It’s the finale of The Four Elements series, with the element of Fire!
This episode will be filled with flaming forces, hot powersets, and scorching characters! One could even say the episode is going to be absolute… firrrrrrre. Let’s get this finale blazing!
00:00:06.420 - 00:00:12.700
Diego: So buddy, to open up the finale of the Four Elements series with this episode of Fire.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: I brought the perfect example to personify this whole episode.
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Joshua: What would that be?
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Diego: It is me.
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Diego: No, it's not.
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Diego: Fire.
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Diego: I am fire.
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Joshua: No.
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Joshua: Look at me.
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Joshua: Can we get to the episode?
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Diego: Let's get this episode going.
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Joshua: Okay.
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Joshua: Welcome to Geekology 101, my name is Joshua.
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Diego: And my name is Diego.
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Joshua: And today, we are going to be diving into the fourth element, the finale of our four element series, Fire, which is not embodied by my father.
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Diego: Well, I'm sure a lot of people out there back to differ, but I have to correct, I don't think you can dive into fire.
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Diego: Can you dive into fire?
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Diego: You can dive into water, you can't dive into fire.
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Joshua: I mean, you can dive into fire, you're just not going to really go into anything.
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Diego: Right, you're just kind of hitting whatever surface is on the bottom.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: I think we're yapping.
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Diego: All right, let's get to this thing.
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Diego: So of course, just like with all of the other elements, the element of fire has a lot of different symbolisms and significance throughout human history.
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Joshua: And I already know what the kinetic is going to be.
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Joshua: Do you?
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: What is it?
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Joshua: Pyrokinetic.
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Diego: I think, okay, finally.
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Diego: Hey, no, it's funny enough.
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Diego: This was the kinesis that was most common, I realize.
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Diego: I couldn't even, I didn't even find any subversions of it or variations of it.
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Diego: Really?
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: It all just seemed to be pyrokinesis.
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Diego: So yeah, pyrokinesis it is, man.
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Diego: And that, of course, is the ability for a person to create and or control fire with their mind.
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Diego: Some can generate it.
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Diego: Some can just control it.
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Diego: Some are resistant to fire.
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Diego: Some are all of the above.
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Joshua: Perhaps.
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Diego: So there's different characters who can do different things when it comes to fire.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: Not all of them are the same, of course, just like, well, with all the other elements.
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Diego: But did you find any sort of like sub elements that would only fit within this category, like we did with water, with wind and earth?
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Joshua: I did, actually.
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Diego: What did you find?
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Joshua: I found, well, yeah, I found electricity.
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Diego: I was kind of torn with a few things.
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Diego: Electricity.
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Joshua: Like lightning.
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Joshua: And the reason I say that is because in Avatar, lightning is specifically an offshoot of the fire ability.
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Joshua: And the way that they explain that is Zuko, one of the main characters, he's like being trained by his uncle, and his uncle is like teaching him how to like redirect and create lightning.
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Joshua: Because Zuko is a firebender.
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Joshua: And how he explains it is that he like controls the fire and kind of like, I don't know, like molds it into a certain way, that like concentrates the fire into like electricity or lightning.
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Diego: Okay.
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Joshua: And if somebody like shoots lightning at him, he could like redirect it by like controlling the fire in the lightning and like shoot it back at them.
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Joshua: It's pretty interesting.
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Joshua: But I consider like electricity and lightning an offshoot of fire because of Avatar mainly.
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Diego: Well, you know, as I was searching here while you were talking, which I totally was paying attention to, of course.
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Diego: No, no, but it's interesting, though.
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Diego: It is an interesting point.
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Diego: It says that both electricity and fire are flows of charges, and they both have electrons.
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Diego: So like at a sub level, you know, there is actually a relationship there to some degree between these.
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Diego: So I can see why they wanted that direction with that example you're giving off of Avatar because in the end, there is like some commonality between the two elements.
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Joshua: Yeah, it's like concentrated energy.
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Diego: Yeah, that's interesting.
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Diego: Oh, I certainly didn't account for electricity in my searches because wow, that would add a lot.
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Diego: That adds a lot of people.
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Diego: Yeah, a lot of examples.
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Joshua: I'm not I'm not sure.
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Joshua: I'm pretty sure in Avatar, at least lava bending is a category of earth bending because I mean, lava or like magma, whatever, it's just molten rock.
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Joshua: Yeah, so it wouldn't make sense.
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Joshua: But I mean, whatever, it's like kind of similar to fire.
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Joshua: But yeah, I'm pretty sure it's more classified under the earth bending.
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Diego: I guess the difference is that if you were able to like generate magma or control magma, you're technically like control.
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Diego: What you're doing is like taking the earth or rock particles in causing them to vibrate at the molecular level, like where they start heating.
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Joshua: Yeah, I guess.
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Diego: So you're not exactly like introducing the heat.
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Diego: You're kind of causing heat with something you're making the element do.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: Interesting.
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Diego: Well, let's see, I'm curious.
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Diego: Did you have like, did you actually go through examples, gather some examples of electricity or no?
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Joshua: Well, actually in Avatar, Zuko's sister, Azula, she's kind of probably the person who uses electricity mainly.
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Joshua: Also something interesting about her is that her fire is actually blue to kind of like signify that her fire is more powerful than Zuko.
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Joshua: But even in that final fight that they have, his fire is like red.
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Joshua: It's like normal orange type, like fireplace fire.
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Joshua: And he's still able to like defeat her with his lesser fire, which I guess some kind of symbolism for something.
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Joshua: I don't know.
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Joshua: But yeah, she uses lightning the most.
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Joshua: And that's actually why his uncle had to teach him how to redirect lightning so that if she like shot lightning at him, he would be able to like redirect it back at her.
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Diego: Well, speaking about symbolism and stuff, like fire is in human history and development linked to things like ambition, courage, drive.
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Diego: I think that's part of the reason why fire is such a consuming element.
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Diego: It's very difficult to control in a way, in a natural setting, that like all you can do is kind of like run away from it.
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Diego: And I think that that characteristic really lends itself very well to like some sort of villain, some sort of character that is out to consume, right?
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Diego: To conquer.
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Diego: I think it's just like a perfect metaphor for that.
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Diego: Spreading like a fire, you know, like you envision a fire in the woods, right?
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Diego: People out in the West Coast, for example, whenever wildfires start, you have no choice.
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Diego: You just got to leave and leave all your possessions and whatever, you know, your house and all that.
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Diego: So it's like, it's definitely in nature.
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Diego: It is extremely threatening.
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Diego: And I think there's like a menacing nature to it because of how slowly it moves.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: You know, like wind comes in with actual speed.
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Diego: Water pours down in one direction.
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Diego: Yeah, flows, has a current.
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Diego: But like fire spreads slowly and consumes and wrecks everything.
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Diego: It's like a really crazy kind of element that way.
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Diego: But there are also a lot of like spiritual traditions that see fire.
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Diego: The element of fire is something that has to do with purification.
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Diego: Because in the end, like if you look at just like a nature, a fire that starts naturally also ends up having like certain benefits for some reason.
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Diego: Control, for example, of certain populations of animals that could be growing out of control.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: The whole process of like breaking down certain elements that otherwise could not be broken down, and that has like certain effects in nature.
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Diego: It's interesting.
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Diego: Like there's, just like with any other element, there's like some qualities that are positive, some qualities that are negative, and that is reflected in how we see it symbolically in society and stuff.
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Diego: In the Zodiac, the three fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
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Joshua: I'm an Aries.
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Diego: Ah, that's what you are.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: Oh, son, you're fire.
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Joshua: I am fire.
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Diego: Uh-oh.
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Joshua: I guess that means I'm more fire than you.
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Diego: Dang it.
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Joshua: Cause you're, you're Aries?
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Joshua: What does that mean?
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Diego: I'm A, I'm Aries.
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Joshua: You're gassy.
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Diego: Gassy.
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Diego: Come on, man.
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Diego: How you gonna do me like that?
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Diego: In one episode, are you gonna make me fall from being fire to being gassy?
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Diego: That's sad, man.
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Diego: In mythology, our boy Prometheus, he stole fire from the gods because fire was like an element that will only belong to the gods.
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Joshua: The guy from the matrix?
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Joshua: The guy with the glasses?
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Diego: Prometheus?
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Diego: You're talking about Morpheus?
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Joshua: Oh, Morpheus.
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Diego: That's on your confess.
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Diego: Oh, yeah.
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Diego: He stole fire from the gods and gave it to the people.
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Diego: But then eventually he was punished by the gods, of course.
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Diego: In Chinese culture, it's also associated with joy and passion and connection with other people.
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Diego: So it does have like some positive connotations in certain parts of the world.
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Diego: So overall, yeah, like very significant kind of element, but definitely it has a certain volatility, a certain energy to it that the other elements just don't have.
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Diego: Right?
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Joshua: Yeah, definitely.
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Diego: All right.
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Diego: So let's talk about like users and the different ways that fire is used, because there are so many different versions out there of this thing.
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Diego: One of the biggest symbols, I think, in mythology related to fire is actually the phoenix, which is a bird that when burned can rise again from the ashes, like reborn from the ashes.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: And so that leads me right into one of my favorite characters in any fiction and that is in Saint Seiya, Iki Phoenix.
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Joshua: I thought you were going to say Jean Grey or something.
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Diego: No, man.
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Diego: Please.
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Diego: Jean Grey wishes.
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Diego: But no, yeah, Iki from Saint Seiya, man.
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Diego: He is just awesome.
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Diego: He's the anti-hero basically of that entire thing.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: Which, by the way, anti-heroes tune in to our next official episode, because that episode is going to be who would win in a fight.
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Joshua: Tournament.
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Diego: Anti-hero edition.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: You're going to love that one.
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Diego: But anyway, yeah, Phoenix is definitely an awesome character, my favorite from the entire Saint Seiya series.
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Diego: And just like the mythological Phoenix, whenever he dies, he eventually always comes back to life.
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Diego: And he is always shown, enveloped in flames and stuff, and emerging from flames.
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Diego: And a lot of his power set has to do with fire and stuff like that.
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Diego: So it's like, definitely, they play into that whole mythology.
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Diego: There's also a character, Mars, the God of War, in Saint Seiya, who is a fire wielder.
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Diego: Like, he's also very, very well known for using fire.
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Diego: He was in this anime called Saint Seiya Omega.
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Diego: Cool story.
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Joshua: Who else do we got?
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Joshua: Speaking of somebody that's engulfed and enveloped in fire, we have the Human Torch, somebody who was literally always enveloped in fire.
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Diego: But hold up, which Human Torch are you talking about?
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Diego: How many of you out there know that there was a first Human Torch who was not Johnny Storm?
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Joshua: I don't think I would be talking.
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Joshua: I mean, okay.
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Joshua: Well, Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, the member of the Fantastic Four.
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Joshua: I mean, he is fire.
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Diego: I'd say he's on fire.
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Joshua: He's on fire.
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Diego: I feel like he's under all that fire.
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Diego: He's still under it.
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Joshua: I mean, yeah, he is.
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Diego: He doesn't turn into fire.
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Diego: There's some characters that literally like turn into fire that are composed of fire.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Joshua: Johnny is definitely engulfed in fire, but the fire, he's not just like, like we know that the fire helps him fly or is that just another ability?
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Diego: I mean, fire rises, right?
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: Just like heat rises.
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Joshua: But he can also like fly.
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Diego: I think when he catches, when he flames on, he's technically like able to fire.
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Diego: He's able to flow probably because of the lightness that it brings to him, and he's able to move around because of propulsion.
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Joshua: I guess.
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Diego: Like a jet propulsor?
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Joshua: He can also shoot fire.
