The Four Elements series continues with the element of Wind!
In this episode, we’re taking flight! The winds of content creation have guided us to… anyway… we’re diving into the topic of Wind. While it might be the lightest of the elements, it can certainly pack a punch! Join us as we explore those who wield this element, how they do it, and its significance to humans and our cultures.
00:00:06.386 - 00:00:07.286
Diego: Hey, buddy.
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Joshua: Yeah?
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Diego: So, just asking for a friend, right?
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Diego: If I were somebody who tends to pass gas a lot, a lot of flatulence is going on, not with me, with my friend.
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Diego: What kind of like wind master manipulation person would that make me?
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Diego: Would I practice like, Farknesses?
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Diego: Flatulence-es?
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Joshua: Well, I mean, I think maybe you're a Jit.
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Diego: My friend.
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Joshua: No, your friend's a Jit.
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Joshua: Your friend's a Jit.
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Diego: Yeah, let's go ahead and get started with the episode.
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Diego: Welcome to Geekology 101.
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Diego: My name is Diego.
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Joshua: And my name is Joshua.
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Diego: And today we are talking about the third element in our Four Elements series, and that is the element of wind.
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Joshua: I mean, it's wind.
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Diego: It's wind.
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Joshua: It is, it is.
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Diego: Wind, air, right?
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Diego: Like there's, just like with the other ones, there's kind of a branching amount of subcategories and stuff that have to fit into this, because otherwise they don't fit anywhere else.
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Diego: But yeah, the element of wind.
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Diego: So starting off, looking at this one, like researching for this one, I didn't really think at first that I was going to have a lot to talk about here.
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Joshua: Yeah, me too.
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Diego: I always said that about water, I think, as well.
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Diego: But this one was that, no, about Earth.
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Diego: But this one was once again, pretty surprising once I started getting deeper and deeper into it, like how many the subcategories, the different examples of people or characters who control the thing.
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Joshua: The different kinesises.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: Pretty interesting.
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Diego: So yeah, speaking of which, you know, because I have to be the geologist in charge of the kinesises.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: This one in particular is called, it has a couple of AKAs, but the most prevalent one is aerokinesis.
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Diego: So this is the ability to mentally affect or move air or wind currents in some way.
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Diego: Typically also, you can resist wind pressure.
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Diego: So if you're like, you know, you have wind coming at you, you can technically like stand your ground against it.
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Diego: You can move air particles to create vacuums to suffocate enemies.
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Diego: That's pretty interesting.
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Diego: You can send wind at an enemy, of course, with like gale force currents.
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Diego: And because we're able to manipulate wind and air currents, we're able to technically levitate flight.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Joshua: You know, which I think is something a lot of like air slash wind users use it for, like probably the main reason, honestly.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: And then there's also like, you know, like bigger picture.
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Diego: You can generate kind of like big weather phenomena, right?
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Diego: Like cyclones, tornadoes, that sort of thing.
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Diego: Some AKAs, anemokinesis, zephyrkinesis, spirokinesis.
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Diego: Spirokinesis?
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Diego: Spirokinesis.
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Diego: Good job.
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Diego: Thank you.
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Diego: I tried my best.
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Diego: And of course, just simple air manipulation.
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Diego: But there's also some subcategories.
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Diego: You got miasma kinesis, which is gas manipulation, which, you know, is the thing that my friend was asking about.
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Joshua: Okay.
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Diego: He wants to know which his kinesis is.
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Joshua: Your friend.
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Diego: My friend.
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Diego: Not me, my friend.
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Diego: Aerogenesis, which is generating breathable air, which is actually an interesting one that not a lot of...
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Joshua: Being able to create air, not just like manipulating it.
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Diego: That's interesting.
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Diego: I've never really seen that, that I can think of.
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Diego: Have you?
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Joshua: No.
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Diego: It'd be pretty interesting if somebody with that capability could technically help terraform a whole planet.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: In a way.
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Diego: You know, like generate an atmosphere.
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Diego: I have to think of it.
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Diego: Man, four people who can control these four elements could technically terraform a planet.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Joshua: They could probably create a planet.
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<v SPEAKER_3>Whoa.
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Diego: That's true.
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<v SPEAKER_3>Yeah.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: Combine asteroids.
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Diego: One person heats it, another person cools it.
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Diego: Water introduction.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: Wow.
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Diego: That's a cool idea.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: Don't tell anybody, listeners, because we might do something with that idea.
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Diego: Anyway, there's a lot of significance to air and wind.
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Diego: Usually wind and air signify freedom, movement, communication.
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Diego: That's one interesting thing about this.
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Diego: Did you get it come across while you're doing your research, or you come across at all, like the whole thing of how much sound is woven into this ability and this element?
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Joshua: No.
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Diego: Because sound waves travel through air.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: So if there's no air, there's no sound.
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Diego: Like in outer space.
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Joshua: Like in space, yeah.
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Joshua: Like in Alien.
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<v SPEAKER_3>No one can hear you scream.
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Joshua: Well, whatever that movie is.
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Diego: It's interesting, right?
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Diego: Like, it's easy to forget that.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: So technically, with wind, you can actually, if you're able to control wind in some way, you're able to make sound travel wherever you need it to.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Joshua: Like if you could like create an air pathway, say like if you're in space, you create like an air pathway to another person, and then like you like snap in that pathway, the other person will be able to hear it, technically.
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Diego: That's kind of cool.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: That's another thing that I haven't really seen done in any kind of storytelling.
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Diego: What else?
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Diego: It's associated, of course, with the actual like life force, because it's, you know, so it's an intricate part of our breath.
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Joshua: It is technically our breath.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: And so that in itself, like ties it really, really closely to just the essence of life in the Biblical Genesis story.
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Diego: You know, God breathes onto the man that he's created out of dust, and then he comes to life.
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Diego: So breath is just very associated with the life force overall.
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Diego: Also associated with things like lightness and adaptability, of course, you know, change.
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Diego: You hear that a lot, like the winds of change and that sort of idea in Zodiac.
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Diego: The air signs says we've been dropping those.
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Diego: The air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
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Diego: That is my Zodiac sign.
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Diego: My wife, Gwen, she is a Gemini.
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Diego: And that's why we get along so well.
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Joshua: Isn't it opposite to track them?
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Diego: No, not at all.
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Diego: In my experience, no way.
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Joshua: Oh, okay.
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Diego: Yeah, I've definitely gone along very well with Libras and Gemini, and other Aquarius.
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Diego: We're all equally weird.
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Joshua: Aquarius I.
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Diego: Aquarius I, you could say.
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Diego: Yes, indeed.
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Diego: In mythology, a couple of points from mythology that I thought were interesting.
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Diego: In Greek mythology, the Aether, it was like the pure essence that the gods breathe.
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Diego: It was like their air.
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Joshua: Like the thing in Thor, the Dark World?
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Joshua: Like the red liquid?
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Diego: Yeah, but not that, no.
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Diego: I think there, it's like E-T-H-E-R.
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Diego: And this is A-E-T-H-E-R, Aether.
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Diego: And this was like the air that the gods breathe.
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Diego: And it was eventually personified as like its own god, its own deity.
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Diego: The Archangel Raphael is the Archangel of Air.
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Diego: There's these creatures called Silphs, S-Y-L-P-H-S, Silphs.
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Diego: And so they're supposed to be like these invisible beings of air.
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Diego: And they're all often depicted as like graceful female spirits.
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Diego: They were talked about by this German-Swiss physician in the 16th century called Paracelsus.
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Diego: And yeah, pretty interesting.
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Diego: So yeah, it's like woven into spirituality and mythology and all that stuff from our past.
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Joshua: So I was wondering, huh, back to the zodiac signs.
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Joshua: Are there what are the air people for St.
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Joshua: Seiya?
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Diego: That's actually yeah, I noted a couple of them.
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Diego: There's Hioga, who is the sign of Cygnus, like the swan.
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Diego: He, his powers are very, very much like air based.
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Diego: He was trained by the golden warrior of of Aquarius.
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Diego: And he was like, he trained like in the Arctic or something like that.
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Diego: And all their powers are very much like they're related to freezing.
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Diego: Yeah, they're very much used with like they use wind.
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Diego: The entire power, like I think their entire power set is like wind based.
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Diego: Basically, it's like really, really huge bursts of wind that freeze things.
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Diego: So those are a couple.
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Diego: And then there's a few other, there's a few other knights in Saint Seiya who control, who control wind in different forms.
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Diego: All right, yeah, so let's talk about this, man, like this element in fiction.
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Diego: What stood out to you as powerful wind users?
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Joshua: Well, the first thing obviously is Aang from Avatar.
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Diego: Go ahead, you're official, you're a designated geekologist in charge of Avatar and Naruto lore, so go ahead.
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Joshua: Yeah, so basically, I mean, Aang, he can control all the elements by the end of the series, but his native element is airbending.
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Joshua: And I mean, I talked about this in one of the other episodes.
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Joshua: Every Avatar is like native to one of the four nations, and he was an air nomad.
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Joshua: Basically, the Air Nation, they were nomads and monks, basically.
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Joshua: They moved around constantly.
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Joshua: They had different temples all over the planet, I guess.
