect with their family.
00:44:15.996 - 00:44:18.296
Diego: It could be because of religious beliefs.
00:44:18.296 - 00:44:19.996
Diego: It could be because of political leanings.
00:44:20.096 - 00:44:25.636
Diego: It could be because of like lifestyle choices that you just don't connect with your biological family.
00:44:25.636 - 00:44:33.996
Diego: And there's something beautiful about along the journey of life, being able to meet other people and like become family with those people.
00:44:33.996 - 00:44:36.896
Diego: It's like a family by choice, right?
00:44:36.896 - 00:44:39.036
Diego: Versus the family that you're just born into.
00:44:39.036 - 00:44:39.376
Joshua: Yeah.
00:44:39.376 - 00:44:47.076
Diego: And I think in a lot of cases, that is much more of a real family for some people than it is, than the biological family is.
00:44:47.076 - 00:44:54.356
Diego: But there are some biological things like even within that, that story of Lord of the Rings, you've got Bilbo and Frodo who are, what is it?
00:44:54.356 - 00:44:56.856
Diego: Bilbo is Frodo's uncle.
00:44:56.856 - 00:44:59.336
Diego: And there are stories on both ends, you know?
00:44:59.336 - 00:45:03.136
Diego: But that doesn't dictate the entire core of the story at all.
00:45:03.136 - 00:45:10.196
Diego: Like it's present, Bilbo had his own adventures and he has his own trilogy of movies and Frodo has his own trilogy of movies.
00:45:10.196 - 00:45:11.656
Joshua: Oh, it's a hobbit, right?
00:45:11.656 - 00:45:12.876
Diego: Yeah.
00:45:12.876 - 00:45:17.936
Diego: But there's a whole other world that is really the focus of the stories.
00:45:18.496 - 00:45:20.116
Diego: It's not all about them.
00:45:20.116 - 00:45:29.236
Diego: So I like when the story is not all about the family or like Stranger Things, where Hopper adopts basically Eleven.
00:45:29.236 - 00:45:32.096
Diego: And there's a beautiful bond there, right?
00:45:32.096 - 00:45:35.276
Diego: But that doesn't dictate everything.
00:45:35.276 - 00:45:40.736
Diego: And Eleven also had the whole thing of Papa with the guy who was the leader of the organization.
00:45:40.736 - 00:45:41.636
Joshua: Oh, yeah.
00:45:41.636 - 00:45:45.276
Diego: You know, there was that, but that isn't the whole thing, you know?
00:45:45.276 - 00:45:54.316
Diego: And it does play into the story, and Eleven has to conquer certain things of her, how she saw that guy that she called Papa.
00:45:54.316 - 00:45:57.256
Diego: She had to break away from a lot of those things, right?
00:45:57.256 - 00:46:06.796
Diego: And there is that dynamic of like, she's breaking away from the person that she felt was her family, the Papa guy, and then realizing that like, her true family is the family she's chosen, right?
00:46:06.796 - 00:46:10.996
Diego: The whole squad of Stranger Things and Hopper as like, her father figure.
00:46:10.996 - 00:46:12.716
Diego: That kind of thing I love.
00:46:13.796 - 00:46:19.996
Diego: Then there's another like, presence of family within the Alien world with Ellen Ripley and Amanda Ripley.
00:46:19.996 - 00:46:28.056
Diego: Like these two characters, Ellen Ripley, the original Ripley, she basically only lived with her daughter till she was like 11 or something like that.
00:46:28.056 - 00:46:32.836
Diego: And then she went off into Nostromo, and then all the stuff that happened happened.
00:46:32.836 - 00:46:37.396
Diego: And then next time she wakes up, her daughter has already lived her whole life and died.
00:46:37.736 - 00:46:38.076
Joshua: Yeah.
00:46:38.076 - 00:46:41.396
Diego: And she never got to really know her as a person, as an adult.
00:46:41.416 - 00:46:47.796
Diego: And we are told the story of Amanda Ripley through comics and books and video games.
00:46:47.796 - 00:46:49.696
Diego: We're able to see what what happened to her.
00:46:49.696 - 00:46:50.616
Diego: And that's really cool.
00:46:50.616 - 00:46:57.116
Diego: And it like for me, it's enough that there's a connection there, but I don't need more of the story to revolve around that connection.
00:46:57.116 - 00:46:57.516
Joshua: Yeah.
00:46:57.516 - 00:46:58.236
Diego: Well, that makes sense.
00:46:58.696 - 00:47:00.436
Joshua: She's a little bit off-topic, but...