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Joshua: And his most powerful attack probably is his supernova, which he famously used in, well, I don't know, not really famously, but in Secret Wars, Doom forced him to be constantly going supernova, and he basically became the sun for Battle World.
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Diego: That's sad.
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Diego: That's just evil.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: Well, the other human torch, his name is Jim Hammond.
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Diego: Well, he's an android, and he was created by a scientist called Phineas Horton, and he was guided and created him by who?
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Diego: Victor Timely, interestingly enough.
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Diego: He's all in the comics.
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Joshua: Like the king guy?
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: And this guy possesses the ability to surround himself with fire and control flames.
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Diego: But he is an android, not dissimilar from Red Tornado, actually.
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Joshua: Oh, Red Tornado.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: Except like instead of wind, it's fire.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: And then he takes on the alias of Jim Hammond.
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Diego: And this guy was actually like way back in the day, talking about like during the World War II Captain America days.
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Joshua: Oh, really?
00:14:01.758 - 00:14:02.178
Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: There's like stories even in modern day comics that they reference him, and the Captain America will talk about him.
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Diego: I think they mentioned him, or actually showed him in some scenes in the first, when the Winter Soldier was introduced, Captain America Winter Soldier comic.
00:14:17.538 - 00:14:21.718
Diego: There, I think they actually show like a mission that Captain America was doing during that time.
00:14:21.718 - 00:14:23.278
Joshua: Yeah.
00:14:23.278 - 00:14:24.698
Joshua: What happened to him?
00:14:24.698 - 00:14:25.458
Diego: I have no clue.
00:14:25.458 - 00:14:26.538
Diego: I don't know.
00:14:26.538 - 00:14:27.098
Diego: Yeah.
00:14:27.098 - 00:14:29.118
Diego: I don't think they really go into that.
00:14:29.118 - 00:14:30.958
Diego: I'm sure that his stories are out there, but-
00:14:31.338 - 00:14:35.078
Joshua: Is he like the same way where he's like engulfed in fire?
00:14:35.198 - 00:14:36.318
Diego: Yeah, pretty much.
00:14:36.318 - 00:14:37.458
Diego: Because he is an android, right?
00:14:37.458 - 00:14:40.158
Diego: So it's not like his molecular structure changes or anything.
00:14:40.158 - 00:14:40.638
Joshua: Yeah.
00:14:40.638 - 00:14:40.858
Diego: Yeah.
00:14:40.858 - 00:14:42.678
Diego: He's pretty much like Johnny Storm.
00:14:42.678 - 00:14:46.718
Diego: Like they created Johnny Storm based off of that guy.
00:14:46.718 - 00:14:47.338
Joshua: I mean, yeah.
00:14:47.338 - 00:14:48.498
Diego: Yeah.
00:14:48.498 - 00:14:51.478
Diego: So yeah, he's the other human torch.
00:14:51.758 - 00:14:52.898
Diego: Pretty interesting.
00:14:52.898 - 00:14:54.958
Diego: Sticking with Marvel, right?
00:14:54.958 - 00:15:00.358
Diego: There are many fire wielding people in Marvel.
00:15:00.358 - 00:15:01.138
Diego: Ghost riders.
00:15:01.138 - 00:15:01.478
Joshua: Yeah.
00:15:01.678 - 00:15:02.618
Joshua: I was going to say that, too.
00:15:02.658 - 00:15:04.458
Diego: They got a whole squad of them, man.
00:15:04.458 - 00:15:06.838
Joshua: And Danny Ketch, Johnny Blaze.
00:15:06.838 - 00:15:08.858
Joshua: What's the other guy's name?
00:15:08.858 - 00:15:09.958
Joshua: Robbie Reyes.
00:15:09.958 - 00:15:10.358
Diego: Yep.
00:15:10.358 - 00:15:11.458
Joshua: There's a bunch of those guys.
00:15:11.458 - 00:15:12.118
Diego: Yeah.
00:15:12.118 - 00:15:15.118
Diego: There's the old dude, the horse guy.
00:15:15.118 - 00:15:15.638
Diego: Yeah.
00:15:15.638 - 00:15:16.538
Joshua: Every guy's name.
00:15:16.538 - 00:15:18.038
Diego: Cowboy one.
00:15:19.218 - 00:15:29.098
Diego: One thing that was really cool in recent comics, there was like a side comic of Midnight Suns during the Blood Hunt event in the comics.
00:15:29.118 - 00:15:35.358
Diego: And it brought Danny Ketch and Johnny Blaze together with a couple of other characters, and they had like this little mission.
00:15:35.358 - 00:15:37.378
Diego: The comic itself, honestly, was a little...
00:15:37.378 - 00:15:39.278
Diego: like the story was inconsequential.
00:15:39.278 - 00:15:43.098
Diego: It didn't have any kind of impact on anything, but the characters were dope.
00:15:43.478 - 00:15:51.198
Diego: And this point in the main continuity of Marvel comics, Johnny Blaze no longer has a spirit of vengeance.
00:15:51.478 - 00:15:52.418
Joshua: So he's just like a guy?
00:15:52.418 - 00:15:54.058
Diego: He's a guy, but...
00:15:54.058 - 00:15:54.778
Joshua: But?
00:15:54.778 - 00:16:02.378
Diego: He managed to learn how to create ammunition with hellfire.
00:16:02.378 - 00:16:02.718
Joshua: What?
00:16:02.718 - 00:16:03.538
Joshua: Like ammunition for guns?
00:16:03.538 - 00:16:06.278
Diego: Like the fire that lights up Ghost Rider.
00:16:06.278 - 00:16:06.738
Joshua: What?
00:16:06.738 - 00:16:07.118
Joshua: Really?
00:16:07.118 - 00:16:10.198
Diego: So all his weapons have ammunition that is like...
00:16:10.198 - 00:16:12.098
Diego: that is infused with hellfire.
00:16:12.098 - 00:16:12.838
Diego: It's pretty dope.
00:16:12.838 - 00:16:15.618
Joshua: Wait, so is Danny Ketch like the main Ghost Rider right now?
00:16:15.618 - 00:16:17.598
Diego: Yeah, he's the main one.
00:16:17.598 - 00:16:18.238
Diego: Yeah, it's pretty cool.
00:16:18.238 - 00:16:19.458
Diego: I thought that was kind of dope.
00:16:19.558 - 00:16:23.178
Diego: Like, the introduction is like, you know, I mean, hellfire based ammunition.
00:16:23.178 - 00:16:24.678
Diego: So cool.
00:16:24.678 - 00:16:27.398
Diego: But yeah, the Ghost Riders definitely like fire wielders.
00:16:27.398 - 00:16:29.318
Diego: They...
00:16:29.318 - 00:16:30.358
Diego: Do they...
00:16:30.498 - 00:16:32.038
Diego: They're chain catches on fire.
00:16:32.038 - 00:16:32.818
Diego: I know that.
00:16:32.818 - 00:16:33.038
Joshua: Yeah.
00:16:33.038 - 00:16:35.358
Diego: Of course, if you touch their fire, you'll get burned.
00:16:35.358 - 00:16:40.658
Diego: Their motorcycles, like literally on fire or their vehicle, whatever it is.
00:16:40.658 - 00:16:43.638
Diego: Do they throw fire at all?
00:16:43.638 - 00:16:47.938
Diego: I can't say I remember like them ever shooting fire.
00:16:50.338 - 00:16:55.278
Diego: Maybe in the movies.
00:16:55.278 - 00:16:56.038
Joshua: Movies?
00:16:56.038 - 00:16:57.258
Joshua: Yeah.
00:16:57.258 - 00:17:01.038
Diego: I think I may have seen Homeboy throwing some fire.
00:17:01.038 - 00:17:02.198
Diego: I'm not sure.
00:17:02.198 - 00:17:04.798
Diego: Anyway, you mentioned the phoenix before.
00:17:04.798 - 00:17:04.998
Joshua: Yeah.
00:17:04.998 - 00:17:06.358
Diego: The phoenix force.
00:17:06.358 - 00:17:06.678
Joshua: Yeah.
00:17:06.678 - 00:17:10.098
Diego: Which when it possesses somebody, like fire is immediately a thing.
00:17:10.878 - 00:17:19.338
Joshua: Mainly, I mean, the whole main character is Jean Grey, creating the dark phoenix persona.
00:17:19.338 - 00:17:19.678
Diego: Yeah.
00:17:19.678 - 00:17:21.338
Joshua: And I don't know when.
00:17:21.338 - 00:17:34.858
Joshua: The only time I've ever seen the phoenix force with somebody else is in Secret Wars, when it is merged with Cyclops, creating phoenix Cyclops who will not stop yapping about coming back from the ashes.
00:17:35.818 - 00:17:38.018
Joshua: But, yeah.
00:17:38.038 - 00:17:39.198
Diego: Yeah, that's one.
00:17:39.198 - 00:17:51.018
Diego: Right now, in the X-Men comics that I'm reading, there's this character called Temper, who was introduced, I think, fairly recently, I think during the whole, like, Krakow nation era of X-Men.
00:17:51.018 - 00:17:56.958
Diego: And right now, she's part of one of the two X-Men teams.
00:17:56.978 - 00:18:00.298
Diego: And she reminds me kind of like of Todoroki.
00:18:00.298 - 00:18:03.818
Diego: She can control temperature overall.
00:18:04.618 - 00:18:05.458
Joshua: So, like, coldness and heat?
00:18:05.458 - 00:18:09.078
Diego: And she's kind of like half fire, half ice type of a situation.
00:18:09.078 - 00:18:10.178
Diego: Yeah.
00:18:10.178 - 00:18:10.998
Diego: Pretty cool character.
00:18:11.598 - 00:18:13.378
Diego: She's, yeah, she's pretty neat.
00:18:13.378 - 00:18:15.018
Diego: She's got kind of like a mean streak to her.
00:18:15.018 - 00:18:17.758
Diego: I'm actually kind of curious to learn a little bit more about her.
00:18:17.758 - 00:18:18.618
Diego: But she's pretty cool.
00:18:18.618 - 00:18:19.998
Diego: Her name is Temper.
00:18:19.998 - 00:18:24.498
Joshua: Someone I wanted to mention is kind of stepping away from Marvel a little bit.
00:18:24.498 - 00:18:25.238
Joshua: Well, not a little bit.
00:18:25.238 - 00:18:27.478
Joshua: It is Bakugo.
00:18:27.478 - 00:18:28.658
Diego: Oh, yeah.
00:18:28.658 - 00:18:30.458
Joshua: Now, he doesn't have firepower.
00:18:30.458 - 00:18:36.158
Joshua: His quirk, which I feel like a lot of people don't actually know, is his sweat is basically gasoline.
00:18:36.158 - 00:18:36.938
Diego: Combustible.
00:18:36.938 - 00:18:37.378
Joshua: Yeah.
00:18:37.378 - 00:18:37.638
Diego: Yeah.
00:18:37.638 - 00:18:40.478
Joshua: His sweat is like literally like some kind of flammable.
00:18:40.478 - 00:18:41.598
Diego: Kerosene or something?
00:18:41.658 - 00:18:42.198
Joshua: Yeah.
00:18:42.438 - 00:18:43.538
Joshua: Some kind of gas.
00:18:43.778 - 00:18:44.158
Diego: Yeah.
00:18:44.158 - 00:18:45.118
Diego: That's yeah.
00:18:45.258 - 00:18:52.358
Diego: When I was thinking about MHA, I was looking at three different people who do fire stuff.
00:18:52.358 - 00:18:55.678
Diego: And Bakugo is probably the most unique one that I've ever heard.
00:18:55.678 - 00:18:56.118
Joshua: Yeah.