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Joshua: And during the whole Fire Nation thing, when the Fire Nation was taking over the world, basically, they destroyed all of the Air Nomad temples, and to the point where Aang was the only airbender left in the world.
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Joshua: And then he got basically Captain America-style frozen in ice, and he was awoken 100 years later, I think.
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Joshua: So, yeah, he was the only airbender left during the Avatar show.
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Joshua: There came up more in The Legend of Korra.
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Joshua: But yeah, he was...
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Joshua: I'm pretty sure...
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<v SPEAKER_3>I don't know.
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Joshua: Yeah, he was...
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Diego: Why did they target?
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Diego: Why did the Fire Nation target the airbenders?
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Joshua: Well, I mean, I guess they seemed like the easiest nation to kind of destroy because they're like monks and they don't really like choose violence.
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Joshua: So I guess they like aim for them first.
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Joshua: But yeah, Aang was the strongest.
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Joshua: I mean, he was the only one.
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Joshua: But at the time, he was the strongest airbender.
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Joshua: And because he's the Avatar, his native element is obviously going to be pretty strong.
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Diego: Yeah, of course.
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Joshua: So yeah, and he also has this pet, Appa.
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Joshua: And he's this like big air bison.
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Joshua: And they're basically like the first ever airbenders.
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Diego: Oh yeah, that creature that he rides on.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: An air bison is what they're called?
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Joshua: I forgot what the actual animal name is.
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Joshua: But that's where the people actually got airbending from.
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Joshua: Because in the Avatar lore, the animals were the first to kind of create the bending techniques.
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<v SPEAKER_3>Okay.
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Joshua: And the air bison were the first creatures to use airbending.
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Diego: So how do they use it?
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<v SPEAKER_3>By flying?
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Joshua: Yeah, flying basically.
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Diego: That creature has always reminded me of that giant furry dragon from...
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Joshua: Never Ending Stories.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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<v SPEAKER_3>Yeah.
00:12:06.674 - 00:12:07.134
Diego: Okay.
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Diego: So any other notable airbenders in that show?
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Joshua: Well, I haven't actually watched The Legend of Korra, so there's definitely some in that show, but in Avatar, he's pretty much the only one.
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<v SPEAKER_3>Okay.
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Diego: Really?
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Joshua: I mean, the show is called Avatar, The Last Airbender.
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<v SPEAKER_3>Oh, my God.
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Diego: I don't know why I never realized that.
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<v SPEAKER_3>Dumb.
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Diego: That's okay.
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Diego: That makes sense.
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Diego: Okay.
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Diego: Cool.
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Diego: Let's see.
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Diego: I'll give you one of mine.
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Diego: There's like a bunch in the comics and stuff, and in like Marvel and DC cartoon shows throughout the years, there's been a whole bunch of air users or air powered people.
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Diego: There's one called Aero, as in like A-E-R-O.
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Diego: She's this Lei Ling.
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Diego: She's this Chinese character.
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Diego: She's an architect who has like the air-based superpowers of different sorts.
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Diego: But in her case, like it's connected to her Chi.
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Diego: Yeah.
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Diego: Which is kind of cool.
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Diego: You don't see like spiritual origins for powers much in comics, like in Marvel and DC.
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Diego: And you got over in the DC side, you got Red Tornado.
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Joshua: Yeah, I was going to say that too.
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Joshua: Yeah.
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Diego: Red Tornado.
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Diego: I think the first time that I really saw him was in the team, Young Justice show.
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Joshua: Really?
00:13:29.774 - 00:13:30.994
<v SPEAKER_3>Yeah.
00:13:30.994 - 00:13:32.194
Diego: I don't really.
00:13:33.314 - 00:13:40.334
Diego: I didn't really like if he was in in in Justice League Unlimited back in the day, I definitely didn't like compute him.
00:13:40.334 - 00:13:42.474
Joshua: He was in I don't know.
00:13:42.474 - 00:13:48.294
Joshua: I don't know which CW show it was, but he was in The Flash, I think.
00:13:49.594 - 00:13:52.294
Diego: Yeah.
00:13:52.294 - 00:13:53.874
Diego: Could it have been Stargirl, maybe?
00:13:53.874 - 00:13:55.194
Joshua: Oh, Supergirl, I think.
00:13:55.194 - 00:13:56.334
Joshua: It was probably Supergirl.
00:13:56.334 - 00:13:56.734
Joshua: Yeah.
00:13:56.734 - 00:13:57.434
Diego: Yeah.
00:13:57.434 - 00:13:59.574
Diego: Well, that guy has an interesting story.
00:13:59.574 - 00:14:06.654
Diego: He was formed with the merger of an Android body and the tornado champion from Planet Ran.
00:14:06.654 - 00:14:08.834
Diego: So he's like not fully Android.
00:14:08.834 - 00:14:12.334
Joshua: He actually has like, he's like an alien Android.
00:14:12.334 - 00:14:13.854
Diego: Yeah, that was interesting.
00:14:13.854 - 00:14:16.754
Joshua: Oh, I was wondering because I just now like realize this.
00:14:18.194 - 00:14:22.354
Joshua: Vision and Red Tornado, one of them is a copy of the other.
00:14:23.554 - 00:14:26.794
Joshua: And I don't know which one came first.
00:14:26.794 - 00:14:34.854
Diego: Well, but Red Tornado definitely stands out as being a bit more different because of his whole wind manipulation.
00:14:34.854 - 00:14:35.654
Joshua: Yeah.
00:14:35.654 - 00:14:36.154
Diego: Yeah.
00:14:36.154 - 00:14:39.534
Diego: He actually has a granddaughter in DC, in the DC comics.
00:14:39.534 - 00:14:43.754
Diego: Her name is Cyclone and she's the granddaughter to the original Red Tornado.
00:14:44.534 - 00:14:48.054
Joshua: Is she the one who was in that Black Adam movie?
00:14:49.714 - 00:14:50.714
Diego: Black Adam movie?
00:14:50.714 - 00:14:51.334
Joshua: Yeah.
00:14:51.334 - 00:14:51.914
Joshua: With Dr.
00:14:51.914 - 00:14:53.974
Joshua: Fate, like his whole crew.
00:14:53.974 - 00:14:55.114
Joshua: There was that girl who could...
00:14:55.194 - 00:14:55.874
Diego: Oh, yeah.
00:14:55.874 - 00:14:57.174
Diego: I know who you're talking about.
00:14:57.174 - 00:14:58.534
Diego: I don't think that was Cyclone.
00:14:58.534 - 00:14:59.874
Diego: I don't remember that name.
00:14:59.874 - 00:15:04.914
Diego: I think I recall looking up the character's name and it was something different.
00:15:04.914 - 00:15:06.634
Diego: But yeah, she's interesting, actually.
00:15:06.634 - 00:15:08.154
Diego: Didn't she?
00:15:08.154 - 00:15:10.714
Joshua: She does have air powers, though.
00:15:10.714 - 00:15:12.014
Diego: Yeah, she does, for sure.
00:15:12.014 - 00:15:13.754
Diego: Couldn't she turn into gas or something?
00:15:14.794 - 00:15:16.134
<v SPEAKER_3>I'm not sure.
00:15:16.134 - 00:15:18.734
Diego: But yeah, that character, I forgot to look her up.
00:15:18.734 - 00:15:20.094
Diego: That's a good example.
00:15:20.714 - 00:15:31.494
Diego: There's another Cyclone in the Marvel side who's like this very smart guy and he designed a costume that accelerates air all around him to up to 300 miles per hour.
00:15:31.494 - 00:15:33.814
Joshua: So he's constantly surrounded by air?
00:15:33.814 - 00:15:34.454
Diego: Yeah.
00:15:34.454 - 00:15:37.434
Diego: And at a radius of up to 100 feet around him.
00:15:37.434 - 00:15:41.494
Diego: So he could either contract it and make himself fly and stuff.
00:15:42.134 - 00:15:43.794
Diego: Yeah, it could act as a force field.
00:15:43.794 - 00:15:45.954
Diego: And of course, he could use it to attack people.
00:15:45.954 - 00:15:53.594
Diego: Like he could do tornado force winds all around him and use whirlwinds to fly and throw at an enemy or whatever.
00:15:53.594 - 00:15:55.134
Diego: So there's that guy.
00:15:56.474 - 00:15:58.434
Diego: Let me see who else from the comics.
00:15:58.434 - 00:16:00.634
Diego: There's a Marvel villain called World Wind.
00:16:00.634 - 00:16:01.614
Diego: This way is weird.
00:16:01.614 - 00:16:02.914
Diego: He's a mutant.
00:16:02.914 - 00:16:06.614
Diego: So he spins his body at high speeds.
00:16:06.614 - 00:16:07.414
Joshua: Like the top?
00:16:08.194 - 00:16:09.474
Diego: Yes.
00:16:09.474 - 00:16:12.094
Diego: I think he was actually known as the top.
00:16:12.094 - 00:16:12.634
Joshua: Really?
00:16:12.634 - 00:16:13.834
Diego: Yeah.
00:16:13.834 - 00:16:15.294
Diego: Weird ability.