00:47:00.436 - 00:47:05.176
Joshua: Okay.
00:47:05.196 - 00:47:07.356
Joshua: Um, did she die from old age?
00:47:07.356 - 00:47:08.016
Diego: Who, Amanda?
00:47:08.016 - 00:47:08.336
Joshua: Yeah.
00:47:08.336 - 00:47:10.256
Diego: Yeah.
00:47:10.276 - 00:47:10.636
Joshua: I wonder...
00:47:10.636 - 00:47:11.976
Diego: I think so.
00:47:11.976 - 00:47:18.736
Joshua: I wonder if the alien game is canon, then.
00:47:18.736 - 00:47:19.476
Diego: Isolation?
00:47:20.056 - 00:47:21.596
Diego: Yeah, it is canon.
00:47:21.596 - 00:47:24.236
Joshua: So she did have an interaction with the Xenomorph?
00:47:24.236 - 00:47:24.816
Diego: I think so.
00:47:24.816 - 00:47:25.836
Joshua: Before she died?
00:47:25.836 - 00:47:26.336
Diego: Yeah, yeah.
00:47:26.996 - 00:47:28.096
Diego: Yeah, I think she did.
00:47:28.096 - 00:47:36.036
Diego: And based on where the canon stories are right now in the comics, the alien Xenomorphs have spread in multiple directions.
00:47:36.036 - 00:47:43.516
Diego: So it's completely understandable and justified that, like, multiple people would have had encounters with the Xenomorphs that had nothing to do with each other.
00:47:43.516 - 00:47:44.376
Joshua: Yeah.
00:47:44.376 - 00:47:46.016
Diego: Like, they're really all over the place.
00:47:46.016 - 00:47:48.396
Diego: It's pretty crazy at this point.
00:47:48.396 - 00:47:48.936
Diego: They're like...
00:47:48.936 - 00:47:56.356
Diego: And I really like that about the Xenomorphs, that they're really being shown as kind of almost like a disease, like a virus, that is spreading and spreading and spreading.
00:47:56.856 - 00:47:58.356
Diego: All right, let's see.
00:47:58.536 - 00:48:01.336
Diego: I have a few other mentions, man.
00:48:01.336 - 00:48:08.436
Diego: When it comes to, like, families, family connections that I don't mind, TMNT is within that, you know?
00:48:08.436 - 00:48:15.996
Diego: I think the only thing that annoys me a little bit about it, about TMNT, is the whole relationship with Splinter.
00:48:15.996 - 00:48:16.796
Joshua: What about it?
00:48:16.796 - 00:48:21.556
Diego: I've always liked his relationship as sensei and teacher.
00:48:21.556 - 00:48:22.436
Joshua: But not father.
00:48:24.036 - 00:48:26.936
Diego: I don't know why, I just, I can't swallow that one, man.
00:48:26.936 - 00:48:31.256
Joshua: Maybe because they're, like, completely different, like...
00:48:31.256 - 00:48:32.296
Diego: Relationships?
00:48:32.296 - 00:48:32.676
Joshua: Animals?
00:48:32.676 - 00:48:33.156
Diego: Species.
00:48:33.156 - 00:48:33.836
Joshua: Yeah.
00:48:33.836 - 00:48:39.496
Diego: No, not necessarily, because that goes right along the, alongside of, like, you know, a dwarf and an elf.
00:48:39.496 - 00:48:44.536
Diego: They have nothing to do with each other species-wise, but, you know, they become family.
00:48:44.536 - 00:48:44.896
Joshua: Yeah.
00:48:44.896 - 00:48:45.996
Diego: Through the journey.
00:48:45.996 - 00:48:48.856
Diego: But with TMNT, it's like, I feel like...
00:48:49.096 - 00:48:52.416
Diego: I love the ninjitsu part of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
00:48:53.256 - 00:48:57.016
Diego: And so I love that aspect of their connection to Splinter.
00:48:57.016 - 00:49:02.116
Diego: The fact that this man is their sensei, he taught them, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
00:49:02.116 - 00:49:04.996
Diego: But I feel like you got to pick a lane.
00:49:04.996 - 00:49:09.536
Diego: Is it sensei or is it father?
00:49:09.536 - 00:49:19.136
Diego: Pick one, because it's so weird to me, like, especially in the last Ronin comic stories, it's so weird to me how interchanged those two things are.
00:49:19.136 - 00:49:24.236
Diego: It's like, at one point, they're calling him sensei, and at another point, they're calling him father, and it's just weird.
00:49:24.236 - 00:49:24.916
Diego: I don't know, man.