00:18:56.118 - 00:18:58.698
Diego: I've never seen something like that.
00:18:58.858 - 00:19:00.558
Diego: He actually is combustible.
00:19:00.658 - 00:19:03.198
Diego: There's something out there, though.
00:19:05.118 - 00:19:09.838
Diego: There's a movie called Rain of Fire, and it's all about dragons.
00:19:09.838 - 00:19:16.438
Diego: It's like on a post-apocalyptic future of Earth, where dragons have been unleashed.
00:19:16.438 - 00:19:18.538
Diego: Like there were some kind of mining operation.
00:19:18.538 - 00:19:21.038
Diego: By the way, this movie is really good.
00:19:21.038 - 00:19:25.118
Diego: Like if you've never seen Rain of Fire, go back and watch it.
00:19:25.118 - 00:19:29.318
Diego: It's Matthew McConaughey and Christian Bale.
00:19:29.798 - 00:19:31.018
Diego: Oh, yeah.
00:19:31.018 - 00:19:33.358
Diego: Dude, and the movie is like good.
00:19:33.358 - 00:19:34.358
Diego: It's a cool story.
00:19:34.358 - 00:19:36.918
Diego: It's a really cool post-apocalyptic world.
00:19:36.918 - 00:19:44.778
Diego: Point is that the dragons, like the system of fire, they explain it a lot, like how it is that they create fire.
00:19:44.778 - 00:19:46.258
Joshua: Is it like their saliva is combustion?
00:19:46.258 - 00:19:53.438
Diego: Yeah, it's like two different ducts inside of the dragon's mouth that spew two different chemicals.
00:19:53.438 - 00:19:56.158
Diego: And when the chemicals combine, it creates this crazy fire.
00:19:56.158 - 00:19:58.418
Joshua: So it creates like fire breath type thing?
00:19:58.518 - 00:20:01.898
Diego: No, but it's worse, because the fire is like napalm.
00:20:01.898 - 00:20:03.758
Diego: It sticks to things.
00:20:03.758 - 00:20:05.218
Diego: It's like liquid fire.
00:20:05.218 - 00:20:06.858
Diego: It's crazy.
00:20:06.858 - 00:20:09.778
Diego: And I know that there's something else that I've heard.
00:20:11.078 - 00:20:22.258
Diego: I forget what media it was, but there's some other creature or character of some sort that is covered in combustible liquid.
00:20:22.258 - 00:20:27.258
Diego: Kind of like a toad, like a toad that secretes this kind of like poisonous liquid.
00:20:27.658 - 00:20:28.018
Joshua: Yeah.
00:20:28.018 - 00:20:30.318
Diego: You know, so predators don't mess with it.
00:20:30.318 - 00:20:36.178
Diego: It's something along those lines, and I cannot remember for the life of me what it is, but it reminds me a lot of that, the whole Bakugo thing.
00:20:36.178 - 00:20:39.078
Diego: Anyway, yeah, Bakugo, very original thing.
00:20:39.078 - 00:20:45.878
Diego: And like the fact that it's combustible, sweat, like you see that explosions are such a part of his whole thing.
00:20:45.878 - 00:20:46.258
Joshua: Yeah.
00:20:46.258 - 00:21:04.178
Joshua: And also I noticed that like in this whole, in this episode where they were kind of creating new techniques, Bakugo came up with this thing where he kind of like puts, he kind of like creates like a focused beam with his hands, and it's like a laser, like he like concentrated fire.
00:21:04.178 - 00:21:12.418
Joshua: So yeah, he like puts his, he like shapes his hand into like an O and then puts it in front of his other like rocket hand and it creates like a laser.
00:21:12.478 - 00:21:13.538
Diego: It's like, shh.
00:21:13.538 - 00:21:19.778
Joshua: But I feel like when Bakugo goes, like if you're near Bakugo when he's like sweating, yeah, that must smell.
00:21:21.038 - 00:21:21.858
Diego: I wonder, right?
00:21:21.858 - 00:21:24.898
Joshua: Like, do you think it smells like actual, like gasoline?
00:21:24.898 - 00:21:26.838
Diego: It has to smell like something combustible.
00:21:26.838 - 00:21:27.358
Diego: Yeah.
00:21:27.358 - 00:21:29.678
Diego: Gasoline, kerosene, something like that.
00:21:29.678 - 00:21:30.358
Joshua: Yeah.
00:21:30.358 - 00:21:31.098
Diego: Yeah, that's interesting.
00:21:31.098 - 00:21:34.198
Diego: I never thought of that about that whole sweat part.
00:21:34.198 - 00:21:36.518
Diego: Also the fire hazard.
00:21:36.518 - 00:21:36.938
Joshua: Yeah.
00:21:36.958 - 00:21:37.958
Diego: Yikes.
00:21:37.958 - 00:21:39.078
Diego: It's dangerous.
00:21:39.078 - 00:21:41.398
Diego: Speaking of MHA and fire, endeavor.
00:21:42.178 - 00:21:42.778
Joshua: Yeah.
00:21:42.778 - 00:21:54.558
Diego: The whole time that we watched MHA, I was like, this guy walking around with a fire goatee, like, who is this guy?
00:21:54.558 - 00:21:56.278
Diego: And then in that scene, man.
00:21:56.278 - 00:21:57.758
Joshua: Where he fights that Nomu.
00:21:58.858 - 00:21:59.778
Joshua: Yeah.
00:21:59.778 - 00:22:04.238
Joshua: He goes supernova like Johnny Storm.
00:22:04.238 - 00:22:04.978
Diego: What a moment.
00:22:04.978 - 00:22:13.338
Diego: That's the moment when that dude, that character won me over, which is again, I can't get tired of saying how many times MHA does that.
00:22:13.338 - 00:22:22.558
Diego: Characters that you either underestimate, you're annoyed by, that you hate for whatever reason, or you dislike because of their characteristics, like personality.
00:22:22.558 - 00:22:32.718
Diego: And then suddenly some storyline happens, something occurs where they just have their crowning moment of badass, and they become like, wow, a whole different character.
00:22:32.718 - 00:22:36.558
Joshua: I feel like that's happened with like every, but the thing is like, it works.
00:22:36.658 - 00:22:42.358
Joshua: I feel like it's happened with a lot of characters in class A, class 1A and 1B.
00:22:42.358 - 00:22:49.798
Joshua: Like I remember when Dark Shadow got his moment, and like, or Araka, and all these people.
00:22:50.038 - 00:22:53.978
Joshua: And it's like always so like epic, and it's like this like music playing, yeah.
00:22:53.978 - 00:22:55.278
Diego: It's so great, man.
00:22:55.278 - 00:22:55.898
Diego: Anime is great.
00:22:55.998 - 00:23:03.838
Joshua: Like they finally get their chance to like show how their power can actually be useful, and like how cool their power actually is when you think about it.
00:23:03.838 - 00:23:04.658
Diego: Yeah.
00:23:04.658 - 00:23:05.578
Diego: That's so great, man.
00:23:06.238 - 00:23:06.358
Diego: Yeah.
00:23:06.358 - 00:23:12.918
Diego: And then, of course, he got his son Todoroki who inherits half his quirk, half his mother's quirk.
00:23:12.918 - 00:23:13.278
Joshua: Yeah.
00:23:13.278 - 00:23:14.518
Joshua: Dobby also.
00:23:14.518 - 00:23:14.878
Diego: Oh, yeah.
00:23:14.878 - 00:23:15.458
Diego: Dobby, right.
00:23:15.458 - 00:23:16.538
Diego: Always with the blue flame.
00:23:16.538 - 00:23:16.958
Joshua: Yeah.
00:23:16.958 - 00:23:17.698
Joshua: Blue fire.
00:23:17.698 - 00:23:18.338
Diego: So cool.
00:23:18.338 - 00:23:19.098
Diego: Dobby's great, man.
00:23:19.098 - 00:23:27.498
Diego: That's another character that like in the latest season that we watched, how man like that dude just became so much cooler.
00:23:27.538 - 00:23:28.798
Joshua: Yeah.
00:23:28.798 - 00:23:34.218
Diego: But it's funny because like the potential was just sitting there all along, you know, it's just that they hadn't gotten to that point.
00:23:34.218 - 00:23:34.358
Diego: Yeah.
00:23:35.478 - 00:23:36.278
Diego: So great, man.
00:23:36.278 - 00:23:37.298
Diego: Yeah.
00:23:37.298 - 00:23:43.018
Diego: Is there anyone else in MH that you that you have down as a fire user?
00:23:43.018 - 00:23:45.318
Diego: I can't really think of anyone else.
00:23:45.318 - 00:23:47.018
Joshua: Yeah, I don't know.
00:23:47.018 - 00:23:48.018
Joshua: I don't think so.
00:23:48.018 - 00:23:49.938
Diego: Okay.
00:23:49.938 - 00:23:50.698
Diego: Yeah, go ahead.
00:23:50.698 - 00:23:56.478
Joshua: Someone I want to mention from the DC universe.
00:23:56.478 - 00:23:58.758
Joshua: Firefly, the Batman villain.
00:23:59.018 - 00:23:59.418
Diego: Yeah.
00:23:59.418 - 00:23:59.698
Joshua: Yeah.
00:23:59.698 - 00:24:13.038
Joshua: I remember when I was playing through Arkham Knight, there was a whole slew of missions that was all about Firefly, like arsoning up these fire departments all over Gotham, and you have to stop him.
00:24:13.038 - 00:24:13.958
Diego: I remember that mission.
00:24:14.118 - 00:24:14.998
Joshua: Yeah.
00:24:14.998 - 00:24:15.998
Diego: Yeah, it's pretty cool.
00:24:15.998 - 00:24:17.618
Diego: And you remember how they had...
00:24:17.618 - 00:24:21.998
Diego: He was the main villain in the Batgirl movie that was never going to be seen?
00:24:21.998 - 00:24:22.738
Joshua: He was?
00:24:22.738 - 00:24:24.078
Diego: Yeah.
00:24:24.078 - 00:24:25.978
Diego: Brendan Fraser was playing him.
00:24:25.978 - 00:24:26.318
Joshua: Really?
00:24:26.638 - 00:24:27.218
Diego: Yeah, man.
00:24:27.258 - 00:24:28.318
Diego: We never got to see it.
00:24:28.318 - 00:24:29.578
Diego: It's so sad.
00:24:29.578 - 00:24:32.458
Diego: I really hope that they unarchived that thing at some point, man.
00:24:32.458 - 00:24:32.918
Joshua: Yeah.
00:24:32.918 - 00:24:36.078
Diego: What a weird thing to just throw out there.
00:24:36.078 - 00:24:37.818
Diego: I mean, to put away, you know?
00:24:37.818 - 00:24:39.138
Joshua: Yeah.
00:24:39.138 - 00:24:44.198
Diego: Fully made, edited, ready to go, and it's just completely archived.
00:24:44.198 - 00:24:46.018
Joshua: Why didn't they throw that away?
00:24:46.018 - 00:24:48.018
Diego: Financial reasons.
00:24:48.018 - 00:24:49.258
Diego: They were writing it away.
00:24:49.258 - 00:24:54.278
Diego: Because if they release a movie, they got to pay certain amounts of taxes and stuff, and we're talking about millions.
00:24:55.218 - 00:24:56.838
Diego: And they got to promote it and all that stuff.
00:24:56.838 - 00:24:59.278
Diego: So there's huge, huge costs associated with the movie.
00:24:59.278 - 00:25:02.458
Diego: Even after it's made, the costs continue.
00:25:02.458 - 00:25:02.978
Diego: Yeah.
00:25:02.978 - 00:25:04.938
Joshua: Was it going to be part of the DCEU?