00:16:15.494 - 00:16:16.154
Joshua: Yeah.
00:16:16.154 - 00:16:17.394
Diego: Like spinning his body.
00:16:17.394 - 00:16:17.934
Joshua: I'm not gonna lie.
00:16:18.354 - 00:16:22.154
Joshua: Some mutants, some mutant abilities are useless.
00:16:22.154 - 00:16:27.834
Joshua: And a lot of the times they like negatively affect the user, the host, whatever.
00:16:28.054 - 00:16:28.534
Diego: I agree.
00:16:28.534 - 00:16:32.794
Diego: And like, it's weird because you're gonna get that.
00:16:32.794 - 00:16:39.794
Diego: Like, if you have truly, like, randomly distributed powers by nature or whatever, you're gonna get that.
00:16:39.794 - 00:16:50.234
Diego: You're bound to have a whole bunch of powers that are essentially useless unless you're trained somehow, you know, to operate as a team with other powered people.
00:16:50.234 - 00:16:51.034
Joshua: Yeah.
00:16:51.034 - 00:16:52.654
Diego: Like MHA.
00:16:52.654 - 00:16:53.034
Joshua: Yeah.
00:16:53.054 - 00:16:57.254
Diego: MHA is a really good example of, like, random powers generating.
00:16:57.574 - 00:17:01.954
Diego: And the ones that you feel are the most useless suddenly are, like, super useful.
00:17:01.954 - 00:17:04.054
Diego: We were talking about some Mentax the other day.
00:17:04.054 - 00:17:04.554
Joshua: Yeah.
00:17:04.554 - 00:17:05.854
Diego: With the water one.
00:17:05.854 - 00:17:06.834
Joshua: No, with the stuff.
00:17:06.834 - 00:17:07.454
Joshua: With Earth.
00:17:07.454 - 00:17:07.794
Joshua: Yeah.
00:17:07.794 - 00:17:08.834
<v SPEAKER_3>Yeah.
00:17:08.834 - 00:17:09.854
Diego: But he's a really good example.
00:17:09.854 - 00:17:12.534
Diego: Like, you know, it's like, yeah, how is he gonna use it?
00:17:12.534 - 00:17:16.234
Diego: But boom, took down, dismantled the whole fortress from the enemy.
00:17:16.234 - 00:17:20.774
Joshua: Like that, that tape guy, the guy who can, like, shoot tape.
00:17:20.774 - 00:17:22.174
Joshua: Yeah, that seems useless, too.
00:17:22.174 - 00:17:26.834
Joshua: It seems useless, but he ended up, like, teaching Deku how to use his Black Whip ability.
00:17:27.074 - 00:17:27.994
Diego: So.
00:17:27.994 - 00:17:29.554
Diego: And speaking of MA.
00:17:29.554 - 00:17:36.934
Diego: Che, there's a couple of interesting Wind Quirk users in that show or in the manga.
00:17:36.934 - 00:17:40.114
Diego: You've got this one called Cozy.
00:17:40.114 - 00:17:43.494
Diego: Her name is Cozy, and she's from that Class 1B.
00:17:45.054 - 00:17:47.594
Diego: Remember when they went up against each other?
00:17:48.954 - 00:17:55.434
Diego: And they're able to solidify air to form platforms or walls of air.
00:17:55.434 - 00:17:58.434
Diego: And they're like damn near impenetrable.
00:17:58.434 - 00:18:00.114
Diego: So they can resist attacks, obviously.
00:18:00.234 - 00:18:01.574
Joshua: Like solid air?
00:18:01.574 - 00:18:02.914
Diego: Yeah, like solidifying air.
00:18:02.914 - 00:18:04.234
Diego: It's pretty interesting.
00:18:05.474 - 00:18:08.234
Diego: And she has like, you know how they like named their certain abilities?
00:18:08.474 - 00:18:09.094
Diego: Yeah.
00:18:09.094 - 00:18:15.154
Diego: This, they, she named one ability called Air Prison, where she like puts somebody in a cube of air.
00:18:15.154 - 00:18:15.614
Joshua: That's pretty cool.
00:18:15.614 - 00:18:16.314
Diego: And traps them in there.
00:18:16.314 - 00:18:17.714
Diego: Yeah, it is pretty useful.
00:18:17.714 - 00:18:22.994
Diego: But then probably the more notable one is Inasa Yoroshi.
00:18:22.994 - 00:18:25.214
Diego: You know that guy who looks like he dresses like M.
00:18:25.214 - 00:18:27.134
Diego: Bison from Street Fighter?
00:18:27.134 - 00:18:28.354
Joshua: Yeah, that's him.
00:18:28.354 - 00:18:29.574
Diego: Yeah, that's that guy.
00:18:29.574 - 00:18:32.834
Diego: And so his quirk is called World Wind.
00:18:32.834 - 00:18:39.034
Diego: And he's a first year student at Shiketsu High, and they had like that whole, what was it, the licensing, I think?
00:18:39.214 - 00:18:42.414
Joshua: Yeah, where they have to like, there's like a simulation or whatever.
00:18:42.834 - 00:18:43.314
Joshua: Yeah.
00:18:43.314 - 00:18:45.114
Diego: Yeah.
00:18:45.114 - 00:18:49.334
Diego: So yeah, that guy is pretty, a pretty strong wind user, I feel like.
00:18:49.334 - 00:18:50.394
Diego: He was pretty cool.
00:18:50.394 - 00:18:54.594
Diego: Is there anybody else in MA-Chai that you can think of that had wind based powers?
00:18:54.594 - 00:18:55.674
Diego: I feel like there is somebody.
00:18:55.674 - 00:18:59.034
Joshua: Deku actually, you remember Deku's Air Force gloves?
00:19:00.294 - 00:19:00.814
Joshua: Yeah.
00:19:00.814 - 00:19:01.694
Joshua: His whole thing.
00:19:01.694 - 00:19:02.414
Joshua: That's right.
00:19:02.414 - 00:19:04.074
Diego: He could propel himself with it too.
00:19:04.074 - 00:19:04.714
Joshua: Yeah.
00:19:04.714 - 00:19:07.334
Diego: He could have Air Force boots or something?
00:19:07.334 - 00:19:07.714
Joshua: I don't know.
00:19:07.714 - 00:19:08.374
Joshua: I'm not sure.
00:19:08.374 - 00:19:12.294
Joshua: But I remember he could quickly release air.
00:19:12.734 - 00:19:18.854
Joshua: Because he went to that one girl who could build.
00:19:18.994 - 00:19:19.614
Joshua: Yeah.
00:19:19.634 - 00:19:20.174
Diego: Accessory.
00:19:20.174 - 00:19:20.434
Diego: Yeah.
00:19:20.434 - 00:19:20.774
Joshua: Yeah.
00:19:22.074 - 00:19:25.134
Joshua: Because he didn't want to keep breaking his fingers all the time.
00:19:25.254 - 00:19:25.614
Diego: Right.
00:19:25.614 - 00:19:27.534
Joshua: So he by like flicking.
00:19:27.534 - 00:19:29.034
Joshua: So he just used like air.
00:19:29.034 - 00:19:30.954
Joshua: It's like like propel.
00:19:30.954 - 00:19:32.434
Diego: That's pretty cool.
00:19:32.434 - 00:19:32.874
Diego: Yeah, that's right.
00:19:32.874 - 00:19:33.714
Diego: I forgot about that.
00:19:33.714 - 00:19:34.254
Diego: That's right.
00:19:34.254 - 00:19:37.214
Diego: I mean, that dude has like a conglomerate of power.
00:19:37.214 - 00:19:41.094
Diego: So, yeah, one of them had to be related to that element.
00:19:43.094 - 00:19:52.474
Diego: You know, speaking of that of Cozy, the one that does like the air barrier thing, there's I got kind of like a list of air adjacent, powerful people.
00:19:53.814 - 00:19:59.474
Diego: Like, they're not exactly controlling air, but it's like related to it.
00:19:59.474 - 00:20:05.154
Diego: So, for example, one that I've really thought really hard about is Sue Storm, the invisible woman.
00:20:05.154 - 00:20:09.934
Diego: Yeah, like her thing uses more like light.
00:20:09.934 - 00:20:11.554
Joshua: Yeah, because she bends light.
00:20:11.714 - 00:20:13.234
<v SPEAKER_3>Right.
00:20:13.234 - 00:20:18.414
Diego: But I don't know how light can become a solid thing.
00:20:18.414 - 00:20:19.054
Diego: I feel like it's a...
00:20:21.374 - 00:20:27.734
Diego: There's this really interesting thing where the Fantastic Four are always compared to the Four Elements of nature.
00:20:27.734 - 00:20:29.674
<v SPEAKER_3>Think about it.
00:20:29.674 - 00:20:30.574
Joshua: Well, I mean, yeah.
00:20:30.574 - 00:20:32.174
Diego: Ben Grim, Earth.
00:20:32.174 - 00:20:34.394
Diego: Johnny Storm, obviously, Fire.
00:20:34.394 - 00:20:34.674
Diego: Mr.
00:20:34.674 - 00:20:36.114
Diego: Fantastic, Water.
00:20:36.114 - 00:20:37.394
Joshua: Yeah, flowing.