00:49:24.916 - 00:49:25.976
Diego: It's just strange to me.
00:49:25.976 - 00:49:27.096
Joshua: Yeah.
00:49:27.096 - 00:49:33.696
Diego: So I like the sensei aspect, that connection, but I definitely love the brotherhood connection of the four turtles.
00:49:33.696 - 00:49:36.616
Diego: Like, they act as a family, you know?
00:49:36.616 - 00:49:38.576
Diego: Like siblings, you know, you should know.
00:49:38.576 - 00:49:39.656
Diego: You had siblings.
00:49:39.656 - 00:49:41.016
Joshua: I do.
00:49:41.016 - 00:49:48.296
Diego: In sibling relationships, you fight, you get mad at each other, but there's always, you always come back to each other eventually, right?
00:49:48.316 - 00:49:48.576
Joshua: Yeah.
00:49:49.796 - 00:49:50.816
Diego: I like that.
00:49:50.816 - 00:49:51.296
Diego: I like that.
00:49:51.296 - 00:49:55.596
Diego: Aside from that, they're a team, they're an effective team, they're good at their craft, et cetera, et cetera.
00:49:55.596 - 00:49:57.396
Diego: You know, I really appreciate that.
00:49:57.396 - 00:50:03.676
Diego: So they, for the TMNT, for the four turtles, it is a family tied by blood with Splinter, I guess.
00:50:03.676 - 00:50:04.936
Diego: It's like adoptive.
00:50:04.936 - 00:50:05.316
Joshua: Yeah.
00:50:05.316 - 00:50:06.096
Diego: I would say.
00:50:06.096 - 00:50:07.996
Diego: What other examples you got?
00:50:07.996 - 00:50:13.136
Joshua: One of the last examples that I have is Kratos and Atreus.
00:50:13.556 - 00:50:14.096
Diego: Oh, yeah.
00:50:14.096 - 00:50:18.956
Joshua: And that's one family, but there's also Kratos' original family.
00:50:18.956 - 00:50:19.436
Diego: Yeah.
00:50:19.436 - 00:50:21.416
Joshua: In the Greek games.
00:50:21.416 - 00:50:21.996
Diego: Yeah, yeah.
00:50:21.996 - 00:50:26.756
Joshua: Which definitely happened.
00:50:26.756 - 00:50:28.516
Diego: Yeah.
00:50:28.516 - 00:50:29.276
Joshua: Yeah.
00:50:29.276 - 00:50:32.836
Diego: I mean, it fueled his quest during all of those games.
00:50:32.836 - 00:50:33.556
Joshua: Yeah.
00:50:33.556 - 00:50:36.076
Diego: You know, that was the core plot of revenge.
00:50:36.076 - 00:50:43.316
Joshua: And I guess family really can be the defining factor of what happens in a story.
00:50:43.316 - 00:50:43.996
Diego: Oh, yeah.
00:50:43.996 - 00:50:45.356
Diego: For sure.
00:50:45.356 - 00:50:47.176
Diego: Look at Scorpion.
00:50:47.176 - 00:50:47.856
Joshua: Yeah.
00:50:47.856 - 00:50:49.236
Diego: You know, that's another good example.
00:50:49.236 - 00:51:00.936
Diego: Like, Lin Kuei killed his family, and his entire plot for revenge takes him to become, like, sell his soul to the devil or whatever the hell, you know, and, like, become a demon, almost.
00:51:00.936 - 00:51:01.376
Joshua: Yeah.
00:51:01.376 - 00:51:19.736
Joshua: And I just realized, in both God of War parts of the story, in Norse and in Greek, families fuel both of those stories.
00:51:19.736 - 00:51:20.476
Diego: Yeah, they do.
00:51:20.576 - 00:51:22.136
Joshua: Basically.
00:51:22.136 - 00:51:22.856
Joshua: Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
00:51:22.856 - 00:51:44.236
Joshua: Like, in God of War 2018, the thing is, they're trying to spread fey's ashes, and then along the way, he basically gains the relationship with Atreus, calling him son at the end of the game, where before, he would just call him boy.
00:51:44.236 - 00:51:45.576
Joshua: Boy.
00:51:45.576 - 00:51:49.596
Diego: And not only that, but on the antagonist side, he's also always dealt with families.
00:51:50.436 - 00:51:52.716
Diego: There's the whole pantheon of gods on the Greek side.
00:51:52.716 - 00:51:54.216
Diego: They're all a family.
00:51:54.216 - 00:51:56.476
Diego: And the same thing with the Norse gods.