00:25:06.798 - 00:25:07.038
Joshua: Yeah.
00:25:07.038 - 00:25:10.498
Diego: It was supposed to be the new direction they were taking.
00:25:10.878 - 00:25:20.038
Diego: Because they were trying to introduce the Kaya girl as Supergirl and Batgirl, and then it was supposed to be-
00:25:20.098 - 00:25:21.378
Joshua: Batwoman.
00:25:21.378 - 00:25:22.878
Joshua: Huh?
00:25:22.878 - 00:25:23.178
Joshua: I'm not sure.
00:25:23.178 - 00:25:24.018
Diego: No, it was Batwoman.
00:25:24.018 - 00:25:25.218
Diego: Oh, it was Batgirl.
00:25:25.258 - 00:25:25.918
Joshua: It was?
00:25:25.918 - 00:25:26.438
Diego: Yeah, yeah.
00:25:26.438 - 00:25:27.198
Joshua: Oh.
00:25:27.198 - 00:25:27.938
Diego: Yeah.
00:25:27.938 - 00:25:32.878
Diego: And it was going to be Michael Keaton's Batman mentoring her.
00:25:33.598 - 00:25:34.978
Diego: Yeah.
00:25:34.978 - 00:25:38.558
Diego: That was like the direction they were going, and then everything changed.
00:25:38.558 - 00:25:39.698
Joshua: Yeah.
00:25:39.698 - 00:25:40.478
Joshua: Like it has so many times.
00:25:40.478 - 00:25:43.578
Joshua: And then James Gunn, our savior, James Gunn.
00:25:43.578 - 00:25:45.558
Diego: Hey, man, I'm not calling him my savior just yet.
00:25:45.558 - 00:25:47.438
Diego: I will wait and see.
00:25:47.438 - 00:25:49.178
Diego: But in the DC world, there's many more, man.
00:25:49.278 - 00:25:56.858
Diego: You've got you got Starfire from Teen Titans and her sister Blackfire.
00:25:56.858 - 00:26:05.638
Diego: And both of these were very, very heavily featured in the Titans series, which first two seasons were so great.
00:26:05.638 - 00:26:15.258
Diego: Like their whole, I think the whole second season, there was a big storyline regarding Blackfire, I think the sisters, that whole thing was done.
00:26:15.258 - 00:26:21.458
Diego: Then in the Arrowverse, they focused very heavily on Firestorm.
00:26:21.458 - 00:26:22.078
Joshua: Yeah.
00:26:22.118 - 00:26:25.038
Joshua: And there's two, right?
00:26:25.038 - 00:26:25.818
Diego: Two Firestorms?
00:26:25.818 - 00:26:26.778
Joshua: Yeah.
00:26:26.778 - 00:26:27.578
Joshua: There's...
00:26:27.598 - 00:26:29.538
Diego: Oh, yeah.
00:26:29.538 - 00:26:30.438
Diego: That's right.
00:26:30.438 - 00:26:35.218
Diego: He merges first with the Caucasian dude and then with the Black dude, right?
00:26:35.218 - 00:26:35.898
Joshua: Yeah.
00:26:35.898 - 00:26:36.618
Diego: Yeah.
00:26:36.618 - 00:26:36.898
Diego: That's right.
00:26:36.898 - 00:26:39.418
Diego: But it's always the professor is like the common denominator, right?
00:26:39.418 - 00:26:39.978
Diego: He's always there.
00:26:40.258 - 00:26:40.638
Joshua: Yeah.
00:26:40.658 - 00:26:42.358
Joshua: The professor was with both of them.
00:26:42.358 - 00:26:43.078
Diego: Yeah.
00:26:43.078 - 00:26:43.218
Diego: Yeah.
00:26:43.218 - 00:26:44.118
Diego: That was pretty cool, man.
00:26:44.238 - 00:26:45.518
Diego: That character was interesting.
00:26:45.518 - 00:26:51.318
Diego: I never, honestly, I never paid attention to Firestorm in the comics, never knew his story at all.
00:26:51.318 - 00:26:54.358
Diego: I had no clue that he was composed of two people.
00:26:54.358 - 00:26:54.898
Joshua: Really?
00:26:54.898 - 00:26:56.178
Diego: No, I had no idea, man.
00:26:56.178 - 00:26:56.838
Diego: That's pretty cool.
00:26:56.838 - 00:26:57.438
Diego: I really...
00:26:57.678 - 00:26:59.878
Diego: I dug him in that Arrowverse.
00:26:59.878 - 00:27:00.478
Diego: Pretty neat.
00:27:00.478 - 00:27:02.758
Diego: Yeah.
00:27:03.058 - 00:27:06.918
Diego: In Suicide Squad, you had Diablo.
00:27:06.918 - 00:27:07.858
Joshua: Yeah, that guy was cool.
00:27:07.858 - 00:27:09.458
Diego: Definitely a cool fire user.
00:27:09.718 - 00:27:10.518
Diego: Amongst other things.
00:27:10.518 - 00:27:11.478
Joshua: I forgot about that guy.
00:27:11.478 - 00:27:12.018
Joshua: Yeah.
00:27:12.018 - 00:27:12.798
Diego: Yeah.
00:27:12.798 - 00:27:16.178
Diego: I mean, they really showed off his fire powers, too.
00:27:16.178 - 00:27:19.758
Diego: In Little Things, remember, where he was making that woman dance or whatever in his palm?
00:27:19.758 - 00:27:20.558
Joshua: Mm-hmm.
00:27:20.738 - 00:27:22.298
Diego: And to the big things, right?
00:27:22.818 - 00:27:23.438
Diego: Oh, man.
00:27:23.438 - 00:27:25.538
Joshua: Didn't he turn into some kind of dragon?
00:27:25.538 - 00:27:26.698
Joshua: Didn't he make a fire?
00:27:27.478 - 00:27:27.718
Joshua: Yeah.
00:27:27.718 - 00:27:29.598
Diego: Because it's a demon that possesses him.
00:27:29.598 - 00:27:30.898
Joshua: Oh, yeah, it is.
00:27:30.898 - 00:27:33.738
Diego: So that's why they call him the Diablo.
00:27:35.598 - 00:27:44.518
Diego: And so he can use fire normally in his human form, but he can go his final form or whatever you want to call it and turn into the demon.
00:27:44.518 - 00:27:44.978
Diego: Pretty cool.
00:27:44.978 - 00:27:53.298
Diego: Yeah, that dude was pretty, I think, from the fire wielders in DC, at least this iteration that we got to see in Suicide Squad, that dude was like a standout for me.
00:27:53.298 - 00:27:53.678
Joshua: Yeah.
00:27:53.678 - 00:27:54.638
Diego: Very cool.
00:27:54.638 - 00:28:02.438
Joshua: Into the world of Mortal Kombat, you have, I mean, Scorpion, obviously, first off.
00:28:02.438 - 00:28:07.278
Joshua: I mean, his whole thing, he's like, I mean, get over here.
00:28:07.278 - 00:28:17.138
Joshua: And he like, well, no, one of his most iconic finishers, he breathes fire onto your head and just burns all of your flesh off.
00:28:17.138 - 00:28:17.518
Joshua: Yeah.
00:28:17.518 - 00:28:18.438
Joshua: Your skin.
00:28:18.438 - 00:28:21.478
Diego: I think that fatality is called toasty, if I remember saying.
00:28:21.478 - 00:28:22.758
Joshua: Really?
00:28:23.118 - 00:28:25.338
Diego: I seem to remember that, yeah.
00:28:25.338 - 00:28:26.758
Diego: But yeah, Scorpion, definitely.
00:28:26.758 - 00:28:29.578
Diego: And his old, and I think they actually called it Hellfire, too.
00:28:29.578 - 00:28:30.038
Joshua: Really?
00:28:30.038 - 00:28:32.578
Diego: That'd be a really cool, like, crossover comic.
00:28:32.578 - 00:28:35.258
Diego: Hell, Ghost Rider with Scorpion.
00:28:35.258 - 00:28:35.958
Joshua: Yeah.
00:28:35.958 - 00:28:37.138
Diego: That'd be interesting, man.
00:28:37.138 - 00:28:51.798
Joshua: I'm pretty sure, actually, with Scorpion, at least in Mortal Kombat 11, I'm pretty sure, there's something where, like, you know how you can choose the fighting styles?
00:28:51.798 - 00:28:52.178
Diego: Yeah.
00:28:52.178 - 00:28:54.378
Joshua: I'm pretty sure it says Pyromancer.
00:28:54.378 - 00:28:54.798
Diego: Yes.
00:28:54.798 - 00:28:55.398
Diego: Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:28:55.398 - 00:28:55.818
Joshua: Yeah.
00:28:55.818 - 00:28:57.758
Joshua: I'm pretty sure that's one of the things that it shows.
00:28:57.758 - 00:28:58.338
Diego: I definitely remember.
00:28:58.338 - 00:29:02.578
Diego: I mean, Scorpion is my dude in Mortal Kombat, so, yeah, I definitely remember that fighting style.
00:29:03.618 - 00:29:05.318
Diego: You also got Liu Kang.
00:29:05.798 - 00:29:06.218
Joshua: Yeah.
00:29:06.218 - 00:29:07.058
Joshua: Liu Kang.
00:29:07.058 - 00:29:14.718
Diego: Not only does he usually shoot fireballs and stuff like that, even his kick has fire, but he actually becomes a god.
00:29:14.718 - 00:29:14.938
Joshua: Yeah.
00:29:14.938 - 00:29:18.318
Joshua: In Mortal Kombat 11, he, like, becomes the god of time or something.
00:29:18.318 - 00:29:18.678
Diego: Yeah.
00:29:18.678 - 00:29:24.718
Joshua: And he reset the universe in Mortal Kombat 1, because Mortal Kombat 1 is a new universe.
00:29:24.718 - 00:29:25.758
Diego: Yeah.
00:29:25.758 - 00:29:28.878
Diego: But, yeah, Liu Kang has always had fire powers and, like, his...
00:29:28.878 - 00:29:29.478
Diego: he's had...
00:29:29.478 - 00:29:34.498
Diego: At first, correct me if I'm wrong, but, like, was it in the new Mortal Kombat movie where he...
00:29:34.778 - 00:29:37.878
Diego: the dragon is actually a fire dragon?
00:29:37.878 - 00:29:38.398
Joshua: I don't...
00:29:38.398 - 00:29:40.518
Joshua: I don't really remember anything from that movie, honestly.
00:29:40.518 - 00:29:42.158
Diego: The latest one?
00:29:42.158 - 00:29:42.958
Diego: Oh, wow.
00:29:43.078 - 00:29:44.318
Joshua: Then, like, the new one?
00:29:44.318 - 00:29:50.818
Diego: Because the original fatality was, like, he turned into an actual dragon, his animality or whatever.
00:29:50.818 - 00:29:58.438
Diego: But I'm pretty sure that either in one of the latest video games or in the latest movie, I saw the fire was...
00:29:58.438 - 00:30:01.058
Diego: the dragon was actually made out of fire.
00:30:01.058 - 00:30:04.938
Diego: Anyway, there's other Mortal Kombat characters who are fire controllers.
00:30:04.938 - 00:30:05.958
Diego: Do you remember Blaze at all?
00:30:05.958 - 00:30:07.618
Diego: Have you ever seen him?
00:30:07.618 - 00:30:08.698
Joshua: I don't think so.
00:30:08.698 - 00:30:10.478
Diego: He's a fire elemental.
00:30:10.478 - 00:30:13.618
Diego: So that dude is actually, like, made of fire.
00:30:13.618 - 00:30:17.998
Diego: His shape is kind of like kind of like a bulky ninja from Mortal Kombat.