00:20:38.834 - 00:20:41.934
Diego: And then Sue Storm is compared with air.
00:20:41.934 - 00:20:48.534
Joshua: I mean, because do you think her force fields are like making solid air?
00:20:48.994 - 00:20:50.734
Diego: And so they're not technically they're not.
00:20:50.734 - 00:20:58.974
Diego: They're still like, from everything that I read, it's all related to light, which is weird, right?
00:20:58.974 - 00:21:01.594
Joshua: How does light turn into a force?
00:21:01.594 - 00:21:05.054
Joshua: I get obviously how light could turn someone invisible because you're right.
00:21:05.294 - 00:21:05.854
Joshua: Like around.
00:21:05.854 - 00:21:06.774
Diego: Yeah, exactly.
00:21:06.774 - 00:21:08.974
Joshua: But how does force fields have to do with light?
00:21:09.014 - 00:21:12.594
Diego: I have no idea, but that's always seemed to me very weird.
00:21:12.594 - 00:21:20.314
Diego: And I always end up like landing on the idea that she she has to.
00:21:20.314 - 00:21:29.754
Diego: It has to somehow involve the air molecules like I just can't imagine light becoming a solid, but I can imagine air becoming a solid.
00:21:29.774 - 00:21:32.854
Diego: Yeah, you know, it's easier to, I think, imagine that.
00:21:32.854 - 00:21:44.294
Diego: But anyway, that's always been really interesting to me since we're in this four elements series, like the fact that the Fantastic Four are like representative of the four elements of nature, and Soot Storm lands in that air category.
00:21:45.934 - 00:22:03.314
Diego: Other adjacent people, I don't know if you came across this in your research, but for some reason, every super family, like Superman related character from Krypton, it lands in the category of air users because of the-
00:22:03.314 - 00:22:04.294
Joshua: Oh, the ice breath.
00:22:04.354 - 00:22:06.994
Diego: The freezing breath and the fact that they fly.
00:22:08.094 - 00:22:15.114
Diego: I don't know if their flight has to do with air as much as it has to do, I guess, with gravity, the relationship to Earth's gravity.
00:22:15.114 - 00:22:17.954
Diego: I don't know if that's ever been explained.
00:22:17.954 - 00:22:20.274
Diego: I've never been deep into Superman.
00:22:20.274 - 00:22:26.894
Diego: I've not been deep enough that I could know if his flight has ever been explained scientifically in the comics.
00:22:29.014 - 00:22:32.054
Diego: But those people are definitely always associated with that.
00:22:32.174 - 00:22:36.294
Diego: Flash is another one that is associated with air and wind.
00:22:36.294 - 00:22:38.934
Diego: Of course, the speed generates a lot of wind.
00:22:38.934 - 00:22:42.354
Joshua: But also, he has that thing where he moves his hands.
00:22:42.354 - 00:22:43.274
Joshua: Yep.
00:22:43.274 - 00:22:44.134
Diego: The vortex thing.
00:22:44.134 - 00:22:44.674
Joshua: Yeah.
00:22:44.674 - 00:22:46.414
Diego: Yeah, it creates whirlwinds.
00:22:46.414 - 00:22:51.314
Diego: And he uses that quite a bit, like a surprising amount, actually.
00:22:51.314 - 00:23:03.034
Diego: He uses that whole thing of like, he uses air a lot to his advantage by shooting the vortexes, by surrounding the enemy and creating a tornado, basically, to disorient them or whatever.
00:23:04.114 - 00:23:05.754
Diego: Yeah, he uses it quite a bit.
00:23:05.754 - 00:23:17.174
Joshua: Oh, I wanted to mention, and this is like kind of really a pretty small thing, but Hulk, how he always, you know, he has that like move that he always pulls out, where he does that like clap.
00:23:17.174 - 00:23:17.874
Joshua: Yeah.
00:23:17.874 - 00:23:20.454
Joshua: And there's like a shh and like knocks people back.
00:23:20.734 - 00:23:23.094
Diego: And it's definitely like a sound and air thing.
00:23:23.094 - 00:23:23.374
Joshua: Yeah.
00:23:23.374 - 00:23:23.834
Diego: Absolutely.
00:23:23.834 - 00:23:33.534
Joshua: I remember in that Avengers game, one of his like specials or ultimates or whatever was that he would do the clap and like all the opponents would be like forced back.
00:23:33.534 - 00:23:34.254
Diego: Yeah.
00:23:34.254 - 00:23:36.834
Diego: He does it in the Incredible Hulk movie.
00:23:36.834 - 00:23:37.334
Joshua: He does?
00:23:37.334 - 00:23:40.094
Diego: The one, the MCU one, yeah.
00:23:40.094 - 00:23:40.514
Diego: Yeah.
00:23:40.754 - 00:23:48.154
Diego: I think that's how he like either ultimately knocks out, no, no, he knocks out abomination by strangling him.
00:23:49.414 - 00:23:52.614
Diego: But he disorients him at some point with the clap, for sure.
00:23:54.974 - 00:23:56.154
Diego: Powerpuff Girls, do you ask?
00:23:56.154 - 00:23:59.754
Diego: Yes, there is a Powerpuff Girl who can do stuff with air.
00:23:59.754 - 00:24:01.514
Diego: Her name is Blossom.
00:24:01.514 - 00:24:02.734
Diego: She has ice breath.
00:24:02.734 - 00:24:09.054
Diego: So she lands into this category of air adjacent people because she's not like full air controller.
00:24:09.054 - 00:24:09.874
Diego: What do you think of Thor?
00:24:11.814 - 00:24:18.014
Diego: I would say he's kind of similar to Storm in the sense that he can cause a weather phenomena.
00:24:18.014 - 00:24:24.614
Joshua: I would say more Storm because Thor, his whole thing, he's the god of lightning, god of thunder.
00:24:24.614 - 00:24:27.374
Joshua: Storm can more control.
00:24:27.374 - 00:24:34.094
Joshua: But the thing about that is that they always say Storm is the mistress of the elements.
00:24:34.314 - 00:24:37.314
Joshua: I've never seen Storm control fire, really.
00:24:38.214 - 00:24:38.494
Diego: Yeah.
00:24:38.494 - 00:24:40.734
Diego: No, I don't think they mean like the four elements.
00:24:40.734 - 00:24:41.054
Joshua: Yeah.
00:24:41.054 - 00:24:43.234
Diego: I think they're talking about like the elements of weather.
00:24:43.234 - 00:24:43.834
Joshua: Yeah.
00:24:43.834 - 00:24:45.654
Joshua: But she can definitely control wind.
00:24:45.654 - 00:24:45.974
Joshua: Yeah.
00:24:45.974 - 00:24:46.694
Joshua: She does that a lot.
00:24:46.694 - 00:24:47.154
Diego: Absolutely.
00:24:47.154 - 00:24:47.374
Diego: Yeah.
00:24:47.374 - 00:24:50.074
Diego: She can definitely like summon wind and make it do things.
00:24:50.074 - 00:24:50.934
Joshua: Yeah.
00:24:50.934 - 00:24:52.754
Diego: And that's how she flies too.
00:24:52.754 - 00:24:59.754
Diego: As a matter of fact, I think when she flies, they usually show her like, they show little whirlwinds around her or under her or something.
00:24:59.754 - 00:24:59.974
Diego: Yeah.
00:24:59.974 - 00:25:05.794
Diego: So Storm is definitely on my list as a as a wheel, as a true wielder of wind, as a power.
00:25:07.754 - 00:25:08.814
Diego: Who else you got on your list?
00:25:15.456 - 00:25:17.016
<v SPEAKER_3>That's it?
00:25:17.016 - 00:25:19.536
Joshua: No, I had somebody else.
00:25:19.536 - 00:25:22.136
Joshua: Hold on, hold on, hold on.
00:25:22.136 - 00:25:23.016
Diego: Well, I got a couple more people.
00:25:23.016 - 00:25:27.756
Joshua: Oh, actually, actually, Naruto himself.
00:25:27.756 - 00:25:29.856
Diego: Oh, he controls wind?
00:25:29.856 - 00:25:30.716
Joshua: Technically.
00:25:30.716 - 00:25:35.376
Joshua: So in Naruto, they have like styles of fighting.
00:25:35.376 - 00:25:39.876
Joshua: There's like wind style, water style, wood style.
00:25:39.876 - 00:25:43.256
Joshua: And Naruto, most of his attacks are wind style.
00:25:43.936 - 00:25:44.996
Joshua: And he has this attack.
00:25:44.996 - 00:25:47.876
Joshua: He always uses Rasen Shuriken.
00:25:47.876 - 00:25:52.836
Joshua: And like he always shouts out like wind style, Rasen Shuriken.
00:25:52.836 - 00:25:58.756
Joshua: And it's just like kind of controlled air into like the form of like a big shuriken.
00:25:58.756 - 00:25:59.296
Diego: Yeah.
00:25:59.296 - 00:26:03.096
Joshua: And it's kind of like a hair into the form of a throwing star.
00:26:03.096 - 00:26:03.836
Joshua: Yeah.
00:26:03.836 - 00:26:04.256
Diego: Huh.