00:51:56.476 - 00:52:06.376
Joshua: Yeah, like Thor and Odin and everybody, and Thor's children, which were pretty big antagonists, Magni and Modi.
00:52:06.876 - 00:52:07.556
Diego: Yeah, absolutely.
00:52:07.556 - 00:52:10.476
Diego: Family is a huge part of that story, actually.
00:52:11.676 - 00:52:16.516
Diego: There's another story, which is in the Invincible comics and cartoon show.
00:52:16.516 - 00:52:19.076
Diego: Like, family is very much at the core of that story.
00:52:19.636 - 00:52:23.756
Diego: Invincible, yeah, with Omni-Man and the Grayson family.
00:52:23.776 - 00:52:28.176
Diego: And yeah, story, family is definitely at the core of that.
00:52:28.176 - 00:52:41.216
Diego: And there is, like, if you're gonna, if I'm gonna watch a story of a family or revolving around the family, I prefer there to be like, enmity and discord.
00:52:41.216 - 00:52:44.216
Diego: So I like the fact that Omni-Man is a villain.
00:52:44.216 - 00:52:44.796
Joshua: Another-
00:52:44.796 - 00:52:47.896
Diego: And that his son has to figure out how to deal with that, you know?
00:52:47.936 - 00:52:58.296
Joshua: That's another, like, archetype of family, which is, like, one family member ends up being a villain, and then the rest of the family has to fight him off.
00:52:58.296 - 00:52:58.916
Diego: Has to deal with that.
00:52:58.916 - 00:53:02.456
Joshua: And it's, like, kind of hard because you, like, know this person your whole life.
00:53:02.456 - 00:53:03.636
Diego: Yep, for sure.
00:53:03.636 - 00:53:06.496
Diego: That happens with Thor and Loki as well, you know?
00:53:06.496 - 00:53:16.396
Diego: Like, for all intents and purposes, Thor and Loki ongoing, like, outside of the MCU and stuff, it is continuously a story of, like, villainy within the family, in a way.
00:53:17.916 - 00:53:21.516
Diego: Not only with Loki, but also with, like, what's her name?
00:53:21.516 - 00:53:22.776
Diego: Hela?
00:53:22.776 - 00:53:23.236
Diego: You know?
00:53:23.236 - 00:53:25.896
Diego: Sister goddess of death, that sort of thing.
00:53:25.896 - 00:53:27.556
Diego: That's a big, big deal.
00:53:28.676 - 00:53:29.436
Diego: Let's see what else.
00:53:29.436 - 00:53:30.936
Diego: You've got a...
00:53:30.956 - 00:53:36.196
Diego: Oh, one thing that I forgot to mention when we were talking about anime, anime was Tanjirou and Nezuko.
00:53:36.196 - 00:53:36.856
Joshua: Yeah.
00:53:36.856 - 00:53:37.436
Diego: That's a big one.
00:53:37.436 - 00:53:46.996
Diego: That one is honestly one that kind of annoys me, to be completely honest, because of the overprotectiveness in the...
00:53:46.996 - 00:53:49.896
Diego: She becomes like his kryptonite in a way.
00:53:49.896 - 00:53:50.816
Diego: You know?
00:53:50.816 - 00:53:51.136
Joshua: Yeah.
00:53:51.136 - 00:53:55.476
Diego: It's just like this weird thing in that case where she's completely defenseless.
00:53:55.476 - 00:54:04.896
Diego: It reminds me a little bit of Iki and Shawn in Knights of the Zodiac, because for some reason, the younger sibling is always defenseless.
00:54:04.896 - 00:54:06.396
Diego: And it's like, come on, bro.
00:54:06.396 - 00:54:11.836
Diego: Especially in those two examples, like Shawn is a Knight of the Zodiac, bro.
00:54:11.836 - 00:54:16.876
Diego: That dude has his own armor, and his armor is powerful as hell with those chains and stuff.
00:54:16.876 - 00:54:17.256
Joshua: Yeah.
00:54:17.256 - 00:54:18.436
Diego: He can do a lot of damage.
00:54:18.436 - 00:54:20.656
Diego: I don't know why he's always finding himself as like a victim.
00:54:20.656 - 00:54:21.756
Diego: And the same thing with Nezuko.
00:54:21.756 - 00:54:24.096
Diego: Like she's a demon, isn't she?
00:54:24.096 - 00:54:25.396
Joshua: Yeah.
00:54:25.396 - 00:54:26.836
Diego: Like she can fight.
00:54:26.836 - 00:54:28.116
Diego: She can defend herself.