00:30:17.998 - 00:30:18.858
Joshua: Yeah.
00:30:18.858 - 00:30:20.578
Joshua: With that, like, outfit that they all have on.
00:30:20.958 - 00:30:23.198
Diego: It's mostly the face mask.
00:30:23.198 - 00:30:24.718
Diego: That's the thing that you can see.
00:30:24.718 - 00:30:27.658
Diego: But the guy is like kind of see through a little bit because he's all made out of fire.
00:30:27.718 - 00:30:28.798
Diego: Yeah.
00:30:28.798 - 00:30:29.518
Diego: But he's pretty cool.
00:30:29.518 - 00:30:32.118
Diego: So obviously his whole power set is fire related.
00:30:32.118 - 00:30:35.658
Diego: Then when it comes to the robot sector, he actually...
00:30:35.658 - 00:30:36.618
Joshua: That guy's fire?
00:30:36.618 - 00:30:36.998
Diego: Yeah.
00:30:36.998 - 00:30:38.038
Diego: All his powers are fired.
00:30:38.038 - 00:30:40.098
Diego: But I mean, it's all like he has bombs.
00:30:40.098 - 00:30:41.378
Diego: He has flamethrowers.
00:30:41.378 - 00:30:42.958
Diego: Like he has, he does a lot of stuff with fire.
00:30:42.958 - 00:30:44.418
Diego: Yeah.
00:30:44.418 - 00:30:50.218
Diego: Then you've got in, have you ever heard of the video game MK, Mortal Kombat Mythology Sub-Zero?
00:30:50.218 - 00:30:51.218
Joshua: No.
00:30:51.218 - 00:30:54.958
Diego: So this was back in the 90s, I think it was.
00:30:54.958 - 00:30:59.898
Diego: I think it was, I want to say Sega Genesis or PlayStation 1.
00:30:59.898 - 00:31:09.038
Diego: And it was a side-scroller Mortal Kombat game where you would play as Sub-Zero, and it was like a venture kind of mission after mission type of thing.
00:31:09.038 - 00:31:09.758
Joshua: Yeah.
00:31:09.758 - 00:31:14.098
Diego: And then like one of the main villains in there was a fire god called Cajun.
00:31:15.038 - 00:31:15.798
Joshua: Cajun?
00:31:15.798 - 00:31:16.178
Diego: Yeah.
00:31:16.198 - 00:31:19.538
Diego: So it was like an ultimate showdown of like, you know, ice powers and fire powers.
00:31:19.538 - 00:31:20.598
Diego: Yeah.
00:31:20.598 - 00:31:28.578
Diego: So yeah, that was pretty interesting that they had a, well, interesting that they had a side-scroller Mortal Kombat game.
00:31:28.578 - 00:31:29.278
Joshua: I know that there was...
00:31:29.278 - 00:31:30.318
Diego: But it was fun, man.
00:31:30.318 - 00:31:33.918
Diego: You should, if we could find it, I think it'd be really cool for you to test it out, to try it out.
00:31:33.918 - 00:31:34.798
Diego: It's actually pretty cool.
00:31:34.798 - 00:31:42.078
Joshua: I know that there's, there have been like kind of Ultimate Alliance, like Marvel Ultimate Alliance type Street Fighter games.
00:31:43.738 - 00:31:45.098
Diego: Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat?
00:31:45.098 - 00:31:45.778
Joshua: Oh, Mortal Kombat.
00:31:45.778 - 00:31:46.618
Joshua: That's what I meant.
00:31:46.618 - 00:31:51.198
Joshua: Where with like Liu Kang and the guy with the hat.
00:31:51.198 - 00:31:51.838
Joshua: What's his name?
00:31:51.858 - 00:31:54.018
Diego: Oh, Shaolin Monks?
00:31:54.018 - 00:31:54.398
Joshua: Yeah.
00:31:54.398 - 00:31:55.538
Diego: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:31:55.538 - 00:31:56.498
Diego: I know what you're talking about.
00:31:56.498 - 00:31:56.838
Diego: Yep.
00:31:57.858 - 00:31:58.478
Diego: Yeah, yeah.
00:31:58.478 - 00:32:00.078
Diego: Mortal Kombat has stride, man.
00:32:00.078 - 00:32:01.178
Diego: Mortal Kombat has stride.
00:32:01.178 - 00:32:02.458
Joshua: Also that, what's that thing called?
00:32:02.458 - 00:32:04.578
Joshua: Like the graveyard thing?
00:32:04.578 - 00:32:05.458
Diego: Oh, the crypt.
00:32:05.518 - 00:32:06.538
Joshua: Yeah, yeah.
00:32:06.538 - 00:32:08.278
Joshua: That's a pretty interesting type of...
00:32:08.278 - 00:32:12.338
Diego: I think they introduced that in MKX and carried it over into the new, into MK11, right?
00:32:12.338 - 00:32:12.858
Joshua: Yeah.
00:32:12.858 - 00:32:14.178
Joshua: Yeah, I remember playing that in...
00:32:14.178 - 00:32:16.258
Diego: Yeah, that crypt was pretty cool.
00:32:16.258 - 00:32:19.738
Diego: Yeah, you could spend hours there, just run, wandering around, trying to find things.
00:32:19.738 - 00:32:20.978
Diego: Yeah.
00:32:20.978 - 00:32:24.278
Diego: Yeah, so that's, that's a, that's a few from Mortal Kombat.
00:32:25.378 - 00:32:34.418
Diego: Back over into, like, Marvel, to finish off my list there, I've got Firestar, who was introduced in Spider-Man and his amazing friends.
00:32:34.418 - 00:32:35.418
Joshua: Is that a run?
00:32:35.418 - 00:32:35.838
Diego: Yeah.
00:32:35.838 - 00:32:38.138
Diego: No, it's an old cartoon show.
00:32:38.138 - 00:32:38.278
Diego: Oh.
00:32:38.658 - 00:32:42.838
Diego: It was, like, Spider-Man, Firestar, and Iceman.
00:32:42.838 - 00:32:44.518
Diego: Those are them three.
00:32:44.518 - 00:32:46.038
Joshua: Like the Iceman, like the X-Man?
00:32:46.038 - 00:32:47.058
Diego: The X-Man, Iceman, yeah.
00:32:47.058 - 00:32:47.618
Joshua: Oh.
00:32:47.618 - 00:32:48.598
Diego: Bobby Drake.
00:32:48.598 - 00:32:49.378
Diego: Isn't that weird?
00:32:49.378 - 00:32:51.398
Diego: Like, interesting team up.
00:32:51.398 - 00:32:51.878
Joshua: Yeah, I remember.
00:32:51.878 - 00:32:53.658
Diego: Spider-Man, and then a Fire and Ice person.
00:32:53.658 - 00:32:57.918
Joshua: In the Ultimate comics, Bobby Drake and Spider-Man were actually, like, close friends.
00:32:57.918 - 00:32:58.198
Joshua: Yeah.
00:32:58.198 - 00:32:58.838
Diego: Uh-huh.
00:32:58.838 - 00:32:59.758
Joshua: Yeah.
00:32:59.758 - 00:33:01.218
Diego: Yeah, they became close.
00:33:01.218 - 00:33:05.098
Diego: In the Ultimate comics, wasn't it Johnny Storm that ended up, like, being sent to his high school?
00:33:05.758 - 00:33:06.038
Joshua: Yeah.
00:33:06.038 - 00:33:10.658
Joshua: Well, actually, in the Ultimate comics, that was, like, one of the kind of...
00:33:10.658 - 00:33:12.358
Joshua: That was, like, a one-off issue.
00:33:12.818 - 00:33:23.718
Joshua: But eventually, like, after Ultimatum, a bunch of heroes live with Peter Parker, like, just live until his death.
00:33:23.718 - 00:33:24.918
Joshua: Yeah.
00:33:24.918 - 00:33:26.278
Joshua: It's Johnny Storm.
00:33:26.958 - 00:33:27.758
Diego: Oh, yeah.
00:33:27.758 - 00:33:29.838
Joshua: Johnny Storm, Kitty Pryde.
00:33:31.458 - 00:33:32.958
Joshua: Iceman Bobby Drake.
00:33:32.958 - 00:33:34.358
Diego: Yeah.
00:33:34.358 - 00:33:36.218
Joshua: There's someone else.
00:33:36.218 - 00:33:40.938
Joshua: But, yeah, there were, like, a bunch of heroes that just lived and went to school with Peter Parker.
00:33:40.938 - 00:33:41.378
Diego: That's interesting.
00:33:41.378 - 00:33:44.458
Joshua: That was, like, really interesting, the whole dynamic, because they were, like, family...
00:33:44.498 - 00:33:44.848
Diego: Right...
00:33:44.848 - 00:33:44.848
Joshua: .
00:33:44.848 - 00:33:48.478
Joshua: for, like, probably the last third of those books.
00:33:48.478 - 00:33:49.678
Diego: I remember that, yeah.
00:33:49.678 - 00:33:53.918
Diego: The funny thing is that, like, that actually does happen in real life.
00:33:53.918 - 00:33:54.498
Joshua: What do you mean?
00:33:54.498 - 00:34:04.718
Diego: Like, I remember, as a teenager, I remember hearing about cases like that, like, in high school and stuff, where, like, a, you know, a teenager kid is going to have...
00:34:04.718 - 00:34:07.858
Diego: might be having, like, really difficult situations at home.
00:34:07.858 - 00:34:14.018
Diego: Maybe, like, parents are addicts of some sort, or there's something really volatile and unsafe.
00:34:14.018 - 00:34:15.228
Diego: And, like, they...
00:34:15.228 - 00:34:16.038
Diego: another...
00:34:16.038 - 00:34:19.278
Diego: their friend's family will be like, come stay over with us, you know?
00:34:19.538 - 00:34:19.978
Joshua: Yeah.
00:34:19.978 - 00:34:23.058
Diego: Like, just to provide a safe haven or whatever.
00:34:23.058 - 00:34:32.738
Diego: And, like, I remember, like, thinking of one case in particular, and, like, the parents of the other kid were, like, so far gone and stuff that they didn't even care.
00:34:32.738 - 00:34:33.298
Joshua: Wow.
00:34:33.298 - 00:34:40.378
Diego: So it ended up being a situation where, like, yeah, they ended up living with this other family, almost like if they were family themselves, you know?
00:34:40.378 - 00:34:42.158
Diego: That always reminded me of that sort of thing.
00:34:42.618 - 00:34:44.698
Diego: I do remember what you're talking about in that story.
00:34:44.698 - 00:34:47.178
Joshua: I also remember also having to do with fire, actually.
00:34:48.698 - 00:34:53.298
Joshua: Liz Allen, in the Ultimate Comics, she was always like a mute.
00:34:53.298 - 00:34:55.518
Joshua: She was racist to mutants, like, the whole time.
00:34:55.518 - 00:34:55.858
Joshua: She was like...
00:34:55.858 - 00:34:56.618
Diego: She was secretly a mute?
00:34:56.618 - 00:34:57.818
Joshua: Yeah, she was really mute.
00:34:57.818 - 00:34:59.038
Joshua: She was really mutant-phobic.
00:34:59.038 - 00:35:03.858
Joshua: And then when Johnny Storm started going to the high school, she was, like, kind of into her.
00:35:03.858 - 00:35:07.798
Joshua: And then, like, his identity got revealed at a party, whatever, and she was like, ah.
00:35:07.798 - 00:35:17.598
Joshua: And then a couple volumes later, like when he came back to the high school after Ultimatum, he, like, did the flame-on thing.
00:35:17.598 - 00:35:17.938
Diego: Yeah.
00:35:17.938 - 00:35:20.978
Joshua: And then she caught on fire, and she was like, oh, my God, he sent me on fire.