00:26:04.256 - 00:26:04.936
Diego: Okay.
00:26:04.936 - 00:26:09.336
Joshua: And it's kind of like a Hadouken or something, I guess.
00:26:09.336 - 00:26:09.576
Diego: Okay.
00:26:09.756 - 00:26:15.856
Joshua: And it's he kind of just like forms air into like the shape of a sharp shuriken.
00:26:15.856 - 00:26:17.516
Joshua: And like, yeah.
00:26:18.776 - 00:26:22.916
<v SPEAKER_3>Okay.
00:26:22.916 - 00:26:27.176
Diego: I know that there's more in the world of of of of anime.
00:26:27.176 - 00:26:27.536
Joshua: Yeah.
00:26:27.536 - 00:26:36.156
Diego: Seeing I want to say that somewhere in Dragon Ball, there's somebody who controls wind in some way, but I can't put my finger on who.
00:26:37.536 - 00:26:42.596
Diego: If only there was like a world wide search engine that I could use to give me this answer.
00:26:42.596 - 00:26:44.616
Diego: One day we will reach such technologies.
00:26:44.616 - 00:26:45.236
Joshua: Yeah.
00:26:45.256 - 00:26:46.396
Diego: One day.
00:26:46.396 - 00:26:53.756
Diego: But in Mortal Kombat, there's a couple of of people who have like, yeah, I knew wind related stuff.
00:26:53.756 - 00:26:55.296
Joshua: I forgot what his name was.
00:26:55.296 - 00:26:57.236
Joshua: He has he has like white hair or something.
00:26:57.236 - 00:26:58.536
Diego: Yeah.
00:26:58.536 - 00:26:59.536
Diego: What's that guy's name, man?
00:27:00.956 - 00:27:01.336
Diego: Rain.
00:27:01.336 - 00:27:05.876
Diego: I know rain, I think is able to do some stuff with wind.
00:27:05.876 - 00:27:07.136
Diego: The ninja guy.
00:27:07.136 - 00:27:08.196
Joshua: Smoke.
00:27:08.196 - 00:27:08.756
Joshua: Smoke.
00:27:08.756 - 00:27:09.956
Joshua: Can control smoke.
00:27:09.956 - 00:27:10.416
Diego: Yeah.
00:27:10.416 - 00:27:11.696
Diego: You can turn into smoke.
00:27:11.696 - 00:27:12.036
Joshua: Yeah.
00:27:12.036 - 00:27:13.116
Diego: Into smoke.
00:27:13.116 - 00:27:13.576
Diego: Yeah.
00:27:13.576 - 00:27:18.676
Diego: And that's actually one of those like adjacent abilities.
00:27:18.676 - 00:27:23.276
Diego: Miasma kinesis or aerob, yeah, Miasma kinesis, gas manipulation.
00:27:24.556 - 00:27:26.756
Diego: And there's like a lot of Pokemon that do this.
00:27:27.096 - 00:27:29.636
Diego: You know a Pokemon that is like three rocky heads floating?
00:27:29.636 - 00:27:30.476
Joshua: Yeah.
00:27:30.476 - 00:27:34.396
Diego: That Pokemon has like gas, so it was like spewing gas and stuff.
00:27:35.676 - 00:27:38.076
Diego: Who else does gas related things?
00:27:39.936 - 00:27:41.576
Diego: But definitely smoke.
00:27:41.576 - 00:27:47.856
Diego: And I know the guy that you're talking about from Mortal Kombat, he's, I think he's like a god.
00:27:49.036 - 00:27:49.336
Joshua: Yeah.
00:27:49.416 - 00:27:51.536
Joshua: Yes.
00:27:51.536 - 00:27:57.096
Joshua: I'm not sure, but I know that he does control wind like pretty directly.
00:27:57.096 - 00:27:57.836
Diego: Fujin.
00:27:57.836 - 00:27:58.256
Joshua: Yeah.
00:27:58.756 - 00:28:00.316
Diego: That's his name.
00:28:00.316 - 00:28:00.616
Diego: Yeah.
00:28:00.616 - 00:28:04.076
Diego: That guy definitely controls wind.
00:28:05.396 - 00:28:05.856
Diego: Who else?
00:28:05.856 - 00:28:06.516
Diego: Let's see.
00:28:07.376 - 00:28:09.456
Diego: There's certain several characters in Ninjago.
00:28:10.136 - 00:28:10.296
Diego: Yeah.
00:28:10.296 - 00:28:14.976
Diego: Because Ninjago plays a lot with that mystical kind of stuff of the elements.
00:28:14.976 - 00:28:20.536
Diego: There's this one big villain called Moro, who was an elemental master of wind.
00:28:20.536 - 00:28:23.476
Diego: And he was, I think, one of the main villains in one of those seasons or movies.
00:28:23.496 - 00:28:23.776
Joshua: Yeah.
00:28:23.776 - 00:28:26.916
Joshua: It's been so long since I watched that show.
00:28:26.916 - 00:28:27.056
Diego: Yeah.
00:28:27.056 - 00:28:27.756
Diego: I know.
00:28:27.756 - 00:28:28.876
Diego: You got into it pretty deeply.
00:28:28.996 - 00:28:29.216
Joshua: Yeah.
00:28:29.216 - 00:28:29.896
Joshua: I watched.
00:28:30.356 - 00:28:31.916
Joshua: I was going to really like it.
00:28:31.916 - 00:28:33.356
Joshua: It's a good show, too.
00:28:33.356 - 00:28:33.876
Diego: Is it?
00:28:33.876 - 00:28:35.276
Joshua: Yeah.
00:28:35.276 - 00:28:40.876
Diego: Um, then I mean, enough that you ended up like cosplaying for Halloween.
00:28:40.876 - 00:28:41.296
Joshua: Yeah.
00:28:41.296 - 00:28:43.136
Diego: For Halloween, I said.
00:28:44.956 - 00:28:46.016
Diego: Sailor Moon.
00:28:46.016 - 00:28:54.356
Diego: There's one of the squad, Sailor Moon squad, her name, Uranus.
00:28:55.556 - 00:28:56.196
Diego: Uranus.
00:28:56.216 - 00:28:57.096
Joshua: Uranus.
00:28:57.096 - 00:28:57.396
Diego: Uranus.
00:28:57.396 - 00:28:58.476
Diego: Sailor Uranus.
00:28:58.476 - 00:28:59.356
Joshua: Uranus.
00:28:59.356 - 00:29:00.496
Diego: Sailor Uranus.
00:29:00.496 - 00:29:01.916
Diego: Uranus, the planet Uranus.
00:29:01.916 - 00:29:03.576
Diego: Oh, Jesus.
00:29:03.576 - 00:29:05.256
Diego: Do you not know how Sailor Moon functions?
00:29:05.256 - 00:29:09.476
Diego: They each have like planets or bodies, their celestial bodies that they derive their powers from.
00:29:09.516 - 00:29:11.976
Joshua: And Sailor Moon's one is the moon?
00:29:11.976 - 00:29:12.996
Diego: Yes.
00:29:12.996 - 00:29:17.076
Diego: And then Sailor Uranus, she can control wind.
00:29:17.076 - 00:29:20.336
Diego: That's one of her core powers.
00:29:20.416 - 00:29:22.076
Joshua: Why do you look so surprised?
00:29:22.076 - 00:29:23.676
Joshua: I don't know.
00:29:23.896 - 00:29:26.276
Joshua: Is Uranus, like...
00:29:26.276 - 00:29:30.536
Joshua: Because, I mean, all the planets are named after the Roman gods.
00:29:30.536 - 00:29:33.096
Joshua: So is Uranus...
00:29:33.776 - 00:29:35.136
Joshua: Does that god in Roman mythology...
00:29:35.136 - 00:29:37.536
Diego: Pretty sure it's pronounced Uranus.
00:29:37.536 - 00:29:45.856
Joshua: Does Uranus in Roman mythology, does that god, whatever, whichever god that is, does that have to do with air?
00:29:46.996 - 00:29:48.416
Diego: That I do not know.
00:29:48.416 - 00:29:50.376
<v SPEAKER_3>I'm not sure.
00:29:50.376 - 00:29:51.396
Joshua: Perhaps, perhaps.
00:29:51.396 - 00:29:52.576
Diego: Yeah, I don't know.
00:29:52.576 - 00:29:53.676
Diego: But anyway, that's one.
00:29:53.676 - 00:29:55.416
Diego: There's another example from anime.
00:29:55.416 - 00:29:58.736
Diego: But I mean, I just, I know that in anime there I have seen more.
00:30:00.316 - 00:30:07.316
Diego: Maybe in like Ninja Scroll, maybe Demon Slayer?
00:30:07.856 - 00:30:09.816
Diego: Wasn't there somebody in Demon Slayer?
00:30:09.816 - 00:30:10.676
Diego: Man, I swear to God.
00:30:10.676 - 00:30:15.236
Diego: I swear that I've seen like this kind of stuff in anime before.
00:30:15.236 - 00:30:21.776
Diego: But then again, you can find pretty much like anything in anime, I feel like, when it comes to control of elements and stuff like that.
00:30:21.776 - 00:30:22.076
Diego: Who else?