00:54:28.116 - 00:54:29.856
Diego: And she has.
00:54:29.856 - 00:54:32.216
Diego: So like, why not unleash her a little bit?
00:54:32.216 - 00:54:41.136
Joshua: I feel like Tanjiro, maybe it's just because of his, like because of when his life was normal.
00:54:41.136 - 00:54:41.576
Diego: Yeah.
00:54:41.576 - 00:54:45.916
Joshua: And like he was always because his sister was just his sister.
00:54:45.916 - 00:54:46.196
Diego: Right.
00:54:46.196 - 00:54:48.196
Joshua: Maybe he was used to it.
00:54:48.196 - 00:54:50.576
Joshua: But I'm not sure.
00:54:50.576 - 00:54:56.736
Diego: I've got a I got a lot of other honorable mentions from from like Marvel and DC.
00:54:56.736 - 00:54:57.976
Diego: I'll go through DC first.
00:54:58.156 - 00:55:01.836
Diego: You've got the House of L, like Kaleel's house, his whole family.
00:55:01.836 - 00:55:02.456
Joshua: Oh, yeah.
00:55:02.456 - 00:55:04.916
Diego: That was a whole thing dating back to Krypton.
00:55:04.916 - 00:55:08.356
Diego: And from there, you got Supergirl, who is his cousin.
00:55:08.356 - 00:55:12.496
Diego: And you've got like all of his father and uncles and blah, blah, blah.
00:55:12.496 - 00:55:21.716
Diego: And then on Earth, he ended up giving birth or he ended up creating a child with Lois Lane, namely Jonathan Kent, John Kent.
00:55:21.716 - 00:55:22.176
Joshua: Yeah.
00:55:22.176 - 00:55:24.636
Diego: And he's very much a thing.
00:55:24.636 - 00:55:26.916
Diego: And then he has a kind of an extended super family.
00:55:27.716 - 00:55:27.936
Diego: Right.
00:55:27.936 - 00:55:35.716
Diego: With Superboy and you've got Steele, and you've got the cyborg Superman dude, and you've got like a whole bunch of people.
00:55:37.016 - 00:55:40.576
Diego: Then within DC, you also got the Flash family.
00:55:41.836 - 00:55:44.236
Diego: And also back to Superman.
00:55:44.236 - 00:55:49.396
Diego: It's interesting with Superman because he has like biological family, most of whom he lost.
00:55:49.396 - 00:55:51.216
Diego: He has adoptive family.
00:55:51.216 - 00:55:54.256
Diego: You could call it Justice League, another adoptive family of his.
00:55:54.256 - 00:55:56.516
Diego: And then he has a family he started creating himself.
00:55:58.436 - 00:56:05.056
Diego: Flash, my God, there's a whole freaking Speedster family in DC Comics when it comes to Flash.
00:56:05.056 - 00:56:06.076
Diego: Like it's big.
00:56:06.076 - 00:56:11.116
Diego: I'm talking it's like Wu-Tang Clan big, like 12 strong.
00:56:11.116 - 00:56:20.236
Diego: Like there is Flash and Kid Flash and Impulse, and there's Jay Garrick, and there's two different Flashes, right?
00:56:20.336 - 00:56:22.756
Diego: You got a Barry Allen and Wally West.
00:56:22.756 - 00:56:24.476
Diego: Wally West.
00:56:24.476 - 00:56:26.316
Diego: There's a whole squad of people, man.
00:56:26.316 - 00:56:29.516
Diego: It's a big family of all Speedsters, which is pretty cool.
00:56:29.716 - 00:56:38.596
Diego: I got pretty acquainted with that during the Flash one-minute war storyline that happened, I think it was earlier this year or last year.
00:56:38.596 - 00:56:39.256
Diego: That was really cool.
00:56:39.256 - 00:56:42.976
Diego: Like I got to see all of them kind of working together and stuff like that.
00:56:42.976 - 00:56:46.316
Diego: You also got Trigon and Raven from the Titans.
00:56:46.456 - 00:56:47.236
Joshua: Yeah.
00:56:47.236 - 00:56:49.476
Diego: Trigon being like the devil, pretty much.
00:56:49.476 - 00:56:51.656
Diego: And Raven being his daughter.
00:56:51.656 - 00:56:54.516
Diego: And that's a pretty complicated relationship right there.
00:56:54.516 - 00:56:55.096
Joshua: Yeah.
00:56:55.096 - 00:56:57.196
Diego: To say the least.
00:56:57.196 - 00:57:00.996
Joshua: She has her dad in her, like, gem.