00:35:20.978 - 00:35:22.658
Joshua: And then she realized that it didn't hurt.
00:35:22.658 - 00:35:23.518
Diego: I remember that.
00:35:23.518 - 00:35:26.218
Joshua: Eventually, Liz Allen joins the X-Men.
00:35:26.218 - 00:35:26.538
Diego: Yeah.
00:35:26.538 - 00:35:26.878
Diego: Yeah.
00:35:26.878 - 00:35:27.118
Joshua: Yeah.
00:35:27.118 - 00:35:27.958
Diego: I remember that.
00:35:27.958 - 00:35:32.718
Joshua: And, like, throughout the rest of the X-Men book, she's just a member of the X-Men.
00:35:32.718 - 00:35:33.938
Diego: That's crazy.
00:35:33.938 - 00:35:34.238
Joshua: Yeah.
00:35:34.238 - 00:35:35.758
Diego: That's a really good storyline, though.
00:35:36.158 - 00:35:36.398
Joshua: Yeah.
00:35:36.398 - 00:35:45.738
Diego: Like, the whole thing, because, like, of course, you always have the X-Men being associated with, like, the human rights type of stuff, but in civil rights.
00:35:45.738 - 00:35:50.558
Diego: But in this case, it's like you're playing around with a different side of it, right?
00:35:50.558 - 00:35:55.478
Diego: Which is like someone who it's almost closeted, right?
00:35:55.498 - 00:35:55.978
Joshua: Yeah.
00:35:55.978 - 00:35:56.338
Diego: Yeah.
00:35:56.338 - 00:35:57.738
Diego: It's a pretty cool concept.
00:35:57.738 - 00:36:03.158
Diego: That, again, like, I feel like the ultimate universe got to play around with ideas like that.
00:36:03.178 - 00:36:03.438
Joshua: Yeah.
00:36:03.698 - 00:36:06.238
Diego: That you just didn't see a lot in the regular content room.
00:36:06.238 - 00:36:14.178
Joshua: Like taking somebody from a corner of the Marvel universe, like somebody from Spider-Man's high school, Liz Allen, and just making them a member of the X-Men.
00:36:14.178 - 00:36:14.458
Diego: Yeah.
00:36:14.638 - 00:36:19.778
Joshua: Also, it's kind of weird that she has, like, literally the exact same power set as Johnny Storm.
00:36:19.778 - 00:36:20.658
Joshua: But I mean, hey.
00:36:20.658 - 00:36:22.478
Diego: I guess.
00:36:22.478 - 00:36:23.078
Diego: Who knows?
00:36:23.078 - 00:36:25.098
Joshua: Maybe they have, like, similar genes or something.
00:36:25.098 - 00:36:25.438
Joshua: I don't know.
00:36:25.438 - 00:36:26.058
Diego: Maybe.
00:36:26.058 - 00:36:28.198
Diego: I mean, you're bound to have repeats.
00:36:28.198 - 00:36:28.698
Joshua: Yeah.
00:36:28.698 - 00:36:29.518
Diego: Has to be.
00:36:29.518 - 00:36:30.078
Joshua: Yeah.
00:36:30.078 - 00:36:32.938
Diego: In Marvel, there's also a couple more characters that I got.
00:36:33.018 - 00:36:37.798
Diego: You got Magma, who was in the New Mutants, and Chee can control fire and stuff.
00:36:37.798 - 00:36:40.598
Diego: Also lava, but also fire.
00:36:40.598 - 00:36:44.238
Diego: And then you got Damon Hellstrom, who was the son of Satan.
00:36:44.238 - 00:36:45.078
Joshua: Oh, wow.
00:36:45.078 - 00:36:45.558
Diego: Yeah.
00:36:45.558 - 00:36:47.998
Diego: And he definitely has, like, fire based powers.
00:36:47.998 - 00:36:55.798
Diego: Isn't it funny how fire is so related, I guess, thanks to Christianity and Abrahamic religions, so related to hell?
00:36:55.798 - 00:36:56.218
Joshua: Yeah.
00:36:56.218 - 00:37:05.738
Joshua: I mean, is that is that like you think if it weren't for like religions like that, that wouldn't be the case?
00:37:05.738 - 00:37:06.898
Diego: No, it wouldn't.
00:37:06.898 - 00:37:18.798
Diego: No, because like in the at least in the Jewish side of the Bible, in the Old Testament, the concept of hell was not a lake of burning fire.
00:37:19.698 - 00:37:30.938
Diego: The concept of hell was like more similar to like in Greek mythology.
00:37:30.938 - 00:37:33.558
Diego: You know how like the land of the dead is depicted.
00:37:33.558 - 00:37:36.698
Diego: It's just like this dark abyss sort of thing.
00:37:36.698 - 00:37:39.078
Diego: It's a lot more like that.
00:37:39.078 - 00:37:39.798
Diego: It's more...
00:37:39.798 - 00:37:42.278
Diego: Sheol is what it used to be called.
00:37:42.278 - 00:37:48.738
Diego: And it was basically just the land of the dead, and it wasn't a place that was active with flames and demons poking at you and whatever.
00:37:48.738 - 00:37:54.078
Diego: It was just like where you went after, there was nothing else, you know?
00:37:54.078 - 00:38:04.078
Diego: And it wasn't until the New Testament that we started getting this very vivid imagery of like, you're going to be sent to some place where you're going to be punished and burned for eternity.
00:38:04.078 - 00:38:04.738
Joshua: Yeah.
00:38:04.738 - 00:38:07.858
Diego: That is a very much like a Christian thing.
00:38:07.858 - 00:38:12.798
Diego: And thanks to that, Satan is associated with fire.
00:38:12.798 - 00:38:15.138
Diego: Demons are associated with fire.
00:38:15.138 - 00:38:17.638
Diego: The afterlife punishment is associated with fire.
00:38:18.138 - 00:38:21.458
Diego: And so it's like, it's almost giving fire a bad rep.
00:38:21.458 - 00:38:22.238
Joshua: Yeah.
00:38:22.238 - 00:38:25.098
Joshua: Something cool in the Ultimate X-Men comics.
00:38:25.098 - 00:38:27.638
Joshua: I don't know if it's like that in the other X-Men comics.
00:38:27.638 - 00:38:28.158
Diego: Yeah.
00:38:28.158 - 00:38:32.338
Joshua: But Nightcrawler, I mean, he's like a demon.
00:38:32.338 - 00:38:32.598
Diego: Yeah.
00:38:32.598 - 00:38:35.058
Joshua: Like, or at least he looks like one.
00:38:35.058 - 00:38:41.118
Joshua: But he always has like kind of fire, like pouring out of his eyes and mouth.
00:38:41.218 - 00:38:42.018
Joshua: Yeah.
00:38:42.018 - 00:38:43.218
Joshua: It's like fire or smoke.
00:38:43.218 - 00:38:44.278
Diego: It's brimstone.
00:38:44.278 - 00:38:45.338
Joshua: Yeah.
00:38:45.338 - 00:38:51.718
Joshua: He has like this like heat, like the essence of heat, like pouring out of his eyes and mouth constantly.
00:38:51.718 - 00:38:52.058
Joshua: Yeah.
00:38:52.058 - 00:38:52.818
Joshua: It's pretty cool.
00:38:52.818 - 00:38:53.738
Diego: It's funny.
00:38:53.738 - 00:38:58.158
Diego: Actually, I just started reading the new Wolverine series.
00:38:58.158 - 00:39:03.618
Diego: And in that series, the series begins with like Wolverine kind of off in the Canadian wilderness running around with wolves.
00:39:03.618 - 00:39:03.918
Joshua: Yeah.
00:39:03.918 - 00:39:05.658
Diego: Like as part of their pack.
00:39:05.658 - 00:39:08.058
Diego: And like naked just running around.
00:39:08.898 - 00:39:10.598
Diego: And Nightcrawler goes out to find him.
00:39:10.638 - 00:39:13.718
Diego: Because right now, like the original X-Men are kind of like all over the place.
00:39:13.718 - 00:39:14.218
Joshua: Yeah.
00:39:14.218 - 00:39:20.838
Diego: Like Beast and Cyclops are running the one of the two core X-Men groups.
00:39:20.838 - 00:39:21.778
Joshua: Yeah.
00:39:21.778 - 00:39:23.978
Diego: Then you got like other characters who are running the other one.
00:39:23.978 - 00:39:26.878
Diego: And then you got like Wolverine, who just doesn't want to associate with anybody.
00:39:26.878 - 00:39:28.178
Diego: And he's like running on his own.
00:39:28.178 - 00:39:29.178
Diego: Yeah.
00:39:29.178 - 00:39:32.398
Diego: But anyway, Wolverine and Nightcrawler have always been friends.
00:39:32.398 - 00:39:35.798
Diego: And so Nightcrawler goes and looks for him and tracks him down to the Canadian wilderness.
00:39:35.798 - 00:39:39.158
Diego: And like when Wolverine smells him, he immediately like he sniffs.
00:39:39.598 - 00:39:41.838
Diego: And he's like, brimstone.
00:39:41.838 - 00:39:45.078
Diego: And then he goes to try to kill him, because he's like in his berserker mode.
00:39:45.078 - 00:39:46.518
Diego: Yeah.
00:39:46.518 - 00:39:47.598
Diego: But yeah, pretty interesting.
00:39:47.598 - 00:39:49.258
Diego: You know, he calls him elf.
00:39:51.018 - 00:39:51.658
Joshua: Really?
00:39:51.658 - 00:39:53.778
Diego: Wolverine calls Nightcrawler elf.
00:39:53.778 - 00:39:55.938
Diego: That's funny.
00:39:55.938 - 00:39:57.698
Diego: I remember that actually from old comics.
00:39:57.698 - 00:39:58.418
Diego: And then I forgot.
00:39:58.538 - 00:40:01.638
Diego: And when he called him elf, I'm like, yeah, I remember.
00:40:01.638 - 00:40:01.858
Joshua: Yeah.
00:40:01.858 - 00:40:12.598
Joshua: Oh, but like Nightcrawler in the Ultimate Comics, his like his aura is a lot less like blue and like purple.
00:40:12.598 - 00:40:14.658
Joshua: It's a lot more fiery.
00:40:14.658 - 00:40:15.238
Diego: Fiery.
00:40:15.238 - 00:40:15.498
Joshua: Yeah.
00:40:15.498 - 00:40:19.738
Joshua: Like even with his teleportation, it's like orange.
00:40:19.738 - 00:40:20.958
Joshua: It's like the color of fire.
00:40:20.958 - 00:40:22.978
Joshua: And it's like fiery smoke.
00:40:22.978 - 00:40:23.458
Diego: In what?
00:40:23.458 - 00:40:23.878
Diego: And where?
00:40:23.878 - 00:40:25.038
Joshua: In the Ultimate X-Men comics.
00:40:25.038 - 00:40:25.778
Diego: Oh, I don't remember that.
00:40:25.778 - 00:40:26.298
Diego: It's interesting.
00:40:26.298 - 00:40:29.458
Joshua: Because like in normal continuity, it's like kind of like bluish.
00:40:29.458 - 00:40:31.318
Joshua: Yeah, it's like bluish, purple, black.
00:40:31.318 - 00:40:35.678
Joshua: But in the Ultimate comics, it's like always seemed like smoke to me, like black, purple smoke or something.
00:40:35.678 - 00:40:36.498
Joshua: Yeah.
00:40:36.958 - 00:40:39.918
Joshua: But his whole thing in the Ultimate comics is kind of more orangish.
00:40:40.778 - 00:40:47.498
Diego: Speaking of demons and gods and things, Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones, of course, it's like its own world.