00:30:22.076 - 00:30:26.436
Diego: We got this character called Wind Dancer, who is one of the members of the New Mutants.
00:30:27.556 - 00:30:32.256
Diego: And she can control air and controlled wind and manipulate the climate overall.
00:30:33.996 - 00:30:55.056
Diego: Man, when I was reading through this stuff and preparing for the episode, I feel like if I was a wind user or an aerokinetic, if you will, one of the first things that I would learn, kind of like to have as a default in my back pocket, is the ability to suck the air out of a specific area.
00:30:57.016 - 00:30:59.736
Joshua: Well, what would that do to help you?
00:30:59.736 - 00:31:00.716
Diego: What?
00:31:00.716 - 00:31:01.976
Joshua: To take the air out of it.
00:31:01.976 - 00:31:06.776
Diego: As long as I'm fighting some sort of organic-based life form, they're done.
00:31:07.476 - 00:31:10.356
Joshua: I thought you meant in your day-to-day life.
00:31:10.356 - 00:31:11.716
Diego: No, man.
00:31:13.036 - 00:31:16.116
Diego: I want to suck the air out of the room in my day-to-day life.
00:31:16.116 - 00:31:38.736
Diego: But think about it, if all else fails, and you're fighting something that is not a robot or a spirit of some sort, if all else fails and they're defeating you, if you have that as your last resort, remove the air from the general vicinity and keep air around you, and whoever it is that's coming at you, no oxygen to the brain.
00:31:38.736 - 00:31:39.196
Diego: They're done.
00:31:39.196 - 00:31:40.296
Diego: They're going to collapse.
00:31:40.296 - 00:31:46.936
Joshua: Do you think like aerokinetics, if they take the air out of an area, how do they make it?
00:31:47.076 - 00:31:52.876
Joshua: Like, do they just force the air not to fill in the empty spot?
00:31:52.876 - 00:31:53.276
Diego: I think so, yeah.
00:31:53.276 - 00:31:54.696
Joshua: Can they like push the air back?
00:31:54.696 - 00:32:01.396
Diego: I think those people, like anybody who has was able to do that in particular, you're creating a vacuum.
00:32:01.396 - 00:32:06.456
Diego: And at that point, you're like, you're able to control air at a molecular level.
00:32:06.456 - 00:32:06.856
Joshua: Yeah.
00:32:06.856 - 00:32:07.036
Diego: Right.
00:32:07.036 - 00:32:12.096
Diego: Because you have to push the molecules out of a particular space and you create a vacuum like outer space.
00:32:12.996 - 00:32:22.156
Diego: So, yeah, like technically you're creating a little space that is like outside of this planet, right?
00:32:22.836 - 00:32:29.876
Diego: That isn't like a little exception to the atmosphere of Earth, you know?
00:32:29.876 - 00:32:31.496
Diego: That's a hell of a power, man.
00:32:31.496 - 00:32:31.976
Joshua: Yeah.
00:32:31.976 - 00:32:33.516
Diego: That's a real, real strong ability.
00:32:33.516 - 00:32:37.416
Diego: I feel like somebody like that could be like a global threat.
00:32:37.416 - 00:32:41.396
Diego: Kind of like Magneto with his EMP across the whole globe.
00:32:41.436 - 00:32:42.576
Joshua: And yeah.
00:32:42.576 - 00:32:43.136
Diego: Yeah.
00:32:43.136 - 00:32:52.836
Diego: I mean, you take away the air from the entire planet, you can, you're at, you're now a really, really big threat if you're a villain.
00:32:52.836 - 00:32:54.156
Joshua: Where do you think Magneto?
00:32:54.156 - 00:33:04.476
Joshua: I mean, because obviously there's a whole thing of like Earth and like metal, whatever, but his power, his mutation is controlling magnetic fields.
00:33:04.476 - 00:33:04.916
Diego: Right.
00:33:04.916 - 00:33:09.076
Joshua: So where do you think he would really fall under the, like, the Four Elements?
00:33:09.076 - 00:33:10.856
Diego: I don't think he does, man.
00:33:10.856 - 00:33:13.556
Diego: I think he's a whole different category.
00:33:15.176 - 00:33:17.956
Diego: I think anybody who is able to control...
00:33:20.976 - 00:33:23.816
Diego: powers?
00:33:23.816 - 00:33:24.936
Diego: No, I don't know.
00:33:24.936 - 00:33:26.556
Diego: It's just a very different thing.
00:33:26.556 - 00:33:29.136
Diego: Like, it is its own category.
00:33:29.956 - 00:33:30.816
Diego: Yeah.
00:33:30.816 - 00:33:37.856
Diego: You can't label electromagnetism underneath any one of these.
00:33:40.676 - 00:33:46.576
Diego: And I think there's other things that fall into similar spots, where it's just like they are their own element.
00:33:46.576 - 00:33:55.976
Diego: That's kind of an interesting topic to discuss, like what things are outside of the Four Elements that you can't categorize.
00:33:55.976 - 00:33:58.436
Diego: Maybe it could be like a follow-up episode we do one day.
00:33:59.276 - 00:34:02.156
<v SPEAKER_3>Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
00:34:02.156 - 00:34:02.576
Diego: So who else?
00:34:02.576 - 00:34:05.756
Diego: You got anyone else on your list at all?
00:34:07.196 - 00:34:17.696
Joshua: Well, I mean, I feel like users of flight, like users of flight that aren't really explained how they fly.
00:34:17.696 - 00:34:21.796
Joshua: I mean, obviously, it's never really that deep.
00:34:21.796 - 00:34:24.036
Joshua: It's just like they can just fly, right?
00:34:24.036 - 00:34:33.196
Joshua: But I feel like if you do think that deep, you have to wonder like what method are they using to fly?
00:34:33.196 - 00:34:33.716
Diego: Yeah.
00:34:33.716 - 00:34:38.216
Joshua: Like, are they like proposing, is that a word?
00:34:38.216 - 00:34:39.256
Diego: Propelling.
00:34:39.256 - 00:34:44.756
Joshua: Are they like propelling air off the ground to like launch themselves into the air?
00:34:44.756 - 00:34:47.336
Diego: Those would technically be aerokinetics.
00:34:47.336 - 00:34:47.856
Joshua: Yeah.
00:34:47.856 - 00:34:51.036
Joshua: But I mean, there's a lot of people who use flight that we don't know.
00:34:51.036 - 00:34:51.196
Joshua: Yeah.
00:34:51.436 - 00:34:53.856
Joshua: Like, how they do, so...
00:34:54.176 - 00:34:56.916
Diego: And the thing is, like, you can only do so...
00:34:56.916 - 00:34:59.936
Diego: You can only achieve that through so many methods, right?
00:34:59.936 - 00:35:03.836
Diego: Like, Magneto uses the Earth's magnetic...
00:35:03.836 - 00:35:04.296
Diego: What do you call it?
00:35:04.296 - 00:35:05.156
Diego: The...
00:35:05.156 - 00:35:06.016
Joshua: Magnetic field?
00:35:06.016 - 00:35:09.316
Diego: Magnetic field of the Earth to levitate, right?
00:35:09.316 - 00:35:11.476
Diego: So that's what he's using.
00:35:12.936 - 00:35:17.056
Diego: You can have somebody that is able to cancel gravity.
00:35:17.056 - 00:35:18.036
Joshua: Gravity, yeah.
00:35:18.336 - 00:35:21.556
Diego: But then, like, how do they hover in the air?
00:35:21.556 - 00:35:25.256
Joshua: Like, Deku with his float cork.
00:35:25.256 - 00:35:25.816
Diego: Yeah, yeah.
00:35:25.816 - 00:35:26.296
Joshua: Because that...
00:35:26.296 - 00:35:27.096
Joshua: It's not flight.
00:35:27.096 - 00:35:29.476
Joshua: It's just being able to float in the air.
00:35:29.476 - 00:35:30.036
Diego: That was...
00:35:30.036 - 00:35:32.296
Diego: That's a good example of canceling gravity.
00:35:32.296 - 00:35:36.556
Diego: And you could tell, like, he's kind of, like, just, like, floating there.
00:35:36.556 - 00:35:38.076
Diego: He's not really in control of it.
00:35:38.076 - 00:35:43.476
Joshua: Also, Ururaka, her whole thing is, like, touching something or herself.
00:35:43.476 - 00:35:45.056
Diego: Oh, yeah, to levitate it, right?
00:35:45.056 - 00:35:46.056
Joshua: Anti-gravity.
00:35:46.056 - 00:35:46.996
Diego: Oh, yeah, that's right.
00:35:47.456 - 00:35:49.016
Joshua: Like, her whole thing is just taking away the gravity.
00:35:49.016 - 00:35:51.256
<v SPEAKER_3>What's her name again?
00:35:51.256 - 00:35:53.836
Joshua: Oh, Chaco or Ururaka, or, like, her hero name.
00:35:53.836 - 00:35:55.716
Diego: Her hero name.
00:35:55.716 - 00:35:56.176
Joshua: I don't know.
00:35:56.176 - 00:35:59.236
Diego: Isn't it Urugravity or something?