00:57:00.996 - 00:57:01.216
Diego: Yeah.
00:57:02.076 - 00:57:02.676
Diego: So weird.
00:57:02.676 - 00:57:05.976
Joshua: And he's in he's just like, let me out.
00:57:05.976 - 00:57:06.556
Diego: Yeah.
00:57:06.556 - 00:57:09.336
Diego: Imagine having a dad who's like the devil, man.
00:57:09.336 - 00:57:10.856
Diego: That's rough.
00:57:10.856 - 00:57:11.536
Diego: Yeah, it's rough.
00:57:11.536 - 00:57:13.756
Diego: Are you about to like say that you know what it's like?
00:57:13.756 - 00:57:15.976
Joshua: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:57:16.096 - 00:57:17.696
Diego: I saw a look in your face.
00:57:17.696 - 00:57:18.756
Diego: Where's he going with this?
00:57:18.756 - 00:57:19.976
Joshua: No, I was going to say something.
00:57:19.976 - 00:57:25.616
Joshua: I was going to say, like, if someone was to make a joke, like go to the devil.
00:57:25.616 - 00:57:28.776
Joshua: I was like, he's, he's right here.
00:57:28.776 - 00:57:30.376
Diego: Pointing at the gem on the forehead.
00:57:30.376 - 00:57:31.676
Joshua: Yeah.
00:57:31.676 - 00:57:33.716
Diego: Shazam, adopt a family.
00:57:34.756 - 00:57:35.576
Joshua: Oh, yeah.
00:57:35.576 - 00:57:36.176
Diego: Right?
00:57:36.176 - 00:57:36.936
Joshua: Yeah.
00:57:36.936 - 00:57:39.216
Diego: Like literally and through journey, right?
00:57:39.216 - 00:57:41.976
Diego: Like they're actually an adoptive family.
00:57:41.976 - 00:57:44.016
Diego: They're all, what do you call this?
00:57:44.016 - 00:57:44.596
Diego: Foster kids.
00:57:45.376 - 00:57:48.376
Diego: So they're foster siblings, I guess.
00:57:48.376 - 00:57:50.356
Diego: They call themselves.
00:57:50.356 - 00:57:57.036
Diego: Over in Marvel, you've got the Fantastic Four, which are quite literally a family.
00:57:57.036 - 00:57:59.356
Diego: You've got Howard Stark and Tony Stark in the MCU.
00:57:59.356 - 00:58:00.276
Diego: That was a big part.
00:58:00.276 - 00:58:02.596
Diego: You know, big, big piece being played by those.
00:58:02.596 - 00:58:05.656
Diego: You've got Monica Rambeau and Maria Rambeau.
00:58:05.656 - 00:58:07.696
Diego: You got the Hetman family.
00:58:07.696 - 00:58:08.956
Diego: Han Pym, Scott Lang.
00:58:09.356 - 00:58:13.856
Diego: There's daughters involved, there's wives, all that stuff involved there.
00:58:13.856 - 00:58:17.056
Diego: In the MCU, you've got Hawkeye and the Barton family.
00:58:17.056 - 00:58:20.456
Diego: You got the Young Avengers, dudes like Isaiah.
00:58:20.456 - 00:58:26.756
Diego: Eli Bradley was the grandson of Isaiah Bradley, and he becomes this character known as the Patriot.
00:58:26.756 - 00:58:29.456
Diego: You got Nathaniel Richards, who was a descendant of Reed Richards.
00:58:29.456 - 00:58:32.116
Diego: He becomes Iron Lad and eventually Kang.
00:58:32.116 - 00:58:38.836
Diego: We got Cassie Lang, who is Scott Lang's daughter, and becomes the, what is her name again?
00:58:40.276 - 00:58:41.336
Joshua: The aunt.
00:58:41.336 - 00:58:41.936
Diego: The aunt?
00:58:41.936 - 00:58:43.596
Diego: You suck.
00:58:43.596 - 00:58:48.276
Diego: You got the Inhumans, who are ruled by a royal family of Inhumans.
00:58:48.276 - 00:58:51.736
Diego: You've got the Summers, Cyclops and Jean Grey.
00:58:51.736 - 00:58:54.476
Diego: There's also Havoc, who is Cyclops' brother.
00:58:54.476 - 00:58:58.656
Diego: Then you got Cable, who is Jean Grey and Cyclops' son in the future.
00:58:58.656 - 00:59:00.476
Diego: You got Thanos, Gamora, and Nebula.
00:59:00.476 - 00:59:01.776
Diego: That's one example of a family by far.