00:40:47.498 - 00:40:53.298
Diego: And within that world, there's different mythologies and beliefs, you know, of all sorts.
00:40:53.298 - 00:40:53.938
Joshua: Yeah.
00:40:53.938 - 00:40:56.738
Diego: And so there's like many gods that people pray to in that world.
00:40:57.338 - 00:41:00.598
Diego: And there are some that are clearly like false gods.
00:41:00.598 - 00:41:01.878
Diego: They're not real.
00:41:01.878 - 00:41:04.818
Diego: And you kind of think at the beginning that all the gods are fake.
00:41:04.818 - 00:41:06.058
Joshua: Some of them are actually real.
00:41:06.058 - 00:41:07.398
Diego: There's at least one.
00:41:07.398 - 00:41:07.898
Joshua: Really?
00:41:07.898 - 00:41:08.478
Diego: Yeah, man.
00:41:08.478 - 00:41:11.078
Diego: And he's called the Lord of Light.
00:41:11.078 - 00:41:18.078
Diego: And one of the first cues that they're real is his high priests.
00:41:18.078 - 00:41:20.958
Diego: Like his high priests are scattered all around Westeros.
00:41:22.198 - 00:41:26.318
Diego: There's a few males and a lot of females, high priestesses.
00:41:26.318 - 00:41:29.218
Diego: And there's this one high priestess, in particular Melisandre.
00:41:29.218 - 00:41:33.318
Diego: This chick does all sorts of crazy magic and stuff.
00:41:33.318 - 00:41:35.878
Diego: She proves that this god is real.
00:41:35.878 - 00:41:40.198
Diego: And she uses fire a lot.
00:41:40.198 - 00:41:42.998
Diego: The Lord of Light is very associated with fire.
00:41:42.998 - 00:41:56.218
Diego: So for example, one of the priests, he walks around with this band of mercenaries, and whenever they're about to fight, he lights this other guy's sword on fire.
00:41:56.598 - 00:41:57.478
Diego: Wow.
00:41:57.478 - 00:42:01.058
Diego: Runs his hand along his blade, and the sword catches on fire.
00:42:01.058 - 00:42:14.778
Diego: There's a scene in the last season when they're fighting the army of the dead, where there's this moment where they don't know if they're going to be able to stand up against them, because it's like an overwhelming horde of zombies, basically.
00:42:14.778 - 00:42:14.998
Joshua: Yeah.
00:42:15.338 - 00:42:27.578
Diego: And this priestess, Melisandre, she goes around to all the men who are lined up ready to fight, and she does a thing, and all their swords catch on fire.
00:42:27.578 - 00:42:31.078
Joshua: Because the dead, the zombies are like ice.
00:42:31.078 - 00:42:32.858
Joshua: Yeah.
00:42:32.858 - 00:42:33.718
Diego: So cool, man.
00:42:34.178 - 00:42:34.738
Diego: It's really cool.
00:42:34.738 - 00:42:36.758
Diego: And of course, you've got dragons in that show.
00:42:36.878 - 00:42:39.838
Diego: So, you know, so like fire is like...
00:42:39.838 - 00:42:50.078
Diego: I mean, the whole thing is based around the the core story of a song of ice and fire, that show, the whole of the books that George RR Martin wrote.
00:42:50.078 - 00:42:53.118
Diego: So yeah, those elements are like really important things in that story.
00:42:53.118 - 00:42:55.378
Diego: Also, Daenerys Targaryen is resistant to fire.
00:42:55.378 - 00:42:57.698
Diego: She can't be burned.
00:42:57.698 - 00:43:00.918
Diego: She is the mother of dragons, the unburnt.
00:43:00.918 - 00:43:01.778
Joshua: The unburnt.
00:43:01.778 - 00:43:03.058
Diego: Yes.
00:43:03.058 - 00:43:04.838
Diego: DC, do you have anyone else in DC?
00:43:07.038 - 00:43:08.958
Joshua: Um, not really.
00:43:08.958 - 00:43:10.978
Diego: I got a few people.
00:43:10.978 - 00:43:12.638
Diego: Etrigan, the demon.
00:43:12.638 - 00:43:12.898
Joshua: Yeah.
00:43:12.898 - 00:43:14.438
Diego: You know that guy?
00:43:14.438 - 00:43:20.678
Diego: He definitely has like fire based powers because of course, you know, thanks Christianity, demons, fire.
00:43:20.678 - 00:43:23.078
Diego: Pyro from X-Men.
00:43:23.078 - 00:43:24.918
Joshua: Oh, wait, Pyro?
00:43:24.918 - 00:43:28.018
Diego: We saw him in the wasteland in Deadpool and Wolverine.
00:43:28.018 - 00:43:32.918
Joshua: Oh, he's the guy who like sucked Johnny Blazes or Johnny Storm's fire out.
00:43:32.918 - 00:43:37.158
Diego: Yeah, he's he's curious because he's one of those guys who can't generate fire.
00:43:37.158 - 00:43:45.498
Diego: So like in the original X-Men movies in X-Men 2, you see him walking around always with a zippo lighter because he has to be able to like generate it from somewhere else.
00:43:45.498 - 00:43:50.878
Diego: And then he can to like he can like absorb fire, not absorb, just control it.
00:43:50.878 - 00:43:54.478
Diego: Oh, so he takes a flame from a zippo lighter and he can like expand it.
00:43:54.898 - 00:43:55.658
Diego: Oh, okay.
00:43:55.658 - 00:43:56.358
Diego: Yeah.
00:43:56.358 - 00:44:06.218
Diego: But he never fully like, uh, like he never he's never able to flame on or anything like that, like Jon Storm, you know.
00:44:06.218 - 00:44:14.018
Diego: So it was interesting, actually, seeing those two guys like have some sort of interaction in that in the Deadpool movie.
00:44:14.018 - 00:44:15.238
Diego: So, yeah, you got him.
00:44:15.238 - 00:44:22.638
Diego: Then you got the the foil or the counterpart to Captain Cold in Flash's Rogues, which is Heatwave.
00:44:23.578 - 00:44:29.598
Diego: Mm, yeah, which I really loved, like, the interpretation of those characters in the Arrowverse.
00:44:29.598 - 00:44:34.378
Diego: Yeah, I thought it was kind of cool, like the two guys and the difference in personalities.
00:44:34.378 - 00:44:38.778
Diego: When I was reading the the Rogues comic book series, that's about Flash's Rogues, right?
00:44:38.778 - 00:44:39.798
Diego: Yeah, yeah.
00:44:39.798 - 00:44:41.538
Diego: And and it's really cool.
00:44:41.538 - 00:44:47.458
Diego: Like they have this interesting thing with each other, you know, like, I don't know, how could you not, right?
00:44:47.458 - 00:44:51.138
Diego: Like you're both bad guys and you just happen to have the opposite powers.
00:44:51.138 - 00:44:52.878
Joshua: Basically do the exact same thing.
00:44:52.978 - 00:44:54.838
Joshua: But the exact opposite.
00:44:55.358 - 00:44:57.218
Diego: Yeah, they're pretty cool.
00:44:57.218 - 00:44:59.718
Diego: So yeah, you got Heatwave.
00:44:59.718 - 00:45:01.558
Diego: You got this other character called Dr.
00:45:01.558 - 00:45:02.938
Diego: Phosphorus.
00:45:02.938 - 00:45:05.238
Joshua: I feel like I've heard that name before, honestly.
00:45:05.238 - 00:45:10.958
Diego: I can't remember where I saw him before I read the White Knight comics.
00:45:10.958 - 00:45:11.978
Diego: He appears in...
00:45:11.978 - 00:45:12.478
Joshua: Dr.
00:45:12.478 - 00:45:12.818
Joshua: Phosphorus.
00:45:12.818 - 00:45:17.958
Diego: The White Knight Beyond, which is like Batman Beyond's version of within that world.
00:45:20.098 - 00:45:22.138
Diego: And there's a guy who's doing some...
00:45:22.138 - 00:45:26.598
Diego: He's like one of the main villains in that whole storyline, and he ends up becoming this character.
00:45:26.598 - 00:45:27.618
Diego: And it's basically...
00:45:27.618 - 00:45:30.818
Diego: And now I'm getting into territory where I'm curious about your perspective.
00:45:30.818 - 00:45:38.158
Diego: Like, does radiation-based powers count as fire?
00:45:38.158 - 00:45:41.898
Joshua: How does he, like...
00:45:41.898 - 00:45:43.138
Diego: He's basically like...
00:45:46.298 - 00:45:46.918
Diego: He had, like...
00:45:46.918 - 00:45:51.018
Diego: His whole body is basically like radiation...
00:45:52.518 - 00:45:53.198
Joshua: Radiation?
00:45:53.198 - 00:46:00.218
Diego: Like, he's kind of like on fire, like a human torch type of character, but it's based on radiation.
00:46:00.218 - 00:46:02.998
Diego: Like, you know Captain Adam in DC?
00:46:03.038 - 00:46:04.098
Joshua: Yeah.
00:46:04.098 - 00:46:07.278
Diego: Remember that he was like the secret weapon in Flashpoint?
00:46:07.278 - 00:46:12.438
Diego: That they had, like, bunkered up and stuff, and they were going to use him as a nuclear bomb?
00:46:12.438 - 00:46:13.318
Joshua: You mean...
00:46:13.318 - 00:46:14.178
Diego: I forget if it was...
00:46:14.178 - 00:46:15.898
Joshua: That was Superman.
00:46:15.898 - 00:46:16.798
Diego: No, no, no.
00:46:16.798 - 00:46:21.058
Diego: I'm talking about in the war between Atlantis and Themyscira.
00:46:21.058 - 00:46:27.298
Diego: There was, like, one side that was going to use Captain Adam as, like, a nuclear bomb, basically.
00:46:27.298 - 00:46:27.898
Joshua: I don't remember that.
00:46:27.898 - 00:46:28.458
Diego: Anyway, whatever.
00:46:28.458 - 00:46:32.498
Diego: The point is Captain Adam, his whole thing is, like, atomic power, right?
00:46:32.498 - 00:46:33.218
Joshua: Yeah.
00:46:33.218 - 00:46:36.018
Joshua: Just, like, pure, basically, nuclear power.
00:46:36.798 - 00:46:38.418
Diego: So, like, that's kind of how this Dr.
00:46:38.418 - 00:46:39.638
Diego: Phosphorus guy is.
00:46:39.798 - 00:46:41.478
Joshua: So he's like the human torch.
00:46:41.478 - 00:46:45.738
Diego: He emutes toxic fumes and produces, like, an endless source of energy.
00:46:45.738 - 00:46:50.238
Joshua: I feel like I have to see, like, his design or what he looks like.
00:46:50.238 - 00:46:54.478
Diego: Well, would you consider Captain Adam somebody related to fire?
00:46:54.478 - 00:46:55.378
Joshua: Not really.
00:46:55.378 - 00:46:55.938
Diego: No?
00:46:55.938 - 00:46:56.998
Joshua: No.
00:46:56.998 - 00:46:57.318
Diego: Okay.
00:46:57.318 - 00:46:59.258
Diego: I got another one.
00:46:59.258 - 00:47:00.218
Diego: The Monsterverse.
00:47:01.698 - 00:47:04.218
Diego: So you've got Rodan.
00:47:04.218 - 00:47:05.118
Joshua: Yeah, the bird guy.
00:47:05.118 - 00:47:06.398
Diego: The fire bird.
00:47:06.398 - 00:47:08.038
Diego: And they call him the fire demon.
00:47:08.038 - 00:47:09.238
Joshua: I mean, he did it.
00:47:09.238 - 00:47:10.858
Joshua: He emerged from a volcano.