00:35:59.236 - 00:36:00.016
Joshua: I don't remember.
00:36:00.016 - 00:36:02.716
Diego: But anyway, yeah, yeah, her thing is gravity, for sure.
00:36:04.156 - 00:36:10.496
Diego: Wind users are the more believable ones when it comes to being able to control themselves in midair.
00:36:10.496 - 00:36:11.876
Diego: Magneto, too, technically.
00:36:11.876 - 00:36:12.456
Joshua: Yeah.
00:36:12.456 - 00:36:13.436
Diego: He's pretty believable.
00:36:15.476 - 00:36:20.376
Diego: But there's a problem with the super family, like Superman, Supergirl, all these people.
00:36:20.376 - 00:36:27.216
Diego: There's definitely an issue with them because along the way, I'm reading this book now called Superman.
00:36:27.216 - 00:36:32.776
Diego: It's like the whole history of the character across everything, like film, comics, everything.
00:36:32.776 - 00:36:39.716
Diego: And at the very beginning, they didn't bother at all to explain any of it, any of the signs.
00:36:39.716 - 00:36:42.256
Diego: And then little by little, they started adding things.
00:36:43.436 - 00:36:54.956
Diego: And some of it, some of it, the Superman movies gave him really weird, random powers that the comics had never touched on.
00:36:54.956 - 00:37:03.596
Diego: Like the ability to turn back time and the ability to throw his Superman symbol and become this wrapping thing that traps a person.
00:37:03.596 - 00:37:05.796
Joshua: In the like, really?
00:37:05.956 - 00:37:10.936
Diego: Yeah, and the ability to kiss a woman and make her forget his secret identity.
00:37:10.936 - 00:37:13.476
Joshua: Like in the 1979 movie?
00:37:13.496 - 00:37:13.796
Joshua: Really?
00:37:13.796 - 00:37:15.556
Diego: The Richard Donner films, yeah.
00:37:15.556 - 00:37:18.056
Diego: Really weird, weird powers that they decided to give him.
00:37:18.056 - 00:37:26.556
Diego: It was like this random catch-all character that you could basically like throw whatever power and everybody's gonna believe it because he's Superman.
00:37:26.556 - 00:37:30.456
Joshua: You think just because, I mean, his name is Superman.
00:37:30.456 - 00:37:38.956
Joshua: If you really dissect that name, you think they just thought, oh, he's like the most super version of a man.
00:37:38.956 - 00:37:40.356
Joshua: He can do anything.
00:37:40.356 - 00:37:40.856
Diego: I guess.
00:37:40.856 - 00:37:42.856
Joshua: Like Superman, he can do anything.
00:37:42.856 - 00:37:46.456
Diego: Yeah, every man wants to make women forget, right?
00:37:46.456 - 00:37:47.436
Diego: No?
00:37:47.436 - 00:37:48.136
Diego: Hello?
00:37:48.136 - 00:37:49.636
Diego: Anybody still listening after that cut?
00:37:49.636 - 00:37:50.556
Diego: No, okay.
00:37:50.556 - 00:37:50.816
Diego: Yeah.
00:37:50.816 - 00:37:51.816
Diego: No, I don't know, man.
00:37:51.956 - 00:37:52.796
Diego: It's really weird.
00:37:52.796 - 00:37:53.316
Diego: It really is.
00:37:53.316 - 00:38:00.356
Diego: But anyway, along the way, at some point, they started bringing in the explanation, like the scientific quote unquote explanations for his powers.
00:38:00.576 - 00:38:00.756
Joshua: Yeah.
00:38:00.756 - 00:38:14.096
Diego: So like at some point in the, I don't know, it was like in the 70s or 80s, they introduced the whole idea of, but probably in the 80s, they introduced a whole idea that one gives a Kryptonian super abilities is the sun.
00:38:14.096 - 00:38:14.456
Joshua: Yeah.
00:38:14.456 - 00:38:14.716
Diego: Right.
00:38:14.716 - 00:38:16.696
Diego: They had a red sun, we have a yellow sun.
00:38:16.696 - 00:38:22.256
Diego: And so being exposed to a yellow sun, that different radiation makes their anatomy act differently.
00:38:23.636 - 00:38:32.816
Diego: And, you know, okay, that, it's comic logic, so I'm not going to, like, you know, bust my head too hard for trying to make sense out of it.
00:38:32.816 - 00:38:45.136
Diego: But you can kind of like use that as a nice little catch-all explanation for like, okay, that's how, you know, they can throw radiation from their eyes and that's how they can have like invulnerable skin.
00:38:45.176 - 00:38:54.196
Joshua: Wait, so they only have, they only like have that super anatomy when they're exposed to the yellow sun?
00:38:54.196 - 00:38:55.256
Diego: Yeah.
00:38:55.256 - 00:38:59.216
Joshua: I thought the yellow sun just like makes it more strong.
00:39:00.336 - 00:39:03.236
Joshua: So wait, on Krypton, they don't have those powers?
00:39:03.236 - 00:39:05.836
Diego: No, they're not super powered on Krypton.
00:39:05.836 - 00:39:06.736
Joshua: Oh.
00:39:06.736 - 00:39:09.456
Diego: They're just highly advanced technologically, but they're not super powered.
00:39:10.956 - 00:39:13.636
Diego: And then, like, remember Flashpoint?
00:39:13.636 - 00:39:13.996
Joshua: Yeah.
00:39:13.996 - 00:39:15.736
Diego: The Superman from that world?
00:39:15.736 - 00:39:19.376
Diego: That they had them locked in with red sun radiation at all times?
00:39:19.376 - 00:39:19.876
Joshua: Yeah.
00:39:19.876 - 00:39:21.776
Diego: They had no powers at all?
00:39:21.776 - 00:39:34.616
Diego: So they've tried to explain it, but even that, like, that has no explanation at all for why they fly, which is where we were going with this, or explanation for how they have that massive breath for that matter.
00:39:35.116 - 00:39:35.576
Joshua: Yeah.
00:39:35.576 - 00:39:36.016
Diego: Like, what?
00:39:36.016 - 00:39:40.896
Diego: Does the yellow sun radiation make their lungs function in a superpower way?
00:39:40.896 - 00:39:41.496
Diego: I guess?
00:39:41.496 - 00:39:42.516
Diego: I don't know, man.
00:39:42.516 - 00:39:43.736
Diego: It's kind of weird.
00:39:43.736 - 00:39:49.256
Diego: But, yeah, there is, like, zero explanation for how Superman flies.
00:39:49.256 - 00:39:49.896
Joshua: Yeah.
00:39:49.896 - 00:39:52.636
Diego: He definitely has nothing to do with wind.
00:39:52.636 - 00:39:56.296
Diego: If it has anything to do with gravity, it wouldn't explain how he has perfect control.
00:39:56.296 - 00:39:59.376
Diego: How he's able to accelerate, like, at will.
00:39:59.376 - 00:40:00.116
Joshua: Yeah.
00:40:00.116 - 00:40:05.236
Diego: I feel like it's a lot easier with wind in the mix and control of wind.
00:40:05.236 - 00:40:13.116
Diego: It's a lot easier to explain flight and to explain acceleration and to explain, like, a lot of things, you know, like control in mid-air.
00:40:14.616 - 00:40:15.716
Diego: Captain Planet.
00:40:15.716 - 00:40:17.776
Diego: Yes, he is our hero.
00:40:17.776 - 00:40:18.656
Joshua: Captain Planet.
00:40:18.656 - 00:40:21.116
Diego: He's going to bring pollution down to zero.
00:40:21.116 - 00:40:23.836
Joshua: Yeah, with the help of Mahti.
00:40:23.836 - 00:40:25.696
Diego: No, we're not talking about Mahti today, son.
00:40:25.696 - 00:40:26.976
Diego: We're talking about Linka today.
00:40:27.256 - 00:40:28.016
Diego: Oh.
00:40:28.016 - 00:40:29.036
Diego: Linka.
00:40:29.036 - 00:40:29.576
Joshua: Linka.
00:40:29.576 - 00:40:30.396
Diego: Linka, son.
00:40:30.396 - 00:40:31.636
Diego: Russia's in the house.
00:40:31.636 - 00:40:32.616
Diego: Okay.
00:40:32.616 - 00:40:39.056
Diego: Yes, she is a Russian member of the Captain Planet squad.
00:40:39.056 - 00:40:47.816
Diego: She received the wind ring that allows her to control wind from a bird while she was playing songs on her electric guitar.
00:40:47.816 - 00:40:49.396
Diego: That is just badassery right there.
00:40:49.396 - 00:40:50.696
Joshua: Wait, the bird dropped her?
00:40:50.696 - 00:40:52.396
Diego: The bird just brought the ring to her.
00:40:52.396 - 00:40:53.116
Diego: Come on, bro.
00:40:53.116 - 00:40:54.096
Diego: That is so cool.
00:40:54.096 - 00:40:55.416
Diego: What was Mahti doing?
00:40:55.416 - 00:40:56.556
Diego: What was Mahti doing?
00:40:56.676 - 00:40:58.756
Diego: Was he like listening to his heart?
00:40:58.756 - 00:41:02.116
Diego: What was he doing when he was handed this thing?
