Ok, hear us out… we know they’re villains, but some of them kinda had a point to their villany. We’re gonna make our case for villains who had a point in doing what they did. Let’s see if you agree with us!

00:01:00.448 --> 00:01:02.408
Joshua: Welcome to Geekology 101.

00:01:02.428 --> 00:01:03.468
Joshua: My name is Joshua.

00:01:03.768 --> 00:01:04.728
Diego: And I'm Diego.

00:01:05.068 --> 00:01:11.328
Joshua: And today, we're going to be diving into villains that kind of had a point.

00:01:11.788 --> 00:01:15.448
Diego: Yeah, they say that a broken clock is right twice a day. ...