00:47:10.858 - 00:47:11.918
Diego: Emerge from a volcano.
00:47:11.918 - 00:47:12.138
Joshua: Yeah.
00:47:12.138 - 00:47:14.558
Diego: Okay, so fire related, right?
00:47:14.558 - 00:47:15.118
Diego: Yeah.
00:47:15.118 - 00:47:15.338
Diego: All right.
00:47:15.338 - 00:47:16.738
Diego: What about Godzilla?
00:47:16.738 - 00:47:17.838
Joshua: Godzilla, I think.
00:47:17.838 - 00:47:19.138
Diego: Has an atomic breath.
00:47:21.398 - 00:47:22.318
Diego: He generates it.
00:47:22.898 - 00:47:24.538
Joshua: He does.
00:47:24.538 - 00:47:28.238
Diego: And he generates, like, crazy amounts of it, like...
00:47:28.238 - 00:47:32.178
Joshua: The thing is, it's not like...
00:47:32.178 - 00:47:35.098
Joshua: I mean, it's not...
00:47:37.018 - 00:47:39.358
Joshua: He's like, like, in the first...
00:47:39.358 - 00:47:42.278
Joshua: Well, in the first Godzilla movie, isn't...
00:47:42.278 - 00:47:44.818
Joshua: Does he have the blue power or...?
00:47:44.818 - 00:47:46.338
Diego: Yeah, it's blue.
00:47:46.338 - 00:47:48.198
Joshua: I mean, even if...
00:47:48.558 - 00:47:50.378
Joshua: I don't classify that as, like, blue fire.
00:47:51.018 - 00:47:51.798
Joshua: I feel like that's just...
00:47:51.798 - 00:47:56.798
Joshua: He's just, like, spewing just straight up bars.
00:47:56.798 - 00:47:58.698
Joshua: No, no, no.
00:47:58.698 - 00:48:03.018
Joshua: Just spewing, like, actual just nuclear energy, like, out of his mouth.
00:48:03.018 - 00:48:08.538
Diego: So how would we classify nuclear blast, nuclear energy in the elements?
00:48:10.098 - 00:48:11.938
Diego: I don't see any other place that it can fit.
00:48:11.938 - 00:48:16.818
Joshua: Dukes, we were talking about last episode, I'm pretty sure, about...
00:48:16.818 - 00:48:25.198
Joshua: I don't know what it was, but I said something, and you were like, I don't think it can be classified in the elements.
00:48:25.198 - 00:48:25.558
Diego: Magnetism.
00:48:25.558 - 00:48:26.378
Diego: Magnetism, yeah.
00:48:26.378 - 00:48:28.478
Joshua: I think this is something like that.
00:48:29.578 - 00:48:31.838
Joshua: I don't think...
00:48:32.218 - 00:48:34.458
Joshua: It's not a type of fire.
00:48:34.458 - 00:48:37.018
Joshua: It's not an offshoot of fire.
00:48:37.018 - 00:48:42.978
Joshua: Like, nuclear energy, that's not like a lot of fire.
00:48:42.978 - 00:48:45.098
Joshua: It's like a whole different type of thing.
00:48:45.098 - 00:48:47.458
Diego: It causes fire, but it's not fire.
00:48:47.498 - 00:48:47.758
Joshua: Yeah.
00:48:49.478 - 00:48:51.178
Diego: I mean, it's tough.
00:48:51.178 - 00:48:56.278
Joshua: I feel like with Godzilla, like how I view it, is he's like...
00:48:56.278 - 00:49:06.458
Joshua: It's like fire breath, but it's like he's breathing what a nuclear bomb does.
00:49:06.458 - 00:49:13.098
Joshua: Like, whatever his atomic breath hits, that's like what a nuclear bomb would do.
00:49:13.098 - 00:49:14.398
Diego: Yeah, it's like a concentrated...
00:49:14.438 - 00:49:16.798
Diego: It's like the laser version of the atomic blast.
00:49:16.798 - 00:49:17.318
Joshua: Yeah.
00:49:17.318 - 00:49:18.958
Diego: Yeah, I get what you're saying.
00:49:18.958 - 00:49:20.038
Diego: I mean, sure.
00:49:20.038 - 00:49:22.318
Diego: I mean, we could kind of leave it as a thing that...
00:49:22.318 - 00:49:22.838
Joshua: I feel like in...
00:49:22.838 - 00:49:24.258
Diego: Doesn't have a classification.
00:49:24.258 - 00:49:31.238
Joshua: I feel like in Godzilla media, besides the Monsterverse, he definitely does have fire breath, though.
00:49:31.238 - 00:49:32.258
Diego: Yeah, you're right.
00:49:32.258 - 00:49:33.118
Joshua: Yeah.
00:49:33.118 - 00:49:33.698
Diego: That's true.
00:49:33.698 - 00:49:38.718
Joshua: But in the Monsterverse specifically, it is definitely more nuclear energy.
00:49:38.718 - 00:49:42.058
Diego: I mean, to the point where he has to recharge with...
00:49:42.438 - 00:49:45.458
Diego: Like, they feed the, what do you call these guys, the titans?
00:49:45.978 - 00:49:47.658
Diego: They feed off of nuclear energy.
00:49:47.658 - 00:49:47.978
Joshua: Yeah.
00:49:47.978 - 00:49:57.358
Joshua: In Godzilla King of the Monsters, though, in that last scene versus Ghidorah, he definitely got powered up with some firepower, though.
00:49:57.358 - 00:49:58.278
Diego: Did he?
00:49:58.278 - 00:49:58.858
Joshua: Yeah.
00:49:58.858 - 00:50:03.238
Joshua: He, like, became fully, like, heat-based.
00:50:03.498 - 00:50:06.318
Joshua: He got all, like, magma-y.
00:50:06.338 - 00:50:07.058
Joshua: Ooh.
00:50:07.058 - 00:50:08.798
Diego: Yeah, I think I do remember what you're saying.
00:50:08.798 - 00:50:09.138
Joshua: Yeah.
00:50:09.138 - 00:50:10.918
Joshua: And that's how he killed Ghidorah.
00:50:10.958 - 00:50:12.718
Diego: Didn't Ghidorah breathe fire?
00:50:12.718 - 00:50:13.778
Joshua: Yeah, Ghidorah was fire.
00:50:13.778 - 00:50:14.378
Diego: Yeah, right?
00:50:15.138 - 00:50:15.978
Diego: He was fire?
00:50:15.978 - 00:50:16.618
Joshua: Yeah.
00:50:16.618 - 00:50:16.958
Diego: Yes, he was.
00:50:16.958 - 00:50:18.658
Joshua: He was unlike you.
00:50:18.958 - 00:50:19.478
Joshua: Unlike you.
00:50:19.478 - 00:50:20.158
Diego: Just like me.
00:50:20.158 - 00:50:21.358
Joshua: No, no, no.
00:50:21.358 - 00:50:21.958
Diego: Just like me.
00:50:21.958 - 00:50:22.298
Joshua: No.
00:50:22.298 - 00:50:23.298
Diego: I'm not gassy, son.
00:50:23.298 - 00:50:24.118
Joshua: You must stop this.
00:50:24.118 - 00:50:25.298
Joshua: You are very gassy.
00:50:25.298 - 00:50:28.218
Diego: But you know what happens to gas when you land a match?
00:50:28.218 - 00:50:28.778
Diego: Fire.
00:50:35.935 - 00:50:41.275
Diego: Thank you all for joining us for the finale of the Four Elements series.
00:50:41.275 - 00:50:45.035
Diego: This was a really cool series to put together.
00:50:45.035 - 00:50:51.655
Diego: I think it was, I don't know, it was just fun to like analyze abilities and stuff from this perspective.
00:50:51.655 - 00:50:53.975
Diego: It was like a very different perspective, right?
00:50:53.975 - 00:51:04.235
Diego: It almost like makes you want to create a tournament of the elements and pit like all the water-based users and all the fire-based users against each other.
00:51:08.195 - 00:51:11.675
Diego: Is this an idea birthing for who would win in a fight?
00:51:11.675 - 00:51:12.215
Joshua: Perhaps.
00:51:12.215 - 00:51:13.595
Diego: For Elements Edition?
00:51:13.595 - 00:51:14.095
Joshua: Perhaps.
00:51:14.095 - 00:51:15.135
Joshua: Perhaps.
00:51:15.135 - 00:51:16.115
Diego: We shall consider this.
00:51:16.115 - 00:51:17.655
Diego: Anyway, yeah, thank you guys for listening.
00:51:17.655 - 00:51:22.115
Diego: If there was anybody out there that we forgot to mention, anybody who is fire-based.
00:51:22.115 - 00:51:24.655
Joshua: I feel like there's definitely some Pokemon fans.
00:51:24.655 - 00:51:25.215
Diego: Oh, yeah.
00:51:25.215 - 00:51:27.535
Diego: Oh, dang, I forgot about Pokemon.
00:51:27.535 - 00:51:29.195
Diego: There's so many fire Pokemon.
00:51:29.375 - 00:51:30.215
Joshua: Yeah.
00:51:30.215 - 00:51:31.115
Diego: Oh, man.
00:51:31.115 - 00:51:33.435
Diego: I am so sorry, Charmander.
00:51:33.435 - 00:51:37.395
Diego: I have to apologize to Charmander personally.
00:51:37.395 - 00:51:39.795
Diego: We forgot Captain Planet.
00:51:39.795 - 00:51:42.035
Joshua: Oh, no.
00:51:42.035 - 00:51:42.655
Diego: Wow.
00:51:43.855 - 00:51:45.555
Diego: We did whatever his name is.
00:51:45.555 - 00:51:46.375
Diego: Dirty.
00:51:46.375 - 00:51:46.975
Joshua: Wow.
00:51:46.975 - 00:51:48.235
Diego: Wow.
00:51:48.235 - 00:51:49.635
Diego: Oh, man.
00:51:49.635 - 00:51:50.435
Joshua: Wow.
00:51:50.435 - 00:51:56.295
Diego: Now, Mati is going to have to throw hearts at him to make him feel better for like a whole day.
00:51:56.295 - 00:51:57.895
Joshua: We didn't mention Captain Planet.
00:51:58.855 - 00:52:02.255
Diego: Well, I guess he's not our hero, and he's not going to turn pollution down to zero.
00:52:02.755 - 00:52:03.755
Diego: Guess not.
00:52:03.755 - 00:52:10.675
Diego: But yeah, if we missed anybody else, I'm sure also like all of you anime fans out there, you're probably yelling at us like, how dare you?
00:52:10.675 - 00:52:17.575
Diego: But sorry, we're not that deep burst into anime to really pull all the fire users from there.
00:52:17.575 - 00:52:19.235
Diego: But please, shoot them at us.
00:52:19.235 - 00:52:21.395
Diego: You can go to our website,
00:52:23.015 - 00:52:24.335
Diego: There you can find out about us.
00:52:24.335 - 00:52:31.515
Diego: You can see how to subscribe, listen to episodes, watch episodes, and if you go to the bottom of our home page, you'll see a contact form down there.
00:52:31.515 - 00:52:34.375
Diego: Go ahead and get ahold of us that way or...
00:52:34.375 - 00:52:39.295
Joshua: If you want to hit us up to more traditional means, you can contact us at
00:52:41.075 - 00:52:44.475
Diego: Thank you all for listening, and we'll catch you in the next episode.
00:52:44.995 - 00:52:47.395
Joshua: You're just gassy, like no match.
00:52:47.395 - 00:52:48.535
Joshua: You're just gassy.
00:52:48.535 - 00:52:54.275
Diego: I'm like Pyro, I always keep a zippo lighter with me, so I can go from gassy to fire.