00:41:02.116 - 00:41:09.816
Diego: Because this woman was literally making sound travel through the wind, and then a bird heard it and came and gave her a magic ring.
00:41:09.816 - 00:41:11.196
Joshua: I don't know if it's that deep.
00:41:11.196 - 00:41:13.496
Joshua: I don't think it's that deep that she was making sound.
00:41:13.496 - 00:41:14.876
Joshua: I think she was just playing her guitar.
00:41:14.876 - 00:41:16.036
Diego: It is for me, okay?
00:41:16.036 - 00:41:17.456
Diego: It is for me.
00:41:17.456 - 00:41:23.776
Diego: And of course, she is one of the more powerful ring users, you know, from the Captain Planet team.
00:41:25.656 - 00:41:30.856
Diego: Man, I was about to say so much to make a Captain Planet movie, but no, they probably shouldn't.
00:41:30.876 - 00:41:33.936
Diego: I feel like those themes are not going to land very well.
00:41:35.396 - 00:41:37.156
Diego: Well, no, you know what?
00:41:37.156 - 00:41:42.996
Diego: With all the climate change stuff going on right now, they could pull off a pretty dope movie, I think.
00:41:42.996 - 00:41:43.536
Diego: Captain Planet.
00:41:43.536 - 00:41:46.556
Diego: But then again, it's always the cheesiness with your powers combined.
00:41:46.916 - 00:41:52.676
Joshua: You think they could, like, do, you think they could, like, make Mahti actually do something if they made a Captain Planet movie?
00:41:53.596 - 00:41:55.656
Diego: Man, give it to the Russo brothers.
00:41:55.656 - 00:41:56.356
Diego: See what they do.
00:41:56.356 - 00:41:58.836
Diego: Marcus McFeely and the Russo brothers.
00:41:58.836 - 00:42:02.256
Diego: Let them write and direct the brilliant iteration of Captain Planet.
00:42:02.256 - 00:42:03.236
Joshua: Yeah.
00:42:03.236 - 00:42:10.356
Diego: But anyway, yeah, that's, of course, you know, we got to mention the Captain Planet squad, and luckily today we got to mention a real powerful one.
00:42:10.356 - 00:42:12.196
Diego: Linka is definitely powerful.
00:42:12.196 - 00:42:15.876
Diego: She uses that ring thing pretty cool in a pretty cool way.
00:42:17.076 - 00:42:26.116
Diego: So yeah, man, anything else that we haven't mentioned, any other characters that we haven't mentioned when it comes to the element of wind?
00:42:28.996 - 00:42:40.916
Diego: It's interesting that both wind users and water users can technically achieve ice and cold.
00:42:42.296 - 00:42:46.016
Joshua: Well, I get how wind users could achieve cold, but how ice?
00:42:47.736 - 00:42:51.836
Diego: Because if you're able to control them...
00:42:51.836 - 00:42:53.496
Joshua: Well, molecules?
00:42:53.496 - 00:42:57.196
Diego: Well, no, how ice by super blasting water with cold air.
00:42:57.196 - 00:43:10.976
Diego: If you're able to control the molecules, because technically, if I remember science class correctly, like what makes air cold or hot is the vibration of the molecules of air.
00:43:10.976 - 00:43:15.756
Diego: Like if the atoms or something, like if they're vibrating at a certain level, they'll be hot.
00:43:15.756 - 00:43:16.056
Diego: Yeah.
00:43:16.056 - 00:43:20.276
Joshua: So if you like still the molecules, it would make the air...
00:43:20.976 - 00:43:21.616
Joshua: Yeah.
00:43:21.616 - 00:43:24.776
Joshua: So you could change the temperature of the air.
00:43:24.776 - 00:43:25.016
Diego: Yeah.
00:43:25.016 - 00:43:28.036
Diego: And thus freeze water and that sort of thing.
00:43:28.036 - 00:43:28.376
Diego: Yeah.
00:43:28.376 - 00:43:29.356
Diego: It's pretty interesting.
00:43:29.356 - 00:43:30.356
Diego: That's another thing, actually.
00:43:30.396 - 00:43:31.616
Diego: That's another really powerful thing.
00:43:31.616 - 00:43:47.116
Diego: Like if you're able to affect the molecules that way, then you could shut a person down, like an enemy down without even getting close to them, because you can only tolerate hot air so much or cold air.
00:43:47.116 - 00:43:47.876
Diego: Right?
00:43:47.876 - 00:43:49.916
Diego: Like there's a whole like thin air thing.
00:43:49.916 - 00:43:52.616
Diego: When the air is really, really cold, it becomes difficult to breathe.
00:43:52.616 - 00:43:53.216
Joshua: Yeah.
00:43:53.216 - 00:43:55.196
Diego: Yeah.
00:43:55.196 - 00:43:55.936
Diego: And you can do a lot.
00:43:55.936 - 00:43:57.316
Diego: It could cause a lot of things.
00:43:57.316 - 00:44:00.896
Diego: Dehydration, if you heat up the air enough, you know, all that kind of stuff.
00:44:00.896 - 00:44:02.136
Diego: It's pretty interesting, man.
00:44:02.136 - 00:44:11.736
Diego: Like depending on how deep the control of air and wind actually is, you can you can do quite a bit with with that ability.
00:44:11.736 - 00:44:15.796
Joshua: Are you going to are you going to dump the container full of air on me now?
00:44:15.796 - 00:44:17.256
Diego: I'll blow some air your way.
00:44:17.256 - 00:44:17.856
Joshua: OK.
00:44:17.856 - 00:44:19.676
Diego: I'll ask my friend to teach me his ability.
00:44:19.676 - 00:44:20.316
Joshua: OK.
00:44:20.316 - 00:44:22.836
Joshua: Your friend, your friend, not me, not not not you.
00:44:22.836 - 00:44:24.716
Diego: No, I'm learning from my friend.
00:44:24.796 - 00:44:27.496
<v SPEAKER_3>I want to become a flatulence medic.
00:44:27.496 - 00:44:31.576
<v SPEAKER_3>That's not we can make it a word.
00:44:31.576 - 00:44:34.016
Joshua: We could like call up Oxford Dictionary right now.
00:44:34.016 - 00:44:34.576
Diego: Yes.
00:44:34.576 - 00:44:38.236
Diego: I mean, there's been sillier words added to the dictionary.
00:44:38.236 - 00:44:42.076
Diego: Yeah, like, yeah, I guess probably a word in the dictionary by this point.
00:44:42.076 - 00:44:44.756
Joshua: Well, I mean, OK, yeah, was always a word.
00:44:44.756 - 00:44:45.816
Diego: Well, yapping.
00:44:45.816 - 00:44:46.516
Joshua: Yeah.
00:44:46.516 - 00:44:46.956
Diego: Oh, I guess.
00:44:46.956 - 00:44:47.396
Diego: Yeah, too.
00:44:48.296 - 00:44:54.216
Joshua: But like to the app, like the verb to like the meaning of yapp, like the new meaning of yapp.
00:44:54.216 - 00:44:56.436
Diego: I think this whole conversation is the app.
00:44:56.436 - 00:44:56.696
Diego: Yeah.
00:44:57.576 - 00:44:58.136
Joshua: OK.
00:44:58.136 - 00:44:58.296
Diego: Yeah.
00:45:04.557 - 00:45:10.777
Diego: Thank you all for listening to this episode of Geekology 101, all focused on the element of wind.
00:45:10.777 - 00:45:19.357
Diego: Tune in in our next episode for the conclusion of the Four Elements series, where we're gonna be talking about fire, the wagle.
00:45:19.357 - 00:45:26.677
Diego: If you haven't caught the previous two episodes, the episode on water, the episode on earth, you can go ahead and take advantage and visit our website.
00:45:26.677 - 00:45:27.857
Diego: It's
00:45:30.117 - 00:45:33.797
Diego: There, you'll be able to listen to episodes, watch episodes.
00:45:33.857 - 00:45:35.717
Diego: We got our videos up there.
00:45:35.717 - 00:45:38.157
Diego: We got all the ways that you can subscribe and follow us.
00:45:38.157 - 00:45:43.517
Diego: You can download transcripts of our episodes and get to know a little bit about Joshua and myself.
00:45:43.517 - 00:45:49.037
Diego: Down at the bottom of the homepage, you'll see a contact form so you can join the geeky conversation that way.
00:45:49.037 - 00:45:56.137
Joshua: Or if you want to hear some of your more traditional means, you can contact us at g101podcasts at
00:45:56.137 - 00:45:58.997
Diego: Thank you all for listening, and we will catch you in the next episode.
00:45:58.997 - 00:46:00.217
Diego: We are gone with the wind.
00:46:00.397 - 00:46:03.437
Joshua: Flatula Kinetic, Fletchula Kinetic.
00:46:03.437 - 00:46:04.397
Joshua: Your friend, not you.
00:46:04.397 - 00:46:05.797
Diego: My friend, not me.
00:46:05.797 - 00:46:06.317
Joshua: Yeah.
00:46:06.317 - 00:46:06.577
Diego: Not me.
00:46:07.257 - 00:46:07.957
Diego: This is still YAP.