00:59:01.776 - 00:59:03.376
Joshua: Wait, Cable is Cyclops' son?
00:59:03.376 - 00:59:04.276
Diego: Yeah, bro, where you been?
00:59:04.416 - 00:59:05.956
Diego: Read your comics, son.
00:59:05.956 - 00:59:07.636
Diego: Read your comics.
00:59:07.636 - 00:59:08.496
Joshua: OK.
00:59:08.496 - 00:59:12.616
Diego: Thanos, Gamora, and Nebula, that's a good example of a family by force.
00:59:12.616 - 00:59:21.236
Diego: In the horror world, you got Frankenstein and his monster, which is kind of like a really twisted, sickening father and son relationship, because of course, he created him.
00:59:21.236 - 00:59:26.776
Diego: You know, the closest thing to a father that the Frankenstein's, that the monster would ever have is Frankenstein.
00:59:26.776 - 00:59:32.156
Joshua: Is Frankenstein's monster just, does he have a name, or is it just called Frankenstein's monster?
00:59:32.256 - 00:59:34.076
Diego: A monster.
00:59:34.076 - 00:59:37.136
Diego: Then you've got, you got A Quiet Place.
00:59:37.136 - 00:59:41.236
Diego: That's a whole family surviving in that post-apocalyptic alien invasion world.
00:59:41.236 - 00:59:42.236
Joshua: I guess.
00:59:42.236 - 00:59:44.416
Diego: You've never seen A Quiet Place?
00:59:44.416 - 00:59:45.836
Diego: Bro, come on.
00:59:45.836 - 00:59:48.156
Diego: Your father should have introduced you to this already.
00:59:48.156 - 00:59:49.256
Joshua: I wonder, I wonder who my father is.
00:59:49.256 - 00:59:52.116
Diego: In the movie Us, you got the tethered family.
00:59:52.116 - 00:59:53.836
Diego: That whole thing has a lot to do with family.
00:59:53.836 - 00:59:55.136
Diego: I saw that movie.
00:59:55.136 - 00:59:55.816
Diego: You did?
00:59:55.836 - 00:59:56.416
Joshua: Yeah.
00:59:56.416 - 00:59:59.596
Diego: Oh, then I can definitely show you A Quiet Place.
00:59:59.596 - 01:00:00.776
Diego: Jason and his mother.
01:00:02.196 - 01:00:04.116
Diego: Mother is literally the villain in the first movie.
01:00:04.116 - 01:00:07.116
Diego: Jason is the villain in the rest of them, but there's that relationship.
01:00:07.116 - 01:00:10.356
Diego: In The Conjuring, you got the Warrens, Ed and Lorraine Warren.
01:00:10.356 - 01:00:10.616
Joshua: Oh, yeah.
01:00:10.616 - 01:00:12.956
Diego: And then eventually their daughter ends up getting involved.
01:00:12.956 - 01:00:17.856
Diego: The latest Conjuring movie that dealt with them was pretty much all revolving around her.
01:00:19.156 - 01:00:22.596
Diego: And then you got the Sawyers, Leatherheads family.
01:00:22.596 - 01:00:24.596
Diego: Nice little family of cannibals.
01:00:24.596 - 01:00:25.476
Joshua: Oh, wow.
01:00:25.476 - 01:00:25.996
Diego: Yeah.
01:00:25.996 - 01:00:33.596
Diego: And the last mention that I'll give, I think, is probably one of my favorite family dynamics, and I think it has to do with the fact that it is not a biological family.
01:00:33.596 - 01:00:34.876
Diego: It happens through adoption.
01:00:34.876 - 01:00:42.196
Diego: It happens in twisted, dark ways and in really unexpected ways, and it's a family dynamics with an arcane.
01:00:42.196 - 01:01:03.916
Diego: Arcane is by far, I think, one of the coolest examples of family dynamics that I've seen, just because Jinx and Vi, they're kind of like adopted by Vander and raised as his daughters, but also kind of like as his squad, like his employees or team members or whatever.
01:01:05.136 - 01:01:12.356
Diego: And then comes a transition of Jinx into villainhood, and that happens in great part thanks to Sokol, right?
01:01:12.356 - 01:01:16.776
Diego: Sokol having been like a brother figure to Vander, but then eventually becoming evil.
01:01:17.496 - 01:01:24.716
Diego: And then Sokol develops like, you could tell throughout the series that he really like genuinely comes to love Jinx.
01:01:24.716 - 01:01:25.336
Joshua: Yeah.
01:01:25.336 - 01:01:28.136
Diego: It's not just a weapon to him, you know?
01:01:28.136 - 01:01:30.456
Diego: Like she actually is somebody that he comes to care about.
01:01:30.456 - 01:01:36.056
Diego: And he like took her on when he saw her soul like lost after Vander's death.
01:01:36.056 - 01:01:38.736
Diego: That's like a lot of different cool family dynamics.
01:01:38.736 - 01:01:44.256
Diego: And of course you got the whole thing of like Jinx versus Vi, you know, moving into the future part of the story.
01:01:45.376 - 01:01:48.816
Diego: That's a really, really cool family dynamic for me.
01:01:49.396 - 01:01:53.456
Diego: So what's your favorite family type within storylines?
01:01:53.456 - 01:01:59.136
Joshua: I think probably honestly family through journey.
01:01:59.136 - 01:02:00.496
Diego: Okay.
01:02:00.496 - 01:02:04.776
Joshua: Family through journey slash family through duty.
01:02:04.776 - 01:02:05.356
Diego: Okay.
01:02:05.356 - 01:02:05.876
Joshua: Definitely.
01:02:06.236 - 01:02:12.256
Joshua: Because like you have the Bat family, like representing family through duty.
01:02:12.256 - 01:02:22.736
Joshua: And then also with family through journey, you have, like I said, like Red Dead Redemption and God of War with Kratos and Treyas.
01:02:22.736 - 01:02:24.476
Joshua: Those are definitely my favorite.
01:02:24.476 - 01:02:26.536
Diego: So family through duty and through journey?
01:02:26.536 - 01:02:27.496
Joshua: Yeah.
01:02:27.496 - 01:02:27.656
Diego: Yeah.
01:02:27.656 - 01:02:29.776
Diego: I think through journey is probably my favorite.
01:02:30.016 - 01:02:31.156
Diego: That's my top.
01:02:31.156 - 01:02:32.396
Diego: That's my top for sure.
01:02:32.396 - 01:02:37.396
Diego: At the bottom, I think is probably family by blood, to be honest.
01:02:37.396 - 01:02:39.816
Diego: That's like my least favorite.
01:02:39.816 - 01:02:42.556
Diego: But the journey, man, that's like to me, that's just life.
01:02:42.556 - 01:02:44.196
Diego: You know, it's a family of you choose.
01:02:44.196 - 01:02:53.756
Diego: It's a family that proves itself to be family, not just the family that you're always told, like, this is your family and you got to accept it and that's it, because you were born into it.
01:02:53.756 - 01:02:54.216
Joshua: Yeah.
01:02:54.796 - 01:03:02.916
Diego: I lean so much more towards the family that you yourself pick because you see the value in those relationships.
01:03:09.664 - 01:03:12.844
Diego: We want to thank you all for joining us for this episode on Family Ties.
01:03:12.844 - 01:03:19.544
Diego: It was really cool to put together the episode and talk about all the different examples and the types of family dynamics.
01:03:19.544 - 01:03:29.864
Diego: You know, we all have our own family dynamic going on, and it's interesting to see ourselves as kind of a story being told and what role we play within that story.
01:03:29.864 - 01:03:34.244
Diego: I think it helps live life with more enthusiasm and adventure.
01:03:34.244 - 01:03:37.924
Diego: So, yeah, curious to hear from you guys, is there any examples that we missed?
01:03:38.004 - 01:03:42.884
Diego: Do you see yourself as a particular kind of character in a particular family dynamic in your own life?
01:03:42.884 - 01:03:44.704
Diego: Hit us up, contact us.
01:03:44.704 - 01:03:46.884
Diego: You can go to our website,
01:03:48.364 - 01:03:51.344
Diego: There you can learn about us as your hosts.
01:03:51.344 - 01:03:56.944
Diego: You can gain access to all the different ways to subscribe and watch and listen to episodes.
01:03:56.944 - 01:04:02.064
Diego: And you can go all the way to the bottom, where you will find a way of contacting us through the website.
01:04:02.084 - 01:04:07.404
Joshua: Or if you want to hit us up through more traditional means, you can contact us at
01:04:09.904 - 01:04:12.924
Diego: Thank you all for listening, and we'll catch you in the next episode.
01:04:12.944 - 01:04:16.604
Joshua: Ah, becoming insane with my character progression.
01:04:16.604 - 01:04:18.884
Diego: No, your character progression is becoming a jit.
01:04:18.884 - 01:04:19.604
Joshua: Okay.
01:04:19.604 - 01:04:21.344
Diego: So you're going from little jit to big jit.
01:04:21.344 - 01:04:22.284
Diego: All right.